Spiderman: I had enough

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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After searching for a while, I didn't just get some research papers—I also managed to secure two hard drives full of data.

And that's not all. Besides the papers and data for the device I came for, I also acquired another piece of technology.

I skimmed through the papers a bit too quickly to grasp all the details, but I gathered enough to understand the basics of this technology.

Dr. Otto was essentially trying to create and contain a small sun.

This technology could generate nearly infinite amounts of energy through nuclear fusion, the same process that powers stars.

It's also the technology that eventually transforms Dr. Otto into the villain Dr. Octopus.

During a critical experiment involving this technology, he was extremely confident—maybe a bit too confident. Unfortunately for him, something went wrong.

It could have been a malfunction in the equipment, a miscalculation, or even sabotage.

The containment chamber, where the nuclear fusion process was taking place, became unstable and exploded.

The explosion fried the chip that prevented the mechanical arms' AI from directly interacting with his brain.

But that's something that will happen later. Maybe the act of robbing—*cough*— "borrowing" his papers and hard drives will delay the accident or even prevent it altogether.

With this nuclear fusion technology, I could put aside one of my earlier plans, which was obtaining one of Tony Stark's arc reactors.

It wouldn't be too difficult to acquire with the strength I'll have after taking the modified serum.

But it would also bring me a lot of trouble.

Tony Stark wouldn't just let someone walk away with the core technology of his inventions, so a full pursuit would be expected.

However, with Dr. Otto's "little sun," I could probably create something similar to the arc reactor—or maybe even something better.

The main challenge would be reducing the size of the device that contains the small sun. Tony Stark managed to do it with his arc reactor, which started out much larger than the current version, so it should be possible for me as well.

But that's enough, let the future plans be to my future self.

I've got everything I came here for, so it's time to get out before anyone notices me.

I left Dr. Otto's lab and made my way towards one of the building's fire exits.

Unbeknownst to me, as I exited the lab, Dr. Otto's mechanical arms began to stir, their claws opening and closing as if it was watching my back.


As I approached the fire exit, I heard something.

*Plap, plap, plap!*

It was the sound of guards' footsteps!

Even though my fight with Dr. Otto was brief, they must have heard the commotion.

Or maybe Dr. Otto triggered a silent alarm. Either way, it doesn't matter right now…

"Put the container down!" yelled Guard 1.

"Put your hands up!" shouted Guard 2.

"Lie on the ground!" barked Guard 3.


"Which order should I follow?!" I asked sarcastically.

"I can't follow all of them at once. Give me a break!" I added, eyeing the guards through my see-through glasses.

The guards exchanged glances before shouting in unison:

"Put your hands up!" yelled all three of them.

"Now that's more like it!" I said, with a smile spreading across my face.

"Sorry, I'm at a rebellious age, so I don't think I'll be following your orders!"

As soon as I finished speaking, they all opened fire.

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