Star In The Bird's Nest



Emily is scrolling her social media and suddenly message pops up, 'Monday, 8th Nov. award function of the year!' and Emily shouted out loud, "Finally! The time has come... I can now actually see my idol with a close view of the red carpet. Jack my hero!"

On Monday, Emily arrived at the venue waiting with the rest of the crowd. She was dressed up in a stunning red outfit! Her appearance today was absolutely breath catching. A true beauty! By the time celebrities started arriving on the red carpet and all the crowd were cheering for their idols. Emily was just staring at the entrance, for she was waiting for Jack to arrive.

A black Mercedes came by, and all the cameras and spotlights turned towards the car. The doors of the car opened, and a hot and handsome guy stepped out of it. He was none other than Jack! A tall guy, dressed up in a black suit stood in full confidence.

"We love you... Jack! Jack!!", the crowd applauded.

He started walking along the red carpet, while everyone was taking pictures of him, Emily stood there like a statue gazing at him. He walked straight towards her, while she was just staring at him like there was no one else other than him. By the time, he was standing right in front of her looking into her eyes. She was still looking blankly towards him.

He smiled and brought up a rose in front of her holding it in his hands. She was confused seeing all this.

Hesitatingly she said, "huh?! M... m... me...?"

"Then who else!" said Jack with a naughty smile.

Emily then raised her hand forward to accept the rose; immediately with the other hand Jack pulled her closer. She was totally shocked and kept on looking towards him.

"Shall we?" said Jack.

"Is it a dream or something" Emily was confused.

Jack smiled and kissed her on her forehead.

"Now, shall we? My love," said Jack.

She was blushing with nervousness. Then she went with him holding his hand in hand for the event.

'Do check my today's story update about the red-carpet event. I hope you guys like it and enjoy it. I'll be back soon with the next update. Until then have a good time. Lots of love' – Starbird.

"This is all for today." said Mingmei.

Zheng Mingmei is a popular writer and known by the name 'Starbird'. She is currently writing a novel named 'Star in the bird's nest', in which she depicts herself as Emily and her crush Wang Lie as Jack. Wang Lie is a celebrity and her idol. He is the main inspiration behind her writings. Her only dream is to meet him.

"Dear idol today's story was mesmerizing and breath catching. Looking forward to your next updates."

The message was from one of her fans named 'wish me love'.

"Thanks a lot for your love and support. How come you are always the first person to read all the story updates...?" replied Mingmei.

"You are my idol and I really like your writings. I hope one day I could get a chance to meet you" replied wish me love.

"Thank you. If you like my work, then keep supporting me. Bye. Good night." replied Mingmei.

Then she went to bed. She usually updates all her stories during the nighttime. As for the daytime she works in an event management company of Zhang Wei.

Next morning her phone rings, she wakes up and answers the call.

Mingmei: (sleepy voice) "hello..."

Mother: (yelling) "Meimei...! Still asleep? Lazy girl!"

Mingmei: "Maa...! Why are you calling in such early morning?"

Mother: (sweet voice) "do you remember Aunt Su...? My friend! She has been calling lately and asking about you."

Mingmei: "hmm..."

Mother: "her son is a very good boy. He works at a reputed company. He's planning to get married soon. Also, aunt likes you so much. She wishes to make you her daughter in law."

Mingmei: "Maa… please! don't get me involved in all these."

Mother: Meimei, I don't want to hear anything else. He'll be meeting you today. What's the problem with going on a date! I can't deny your aunt. He has your no. He'll call you then.

Mingmei: Maa… I...

Mother: behave like a good kid. Bye. [call end]

Mingmei: (anxiously) m... maa...? maa.? Maa?!! What a bad day to start with! Fine! Get up and get ready Meimei...

Mingmei got furious over these, but seeing there's no way to escape, she finally accepts the idea of blind date.

While having breakfast, she gets a call from Yifeng.

Yifeng is her best friend. Probably the only friend she has and trusts on. He's kind of her legal assistant who handles all her legal affairs and the only person to know the secret about 'Starbird'.

"Meimei, are you free these afternoon?" asked Yifeng.

"No! I have to go on a blind date! Anything important?" said Mingmei.

"What??! A blind date and you!!" he was surprised and shocked.

"Mom's idea! No, no ... her order!" she said.

"Hmm... that's fine. I wanted to discuss the new contract with you regarding your novel. So, when can we?" he said.

"Pick me up after the date if you are free. I'll send you the location later. Bye." she said.

"Okay. See you then. Bye" he aaid and hung up the call.

She left for the date.

Mingmei has now arrived at the café. Her aunt's son was waiting for her there.

"Hello. I'm Zheng Mingmei and you must be Aunt Su's son. Nice to meet you," said Mingmei.

"Hello. Nice to meet you, Mingmei. I'm Dawei. Please have a sit" he said.

"Excuse me..." he calls the server.

"What can I get for you Sir?" asks the server.

"I would like to have…" he ordered too many things.

"Okay sir. What can I get for you mam?" asked the server.

"A cup of Americano please. Thank you" said Mingmei in a somewhat embarrassed voice.

"Don't you like to eat sweets?" he asked.

"Huh...? Not much" she said with somewhat hesitant voice.

"It's alright. I like sweets a lot. You'll get habitual to it after marriage" he said excitedly.

"Hmm. (confused) sure..." she said.

"Well, you are so beautiful. I always wanted to marry a beautiful girl like you. We'll sure look perfect together. I have actually planned everything for our marriage and even after our marriage..." he was talking continuously.

Meanwhile the server came and served the order and went.

Mingmei was listening quietly to his talk as she was not at all interested in talking to him.

"Actually, your beauty is..." he said and extended his hands to hold her hands.

Noticing his intention, she immediately took her hands off the table.

By the time he was talking non-stop and trying to get closer to her, as she was avoiding any close contact with him. After getting completely annoyed, she just interrupted him saying,

"We can have a talk someday later. I have to leave now, as I have some important work later."

"When can we meet again? Is it important to leave right now?" he asked.

"I'll let you know soon. But I really have to go now or else I'll be late. It was nice to meet you. Bye" she said.

"Ok then. Bye" (low voice) he said.

But she didn't wait there till his bye and went straight out of the café without wasting time.

She called Yifeng and sent him the location to pick her up, but she was frustrated a lot, she didn't even wait for Yifeng.

Mingmei went straight to a park. There were lots of children playing around. She sat on a bench and started mumbling to herself.

"Such an irritating person! I just hate the thought that there exist such people. I literally hate him! Complete waste of time... If it might not have been for mother, I would have never agreed to meet even!"

Sat next to her on a bench, a stranger listening to her talk. He was sitting facing opposite to her. While she was mumbling, Yifeng called her.

"Meimei, where are you? I'm near to the restaurant, but you seem to be nowhere" said Yifeng.

"I actually came to the park nearby. Come and pick me up here" she said.

"I want to also talk about a contract." he said.

"I've already said this multiple times, if it's about Wang Lie, only that concerns me, nothing else" she interrupted him.

"Fine, I'll come pick you up at the park" he said.

She hung up the call. Meanwhile, a ball fell near her, and a kid came to pick it up.

"Hey there kid, would you like to introduce one more player?" she asked.

"Sure sister! Join in" the kid said.

She actually liked kids a lot. She started playing with them like she was also a small kid! She looked so innocent... Laughing, running, jumping… her hairs moving with the slight breeze. Tiny bubbles floating around her... The individual sitting next to her was watching her like he was completely smitten with her beauty, moreover her live wire nature. He was none other than Wang Lie, wearing a mask, coat, and cap, hiding from the public.

During that time Yifeng also arrived there. And she left.

After arriving at Mingmei's house, she and Yifeng were discussing the contract and date.

Yifeng: "seems like the date was quite interesting!" (Teasing her)

Mingmei: "shut up!! I'm not in the mood of any humor" (irritatingly)

Yifeng: "seriously, I want to know the highlights of your date!" (Funny way)

Mingmei: (gives him angry look) "highlights!! Let me give it straight, such a waste of time! Was he like really a human!" (annoyingly)

Yifeng: "really!! I had no idea that aunt would want you to date an alien!" (Laughing loud)

Mingmei: "Xiaofeng...! stop right there" (annoyingly)

Then she told him about what happened on the date.

Yifeng: (keeps on laughing) "my dear Meimei, forget about all this now. I actually had an important thing to discuss about."

Mingmei: "right. What is that you wanted to talk about?"

Yifeng: "I actually got a mail from 'All studios productions' yesterday, regarding your novel 'That's just a dream'. They want to sign it as their next project story.

Mingmei: "I've already said this before, you are free to take any decisions regarding those offers and projects. That's not my part to think of."

Yifeng: "I know. But you should also know about all these things. For they're your creation"

Mingmei: "Do as you wish. You already know my answer. Anything else?"

Yifeng: "that's all for now. Let's have dinner. Angry Meimei always leaves food behind!"

Mingmei: "ok!"

After having dinner, Yifeng left.

On the other side, Wang Lie was restless thinking about the girl he saw at the park. Her face was continuously coming in front of him. He couldn't help rather than just keep thinking about her the whole night and finally fell asleep.

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