Chapter 17: Facade [2]
"You Have Been Summoned."
The same guard who had escorted Noah and Eyolian to the cells beneath the castle returned, this time accompanied by a group of knights. Even the old imperial knight stood at the back, watching from the top of the stairs.
"That was quick,"
Noah commented beside Eyolian, his tone devoid of the slightest surprise.
"Would you have preferred to spend the night here?"
Eyolian asked after him, though her eyes remained fixed on the guard as he stepped forward to unlock the reinforced iron door of the cell.
She wasn't sure if the cell was mana-resistant, but she hadn't tested it to find out.
"The sun hasn't even risen! I wanted to see for myself if the light would reach down here," Noah replied with mild disappointment.
Eyolian could feel the disdainful stares from beneath the knights helmets. Even the guard lifted his head slightly to glance at Noah for a brief moment before quickly unlocking the door and motioning for them to step out.
Eyolian took one last glance at the cell's small window before following Noah as he stepped outside.
"May I ask who has summoned us?" Noah inquired.
But even after several long seconds, he received no answer. So he simply sighed and slowed his steps to walk beside Eyolian.
"Most likely Lord Garrett or Lady Elara," Eyolian spoke, anticipating that Noah would start directing his questions at her.
"I figured as much. Otherwise, why would they summon us both?" Noah replied, carefully minding his steps on the long, spiraling staircase leading upward.
Eyolian wasn't sure if Noah had noticed, but the knights accompanying the guard had already formed a circle around them, as if wary that they might attempt something. Only the imperial knight remained at the back, one hand resting on the sword at his waist.
Eyolian assumed this was likely just protocol to satisfy the imperial knight, but she couldn't help feeling cautious.
After some time, the group exited the cells into the castle's interior, where the guard led them toward the office of the head of the noble house.
Eyolian's worry lessened slightly as she became familiar with her surroundings. The corridors and passages were known to her, making her feel as though she wasn't entirely facing the unknown.
But even that false sense of security was destined to fade.
The atmosphere was silent, with only the heavy footsteps of the knights echoing against the solid stone, their rhythm repeating endlessly as they walked.
The air wasn't as dark as night, signaling that the sun would rise at any moment.
'Something doesn't add up!'
Eyolian's concern flared back into full suspicion. Something about the silence was suffocating.
She carefully turned her head toward Noah, trying not to raise suspicion, only to find that his expression had returned to the cold and serious demeanor she had witnessed on the first day she met him, seven months ago.
At that exact moment, she knew something was about to happen.
Despite Noah appearing cold and reserved, he was, in reality, the opposite. He was quite talkative with those he knew well. Mr. Eldric had even confirmed it once, laughing about it at the dinner table.
Eyolian herself had come to experience Noah's chatter firsthand after their small agreement the previous morning. Even in the cell, he hadn't stopped asking her various questions, trying to engage her in a discussion about books he had read and stories he had experienced during his travels.
But now, he had adopted the same coldness she had first known him by—only with an unusual seriousness.
'Something was about to happen!'
Eyolian didn't know what, but somehow, Noah seemed aware—or at least saw something she couldn't. And she could only attribute that to his strange soul ability, which she had encountered once and witnessed also once.
Suddenly, Noah's eyes moved to meet Eyolian's gaze. She nearly took a step back, but his ensuing smile put her at ease.
"Looks like I didn't get enough sleep," Noah said with the same smile. "But don't worry, we'll be fine."
Eyolian wanted to believe in Noah's optimism, but that wasn't how she had survived this long. His words did the opposite, making her even more cautious.
She kept her silence, and after a few minutes, they arrived at the office of House Borderward's head—or rather, the council chamber.
Eyolian took in all the faces inside the room, more than she had expected. Most were familiar to her, but three individuals stood out—people she had never seen before.
Despite the room's spacious size, it felt crowded for once. Lord Garrett and Lady Elara stood side by side, their twin children, Seraphina and Cadet, standing behind them as if to affirm their status as a family.
Just beside them stood Mr. Eldric and Lady Aileen, who was holding little Elowen, still asleep in her arms.
And as soon as Mr. Eldric noticed Noah and Eyolian, he quickly moved toward them, gesturing for his wife to stay put so as not to wake Elowen.
He pulled Eyolian into a hug, taking her by surprise. And only after several long seconds did he release her, his eyes lingering on her for a while.
Throughout the exchange, he remained silent. Something that Eyolian found odd.
Then, he turned his gaze toward Noah, who met his eyes in return. No words were exchanged, only a nod, before Eldric motioned for them to join the gathering.
Eyolian followed him, the silence gnawing at her insides. And the same could be said for Noah, who walked beside her.
His eyes hadn't left the three unfamiliar individuals sitting on the couches in the room.
Two of them were elderly, with white hair, clinging to each other. The wrinkles on their faces were marked by fear.
Across from them sat a middle-aged man with dark skin—uncommon in the empire. Even his hair was rare, brown and twisted into thick rope-like braids, tied into a bun. His brown eyes glimmered behind round glasses, scrutinizing Noah with unusual curiosity.
Adjusting his embroidered blue robe, the man rose from his seat and approached the Borderward family standing.
Noah finally tore his eyes away from the stranger and turned to Master Eldric. "What's going on?" His voice was quiet, careful not to wake Elowen.
Before Eldric could respond, Lady Aileen spoke first, shooting Noah a venomous glare. "I should be asking you the same thing!"
Master Eldric grasped his wife's wrist, his tone firm. "Enough! This is an entirely different matter."
"What matter?" Eyolian asked, stepping ahead of Noah to break the tension.
Aileen looked between Eyolian, Noah, and her husband. She seemed about to speak but left it to Eldric instead.
"The young imperial knight survived, though she sustained severe injuries. But she will recover," Master Eldric began, his voice somewhat calm—almost relieved. "But that is not what this is about."
A heavy silence stretched for a few moments, thickening the tension, weighing down Eyolian's mind, until at last, he spoke again.
"The town is under siege."