

[Whisper] Chasa: ??

[Whisper] a10235044: You can just run the tavern dailies with them from now on!

So instead of running it as a duo? Were they suggesting a static party?

Only then did the party member icons catch his eye. Blade Master, Sharpshooter, Beast Hunter, and Priest. Three damage dealers and one healer.

It was a shame they only had one healer, but with the addition of a tank, it wouldn’t be a bad composition.

So they transferred servers to play with these people. Either way, even after numerous applications, he hadn’t been invited to any top-tier dungeon parties. The fact that they were willing to include him now was something to be grateful for.

[Whisper] Chasa: But are your friends okay with running together?

It was one thing to run dailies with a friend’s acquaintance once, but forming a static party was a different matter.

[Whisper] a10235044: They’re not my friends.

[Whisper] Chasa: Oh, okay.

[Whisper] a10235044: I mean it. I don’t have any friends. ㅠㅠ

They were 100% friends, though. Why were they denying it? Some aspects of teenage mentality were hard to understand. Either way, if they were insisting so strongly, there was no reason to argue.

[Whisper] Chasa: I see.

[Whisper] a10235044: Hyung, is there anywhere else you want to go? We can go there too.

Honestly, he wavered. It wasn’t like he didn’t have places he wanted to go. But just before he started typing, Sa-yoon snapped out of it.

Even if he had lost his conscience after two years of neglecting his responsibilities, he couldn’t force a good-natured player into hard labor. Especially just to satisfy his own greed.

[Whisper] Chasa: Nah, the tavern’s fine.

[Whisper] a10235044: Got it.

[Whisper] a10235044: But if there’s somewhere you need to go later, just let me know.

That made him wonder—where was this overwhelming generosity coming from?

Was it because he was the first person they played with after switching servers? But he hadn’t done anything particularly likable.

“This kind of friendliness always comes with a motive.”

No way…

[Whisper] Chasa: Just to be clear—

[Whisper] Chasa: I’m a guy.

[Whisper] a10235044: ?

[Whisper] a10235044: I know.

[Whisper] a10235044: You said so yesterday.

[Whisper] Chasa: I can do voice verification if needed.

[Whisper] a10235044: …Do we even use voice chat?

[Whisper] Chasa: No.

[Whisper] a10235044: ?

Judging by their reaction, it wasn’t a case of mistaken identity.

If their class had been a healer, he wouldn’t have found it so suspicious. But if they did have an ulterior motive, it wouldn’t be easy to get a straight answer right now.

Frowning deeply, Sa-yoon scratched near his eye. It was a habit that surfaced whenever he encountered a problem he couldn’t figure out.

The area around a small mole near his eye reddened. Or rather, it wasn’t a mole but a scar.

He’d gotten it when he was younger, holding his baby sibling in his arms, thinking they were cute.

The child had giggled as their older brother played with them, flailing their arms excitedly. Unfortunately, they’d been holding a pencil at the time.

Sa-yoon knew it hadn’t been an intentional attack. But even now, thinking about that moment made his chest tighten. The pencil had come dangerously close to his eye.

The spot where the lead had pierced remained as a scar, resembling a small mole.

[Whisper] Chasa: We can do voice later.

[Whisper] a10235044: Got it.

Their response was obedient.

Are they trying to get close just to borrow money later? Well, no matter how desperate their story might be, as long as I don’t lend them anything, it’s fine. Strict separation of money matters—that was Sa-yoon’s principle.

Or maybe they really are fifteen? That would explain it.

“Ah, whatever. Guess they just like me for some reason.”

Overcomplicating things wasn’t his style. Figuring it would all pass eventually, Sa-yoon headed to the storage.

With the arrival of the big spenders, he pulled out a bulk of Cataloa, leaving one side of the storage looking empty. He always complained about being sick of it, yet now that it was actually running low, an uneasy feeling crept up on him.

No, this won’t do. After finishing at the tavern, I’ll go fishing.

Complaining about how dull it was, yet still thinking like a born fisherman.

As he prepared to mail off the fish, he noticed that two of the three recipients had usernames made up of random numbers. Typing each one manually was a hassle.

While concentrating on entering the eight-digit numbers, a delayed realization struck him.

Why are there only five party members? The limit is six.

[Whisper] Chasa: Are you going with just five? Or are you recruiting someone?

[Whisper] a10235044: Hold on.

[Party] a10235044: Is Jeon-gi not coming?

[Party] Freedeal: Just my opinion, but…

[Party] Freedeal: If Jeon-gi actually showed up on time, wouldn’t the sun rise from the west and shake up the entire scientific community?

[Party] a10771052: If the sun rises in the west, I think the whole world would be in chaos, not just science.

[Party] Freedeal: The world isn’t my problem.

[Party] a10771052: Damn, science majors are scary. Wow. 

[Party] a10397688: Let’s just ditch the tardy one.

[Party] a10235044: No, no. We need the extra DPS.

[Party] a10397688: Five-man run?

[Party] a10771052: Five-man? Totally doable~

[Party] Freedeal: Hehe~?

[Party] Freedeal: Who just suggested a five-man party with no tank? Was it you, Heart?

[Party] Freedeal: Since we’re at it, do you also want to go without a healer?

[Party] a10771052: Just kidding, just kidding. Even I think one healer without a tank is way too tough!

[Party] Freedeal: Heh, watch yourself.

[Party] a10771052: But you know…

“Two… four… eight-six…”

While the party was busy chatting, Sa-yoon was still focused on entering the numbers for the mail recipients.

[Party] a10771052: We’ve been waiting forever—why aren’t you here yet?

[Party] a10771052: Are you busy?

[Party] Chasa: Ah, sorry. Just sending out some mail, I’ll be right there.

Since his previous experience with temporary nickname was Medusa, people had asked him that a lot, so Sa-yoon instinctively replied.

[Party] a10235044: ?

[Party] a10771052: Huh?

[Party] Chasa: Oh, never mind. I got you mixed up with 44.

[Party] a10771052: What, no way.

[Party] Chasa: My bad. I’ll be right there.

[Party] Freedeal: Heart, I didn’t take you for this type.

[Party] Freedeal: Are you trying to flex your seniority right now?

[Party] a10397688: Kinda scary for a first impression.

[Party] a10771052: No, wtf.

[Party] a10771052: I wouldn’t dare—

[‘a10771052’ has been kicked from the party.]

[Party] Freedeal: LOL.

[Party] a10397688: Rip.

[‘a10771052’ has rejoined the party.]

[Party] a10771052: …

[Party] a10771052: …

[Party] a10771052: …

[Party] a10397688: What are you doing? Taking a vow of silence?

[Party] a10771052: (Basically, yeah.)

[Party] a10397688: Keeping your mouth shut won’t fix anything, though.ㅠㅠ lol

[Party] a10235044: lol

[Party] a10235044: Be careful.

[Party] a10771052: Yep ㅠㅠ

It looked like they were just messing around among friends. As soon as Sa-yoon sent the mail to all three—including the newly returned 52—responses came in immediately.

[Party] Freedeal: Chasa, thanks! Thanks to you, I won’t have to worry about daily quests for a while.

[Party] a10771052: Snow? Man? Who’s that? Haha

[Party] Freedeal: Wow… Betraying the person who carried you through PVP like it was nothing…

[Party] a10771052: I don’t remember haha

[Party] a10397688: Thx, thx. I’ll be back next time for more ^^

[Party] Chasa: Sure, thanks to you guys too.

[Party] a10235044: ?

[Whisper] a10235044: Hyung, trade with me too.

As soon as the temporary nickname sent a whisper, it felt like watching a kid getting jealous when their friend gets along better with someone else.

[Whisper] Chasa: Do you need some too?

[Whisper] Chasa: No, wait—how much do you need?

[Whisper] a10235044: Stay right there.

[Whisper] a10235044: I’m coming.

[Whisper] Chasa: Okay. 

While zoning out in front of the mailbox, he spotted a character glowing brilliantly from afar. The temporary nickname sprinted over and stopped right next to Chasa in an instant.

[‘a10235044’ has requested a trade.
Accept / Decline]

As soon as the trade window popped up, Sa-yoon placed the Cataloa inside but canceled at the final step. Immediately, the temporary nickname sent another trade request. The same thing repeated.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.