Star In The Bird's Nest


It was the evening; Mingmei's house doorbell rang. She ran to open the door and it was Yifeng. She immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him in. Shut the door and turned at him. Yifeng sat on the sofa and looked at her in a strange way. He had never seen her this happy ever before.

"Meimei, are you alright? Seriously you are scaring me with this strange behavior..." he said.

She laughed in excitement. And sat next to him.

"Meimei... Are you going to say anything? I'm literally so much confused!" he said.

She smiled in a childish way and said,

"You won't believe what happened with me today...!"

"Exactly! That's what I'm asking... What happened to you today?" he said.

"Today… today... I... (She was smiling in a girly manner)

"Today you what, Meimei?" asked Yifeng.

"Today, I met Wang Lie!!" she shouted in excitement.

"You, What!??" Yifeng was totally in shock.

"Yes! I met Wang Lie" she said adding more excitement to it.

"Really? How? When? Where? (shocked) asked Yifeng.

Actually, he knew how much Mingmei was crazy about Wang Lie and also her dream to meet him. Answering his questions, Mingmei told him the entire incident of shopping, driving, coffee but not about the kiss.

"I still can't believe my ears! This news means celebration!" said Yifeng.

And they opened bottles to have drink.

"Cheers!" "Cheers!" they both said.

After having meal, Yifeng left, and Mingmei went to sleep. That night she might not have been able to sleep if she was not drunk. She is not a good drinker and would easily get drunk.

Next morning, Mingmei's house doorbell rang. She was yet sleeping as her hangover was not over. Finally, she woke up and rushed to the door. As soon as she opened the door, she remained shock struck. It was Wang Lie. With her eyes wide open, she was only looking at him like a statue. He smiled and said,

"Hi! Sorry to disturb you".

And she suddenly came to her senses and said,

"Huh? Oh, hi... hi. it's all right! Why are you here?"

"Sorry?" he asked.

"Oh, I mean how come you are here in the morning." she corrected.

"Actually, yesterday you forgot some stuff of yours in the car. I had no way to contact, so I thought I should come and hand it to you" he said.

"Really!" Thanks a lot. Please come in" she said.

"Sorry, but I'm in a hurry. May be some other day. I won't bother you" he said.

"Please, at least have some water. It won't take that long" she forced.

He agreed and came in. But the scene inside was terrible. Everything was messed up. Beer cans, plastic wrappers, and all other stuff. She immediately shifted it aside and made place for him to sit.

"Loos like you had a party last night" he said.

"Kind of..." she said in a low voice.

"Well, this is your stuff left in the car, here" he said and gave it to her.

She took it and saw what was left. After having a look at it, she was struck a little with eyes wide open. She immediately turned around facing other way. It was her lingerie garments in it. She felt a bit awkward but somewhat turned towards him, smiled, and said,

"Thanks. And sorry for the trouble"

"Not a problem. It was nice meeting you. I'll leave first." he said.

"Ok... Hope we meet again" she said.

"Give me your phone" he said.

"Huh? She reacted but then gave her phone.

He added her to WeChat and returned it.

"Now we can meet often. Bye" he said and then left.

She was still standing at the gate in a struck way waving her hand! Watching his car till it disappears.

After coming back home she was in a complete confused state like she was blushing, smiling, over nervous, somewhat embarrassed seeing the messed-up home! She immediately cleaned it up and got ready for office.

As usual, she and Zhang Wei arrived together. He then called her to his office.

Door knocked of Zhang Wei's office.

"Come in", he said.

Mingmei came. They were about to discuss their new project.

"This project means a lot to the company, not just ours but also for Mr. Wu. You were going to look into details of project. So, what say you?" he asked.

"You are right. This is important for all of us. I got in touch with the clients, Mr. Wu said he would set a date for the meeting as he wants to discuss the project details personally" she said.

"When is the meeting scheduled?" he asked.

"No idea yet. But they will inform us by noon today" she said.

"Fine. let's get back to work then. And yes, research on the clients" he said.

She went back to her work. While she was working, a notification popped up on her phone's screen, it was Yifeng.

"Hey, Meimei, I have great news to share. So, tonight let's meet on the meal."

"What's that?" she replied.

"I'll tell you over the meal. Call me ones you are free, I'll come pick you up." he replied.

"Ok then. See you in the evening. Bye!" she replied.

While working on it, she received a mail for meeting with Mr. Wu. She immediately informed Zhang Wei.

[Door knocking] "May I?" asked Mingmei.

"Please come in.," said Zhang Wei.

"It's from the Wu's." said Mingmei.

"So, what did they say? Have they planned the schedule for meeting?" asked Zhang Wei.

"Yes. Mr. Wu said, he would like to meet us tomorrow by the evening over a meal, where he would also discuss about the details of the project." said Mingmei.

"Tomorrow evening...? (Took a pause) Ok! That's fine by me. What say you?" Zhang Wei asked.

"It's absolutely fine by me. So shall I confirm it to them?" asked Mingmei.

"Sure. Be prepared accordingly." said Zhang Wei.

"Ok. I'll leave first then." said Mingmei.

It was evening, Yifeng came to pick up Mingmei as they planned for the meal. While having dinner, she asked him,

"So, what's it?"

"My company has assigned me for a new project. A new game! That too under my assistance!" said Yifeng.

"Really!? That's great news! Congrats!" said Mingmei.

"Thanks a lot, Meimei! So, the treat is mine! Finally, this is a big opportunity to learn." said Yifeng.

"Cheers to you! Well, even I'll be tied up with things later," said Mingmei.

"What's up with you?" asked Yifeng.

"Company's got a huge project. The Wu's want to organize grand event for their 50th anniversary of work," said Mingmei.

"The Wu's? Hmm. You'll be real time busy then. Cheers to you too!" said Yifeng.

"Yup! The meeting is scheduled tomorrow evening. Anyways, let's eat!" said Mingmei.

After having meal Yifeng dropped Mingmei home and left.

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