Chapter 23: Exploration
Xavier took a deep breath, steadying himself as he pushed forward through the desolate streets of the ruined cityscape. The towering skyscrapers, once symbols of human achievement, now lay in twisted ruins, their broken frames casting jagged shadows under the dim, perpetual twilight that blanketed this world. His boots crunched against shattered glass and debris as he moved, eyes scanning for movement.
The first monster he encountered was a [Fleshgnawer], a grotesque quadrupedal beast covered in tattered flesh and exposed sinew. Its glowing white name tag hovered above its head, marking it as weaker than him. Without hesitation, Xavier lunged forward, dodging its sluggish swipe and bringing his blade down in a precise arc, severing its head from its malformed body. The creature gurgled before collapsing into a heap, dissolving into dark mist. Hardly a challenge.
As he ventured deeper into the ruins, the monsters grew more varied. A [Vilemaw Crawler] skittered across the ground on multiple chitinous legs, its orange name tag signaling equal strength to Xavier. Anticipating a tough fight, he watched the creature's movements before dashing to the side, narrowly avoiding a venomous spit attack. Xavier retaliated with a well-placed strike to its underbelly, exploiting a weak spot in its armor. The beast shrieked as it writhed in pain before collapsing. His heart pounded from the exertion, but he pressed on.
Further along, Xavier found himself in a collapsed subway station, where darkness enveloped him. The sound of dripping water echoed through the empty tunnels, and he felt a chill crawl up his spine. Suddenly, a deep, guttural growl reverberated through the air. From the shadows emerged a [Dreadfang Stalker], a hulking werewolf-like creature with piercing crimson eyes. Its name tag glowed a menacing red.
Xavier barely had time to react before the beast lunged. He rolled to the side, feeling the rush of air as razor-sharp claws slashed where he had been standing. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. This was different from the previous fights—this monster was truly dangerous. He had already experienced what fighting a red-tagged enemy meant, and he knew he had to be smart.
The Stalker charged again, and Xavier barely managed to block its attack with his sword. The force sent him skidding back, his arms trembling from the impact. He couldn't win in a direct confrontation. Thinking quickly, he spotted a rusted steel beam jutting from the collapsed ceiling. Leading the creature towards it, he feigned an opening. As expected, the beast lunged at him, only for Xavier to sidestep at the last second, causing the Stalker to impale itself on the jagged metal. With a swift motion, he drove his blade into its exposed neck, twisting it before pulling free. The creature let out a strangled howl before collapsing, its name tag flickering out.
Panting, Xavier wiped sweat from his brow. He had survived. Barely.
As he continued exploring, he noticed a pattern. The name tags above each monster weren't just identifiers; they were indicators of relative strength. White for weaker enemies, orange for equals, and red for overwhelming threats. It was a simple but crucial realization that would help him navigate this deadly world more effectively.
Traversing through what used to be Times Square, now a crumbling wasteland, Xavier found himself in an eerily familiar location—a ruined apartment complex. Something about it tugged at his memory, but the details were hazy. He stepped inside cautiously, scanning the remnants of the building. The layout, the peeling wallpaper, even the broken furniture felt… personal. But why?
Shaking off the uneasy feeling, he pushed forward, slaying several more creatures along the way—[Rotwings], grotesque bat-like abominations that dove at him with razor-sharp talons, and [Ebonclaws], shadowy panther-like beasts that stalked him through the alleys. Despite the increasing difficulty, he had only managed to level up twice, reaching Level 17. The realization was frustrating. Hunting weaker monsters gave him little experience, and stronger foes were too dangerous to take on recklessly. He needed to find a better strategy.
Eventually, his perseverance paid off when he stumbled upon a small, glowing object nestled among the debris in an abandoned warehouse. It pulsed with an ethereal light—the [Rune Stone]. The very item he had been searching for.
Xavier picked it up, feeling a strange warmth spread through his fingers. This was it. His ticket out of the dungeon. A wave of relief washed over him, but along with it came uncertainty. He could leave now, return to safety, but… was he truly ready? He had grown stronger, but was it enough? Would this opportunity ever come again? Was this dungeon a one-time experience, or could he return later?
The questions swirled in his mind. He clenched his fist around the stone, deep in thought. Finally, he sighed and made his decision.
He wouldn't leave just yet. He needed to get stronger. He had to.
With renewed determination, Xavier placed the Return Stone into his inventory and set his sights on the deeper, darker parts of the dungeon.