Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Ingram St.- Queens - Forest Hills - New York
05:45 AM
I woke up and sat down in my bed. Alone, in a dark room, in an empty house. I was all that was left.
As I walked down the halls, all I saw were traces—just memories of the people who once lived here. It brought me anguish, but more than that, it brought me anger. Anger because I wasn't strong enough to protect them.
I made sure to imprint that feeling not just in my mind but in my soul as a warning to myself, be it in this world or in the last. Being weak was a sin and I haved sinned.
Moving through the house, I tried to gather up all my most cherished memories, knowing this would be the last time I would ever walk these halls. For what I was planning to do in the future could destroy everything if I stayed.
07:36 AM
I glanced at my watch. It was already past time to go to school.
Not that it mattered. I wouldn't be attending it anymore. There was nothing left there for me—nothing to learn, no one to care about as I had no friends left.
Going to school would be a waste of my time and intellect. I had already learned everything worth knowing there in my first year, all that had left to do would be to build a network and I doubt that this network would be of any utility for me.
After packing some clothes and gadgets, I left the house, pausing for one last glance. Growing up there wasn't easy... we didn't have much money, but looking back, it was when I was happiest.
Shouldering my backpack, I left. I swung through the bustling streets of New York with a destination in mind.
It was an abandoned military building in West Hills Park, a place I had found while chasing a animalistic crazy looking villain, the military base was his hideout.
Inside, he had stored some biological and technological devices that, combined with my intellect, would help me pursue greater power.
I already have some ideas and experiments in my mind—things I never would have dared to consider utilizing before to improve my strenght.
But those experiments would be for later. They're too risky right now, and they could draw unwanted attention.
For now, I only have two or three relatively safer ways to increase my strength.
The first is to install a neural interface that taps directly into my brain, enhancing my reflexes and spider-senses by artificially stimulating my nervous system. This interface could allow me to predict threats and react at superhuman speeds.
I would have near-instantaneous reaction time and heightened senses, making me nearly unbeatable in combat.
The interface could also allow me to remote control or access external systems, like drones, vehicles, survelience, my webshoters... the list goes on and on.
The drawback to this plan is that there's a risk of the interface being hacked or malfunctioning, causing me to temporarily lose control and, the constant connection to technology might affect my mental health.
I could become more machine-like in my thinking, prioritizing efficiency over intuition.
I probably could solve the problem of being hacked with some more time, but the implications of becoming more machine-like prioritizing efficiency over intuition... That would really suck, as it means loosing not only a huge advantage on fights, but it also could affect me on my researchs.