Chapter 6: Chapter 6
10:00 PM of the same day
It was already time to enter the main building of Oscorp, I specifically chose this exact time because not only there would be less people in the building at this time, I also choosed it because it is at that time where people tend to be more... how could I say... relaxed?
The human body throught those 200 thousand years of evolution, devoleped some instincts that were the key to survive, and of course resting would be also part of those instincts.
No matter how much training you go trought, there will always remain some of your natural instincts inside your body that can affect how you act.
Of course, the security's guards of Oscorp wouldn't be excepted from this, so there's no better time to enter the building but now.
I aproached Oscorp, jumping throught the buildings while avoiding theyr surveilance cameras on the surrounding.
My target was an air vent located on the 5th floor, this was one of the blind spots that their securty system had, not only it was on the side that didn't recive light, they also didn't protect it nor placed some intruder detection device on it.
I could guess that even in their most crazy dreams they wouldn't be thinking that someday someone would be escalating the side of the building and infiltrate it trought the 5th floor's air vent.
I finally approached my self of the building after avoiding the surrounding surveilance cameras, it was prety easy as I already had memorized all of their locations.
After a quick escalation I got to the air vent, removing and crawling to the inside was pretty easy, I didn't even utilize a single power tool to open it, this is to show how much of a blind spot this vent was in their security.
Ugh, today I also learned something new, who could have imaginated that a ventilation system of a building would be so different from those show in the spy movies. Luckly my body is flexible enough to go trought it, or else I would need to change my plans.
Crawling throught the narrow spaces while looking at the map in my see throught glasses I finally got above the place where I would obtain the materials for my serum.
It was a biological lab that conducted bio modification experiments on animals, here they not only modified the animals throught the genetics, they would also conduct some crazy experiments like trying to sew the body parts of diferent species together, this place was a true PETA nightmare.
One of the materials that I need is in there, this material was a genetically modified spider, even tought it would probably be more safe to utilize a normal spider to make my serum, it probably wouldn't give me the power upgrades that I want.
I don't know if it is obvious, but I got my powers from a modified spider that they made. A dna from a normal spider probably wouldn't give me what I want, don't get me wrong, it would probably improve my strenghts and give me some new powers.
But, it wouldn't be as effective as a serum made utilizing the dna of a modified spider they also created.
The spider that I'm after is a Heteropoda maxima that goes by the name of giant huntsman spider, she is from a species of the huntsman spider family Sparassidae found in Laos.
Huntsman spiders are members of the family sparassidae known by this name because of their speed and mode of hunting.
I chosed this type of spider because not only they're large which pretty much represent strenght, they're also very quick. In fact, the huntsman spider can move up to a yard (almost 1 meter) a second.
You could only imagine of what a modified one would be capable of..