Star Origin World

Chapter 2: Earth Dragon Serpent

Ding: [Earth Serpent] In Process of a Metamorphose to an Earth Dragon.

Level 40]


Strength 80]

Agility 100]

Intelligence 20]

Rock manipulation]

Jin: starts backing away slowly and asks. System, why didn't you tell me something like this was in the CAV!!!!!!!?

Ding: Host level is too low to detect life forms that are higher than you.

Didn't you just detect it fine!!?!

Ding: The killing intent was detected because it was directed at the host whom I am part of.

Well thanks for nothing!! Dammit!! I definitely cannot fight that thing I have to run.

Turns to run and HURLED passed him is a Giant Rock, which smashes into the route out of the CAV and immediately the CAV gets darker.

Now Jin can barely see anything and he asks fast in his head. System how do i upgrade my attributes?

Ding: The host just has to say and add attribute points to the attribute of your choosing. Host currently has 160 attribute points.

Then add fourty points to strength and

Tweenty points to Agility.

Ding: Jin 25 [Level 15] [Health 100%]

[Star energy 50]

Strength 55]

Agility 35]

Intelligence 15]

Without a moment to spare Jin looks up to see glimmering sparks of brown, falling down to his direction and immediately realising its rocks. He docks and hurls himself! Forward with a loud echoing sound BOOM!.

Him now on the ground a few feet away stares at his previous position with a shocking expression on his face.

But with no time to rest he hears rushing Wind and turns around to see two more rocks coming down at his direction. Immediately he gets up and jumps to his right. The impact knocks him sideways-right and he smashes into a side of the CAV.

Jin: COUGHS! and blood follows. With heavy breathing he says. This.. Cough cough.

This is not good I'm going to die at this rate. He says to himself

Now in a knee taking position with his back in cuts with his insides damaged and covered in thick smoke dust. He spits out blood and asks.

System is there a way for me to see in the dark?.

Ding: The host skill Ninja Assassin has such effect if upgraded.

How do I do that.

Ding: The host can use some of his attribute points to upgrade his skills.

How many points do I need to upgrade The skill mentioned?

Ding: The host will need 100 attribute points

Use my remaining attribute points on that skill Now!

Ding: Skill Update To [Ozunu Master Of Origin Darkness] [Upgradable]

[Consums 5 Star energy per minute]

[Skills unlocked]

[Attack increases by 30]

[Night Owl] [level 1] Optional to Use skill

[Weapon Mastery] [Max level]

[Child of darkness. Instant Heal] [Level 1]

[Shadow walker. Speed 200 mph] [Level 1]

[Shadow Servants] [Locked]

[Master of Garmr] [Locked]

Without hesitation Jin calls out OZUNU.

Instantly his body starts radiating steam.

Injuries starts healing up at an incredible speed.

His body in an instant gets engulfed in dark flames.

He opens his eyes and its like he never had problem seeing in the dark.

He breaths out and steam flows out

Like someone breathing in a thick snow weather

Now with the the dust cleared

He looks up and finally sees the Serpent.

Then instantaneously almost like he disappeared. Going at the speed of hundred and twenty miles per hour.

He jumps! With sword in hand doing a vertical slash. A stone comes hurled at him. But with his strength doubled he cleaves through it. His momentum cannot be stopped.

But at the end of that Rock followed the Serpents giant tail swung at him with an incredible SPEED.

Sword and Tale Colides knocking Him back.

He Plunges his sword down to slow his sliding which then prevents him from smashing into the wall.

A loud and anger filled ROW!... Echoes..

Jin looks up to see the Serpents tail bleeding a little. The Serpent Charges at him and hurls over five bigger rocks with INCREASED SPEED!.

Jin gets up with his current speed . He speed Past the First, Second, Third, jumps and walks over the fourth, Speed past the fifth

Explosion Echoes three times. From the Impacts of the rocks.

The Serpent not far behind with its Jaws Wide open.

Jin speeds and jumps to his right and it ram's through the CAV wall. But does follow-up with a Tail Spin.

Jin gets taken by suprise and it SMASHES!! Him with its tail through the CAV wall.

Jin hurling up in the sky with overwhelming SPEED!. Smashes into a tree and lands face down in Pain.

GASPING!! for air with every bone in his body Shattered.

His skill takes effect instantaneously.

Wounds starts to heal and after 5 seconds he's healed but the pain he felt was not forgotten. He SCREAMS in anger.

You god damn! LIZARD I'LL f***ing kill you

with the speed of two hundred miles per hour and his sword drawn. He SWINGS at the Serpent and starts hacking at it left and right and keeps chipping away it bit by bit

It screams with a ROW!! And SMASHES the ground with its tale.

Knocking Jin back and stopping his advance and it follows by hurling up rocks from the rubble. Jin looks up to see over fourty rocks falling down on his direction

He! instantly appears behind the rocks and all fourty rocks starts falling down in bits. He

Points his sword at the Serpent and says. YOU!! ARE!! NEXT!! LIZARD!!!

It ROWS!!!. And Jin SPRINTS. It knowing it cannot keep up with his speed Releases an Acidic breath.

Jin stops in his tracks, the acidic smoke breath eats away his skin and touching bone. But his skill keeps healing.

Ding: Warning. The host has only 10 Star Energy remaining.

Jin jumps out of the acidic Mist and exclaims. Dammit I can't keep this going on. I have to find a way to end this thing.

But this damn thing has thick skin my one arm swings cannot one shot it. System why isn't the skill healing my severed arm?

Ding: The hosts current skill level is at the healing factor and cannot regenerate a new arm .

Wait wait wait. You said regenerate? Didn't I get a regeneration Pill?

Ding: The host indeed has a regeneration pill.


Ding: The host never asked.

You little..!. SIGH... use regeneration Pill

Ding: Regeneration process starts now.

Jin: I don't feel anything happenin.. OH WOW OH MY god My arm is back my arm is back Then maybe... this might work and with the skill I might survive... WAIT! I have to do this or I die either way.

Jin thinks to himself

He then Runs off to a tall tree and jump climbs it. He hurls his dagger with speed! at the Serpent

It Strikes its forehead and it notices him and lefts up three GIANT ROCKs the size of four grown whales combined and hurls it at him

One on the left one on the right and in the middle flying with the speed of 120 miles per hour.

It Has higher Intelligence and sending it in that parten. It new Jin will be cornered

Making it so that even if he speeds up he will end up getting hit by some of them or the impact will put him down for few


But this was what Jin was hoping for.

He Calls out OZUNU and jumps on the middle Rock with speed and with every bit of strength he JUMPS!! HIGH!! and Forward

Over 10 story builds high

Claps his sword with both hands and starts descending with a GREAT SCREAM!

I..! AM...! OZUNU!!!! Using every bit of Star energy left putting the 20+ Attacking skill to his attribute


The Serpent now having a scene of danger Lifts up 2 GIANT ROCKS to block Jin

But the height and strength of his descending strike CLEAVES the rocks and with a Resounding BOOOMMM!!! Smoke dust everywhere.

The smoke clears to find Jin on the ground both hands broken from the impact and the Serpents raised body and head hovering over him.

A ripping sound follows and the Serpents head slides sideways down to reveal behind it a. Big canyon made from the slash.

Jin skill takes effect before time is up with his star enegy and he's all healed up.

But tired and just laying on the ground

having a breath of relief.

Ding: The host killed a Semi-dragon [205k XP gaind] [200 attribute points]

Ding: [First kill reward fragment cosmic energy core]

Ding: First kill reward [The dragon Star energy gatherin technique [Cosmic Resonance]

Jin: Finally something for the star energy

I almost died due to that thing being soo low.

Soo.....I guess this is my world now huh?. SIGH... One thing is for sure tho.

This world seems to prey on the weak

If i don't get stronger I will die!.

He says while clinching his fist

first things first then system use all XP gaind and the Dragon core.

Ding: Jin:25 [Health 100%]

Level 21]

Star energy 1000]

Strength 65]

Agility 44]

Intelligence 24]

Ding: WARNING! The residue cosmic core essence needs dragon blood to solidify or host will explode in 5 minutes


Ding: Host was eager for strength and used it without asking


Ding: Yes Unless the host authorise it from now on.


Ding: Understood.

Ding: The host can drink the Serpents blood it has 40% chance of working because it was in the process of a transformation to a dragon

WHAT!? Eww!

Ding: 50 seconds till explosion

Oh god! This is disgusting but cannot die here.

Jin uses his hand to catch some of the blood dripping from its kneck and drinks

Ding: Core merge is starting the host might feel a little pain. Estimated time 6 minutes

A little pain? Hmph like I'll trust your judgeme...AARG!!!... ARG!!..... WHAT... IS... HAPP...ENING TO ME.... ARG... 6 minutes later

Ding: Core fusion complete the hosts being has been modified to that of a dragon.

Jin still laying down from exhaustion and pain and confusion over something he saw

Ding: Jin 25 [Health 100%]

Level 21

Cosmic Energy 0/3000

Strength 90

Agility 90

Intelligence 70

Dragon Blood 10%

Ding: Cosmic energy is a much stronger force. Normally one would flow in you naturally.

System]Hosts connection is still weak so you have to draw it in and store it in you.

System] The amount stored depends on

the hosts level.

Ding: Your dragon blood gives you natural resistance to poison and physical attacks

System] With 10% you can resist attacks like the Serpent you just fought.

System]But poisons won't work against you

System] You can grow your dragon blood by consuming draconic lifeforms cores. Dragon essence liquids or Dual Cultivation With a dragon woman

Jin: System were is the woman I saw from earlier?

Ding: It has been only you here host

But I clearly saw it looking at me white-ish

With alot of glowing little white things on her shadowy body.

Do you know what it is System?



Ding: The host will have to find out for himself

So you know what it is then? Tell me



Jins stomach grows as he was about to question the system more.He then finally realising says.

Yea... I haven't eaten anything since coming here Never mind then system. Just tell me where to find civilization then.

Ding: The kingdom of Evaluna is 4days walk from here.

4 DAYS!? sigh.. I'm gonna die from hunger...

Ding: The host can last 1 year without food if you have enough Cosmic Energy.

Lol just being sarcastic system

An average human can last four days without food and water


AhemπŸ‘€. Your not the joke type huh. Oh well i guess off we go to Evaluna.

But before that. System I want to learn the technique cosmic Resonance.

Gotta get enough stored energy before

Encountering anything like this again.

Ding: Cosmic Resonance is being imprinted. Time estimated 3 minutes


Ding: Technique imprint complete.

Oh it's done? I didn't feel any pain

Ding: Host is stronger mentally now.

Okay. I see..... Wow this technique is amazing its like I'm floating on the clouds But it's like being in everything and everywhere at once. It's Like laying in endless stars

I can feel energy flowing in me... a very Dense. Immense power and at the same very warm. I... feel... Se3 Wu kin kan adi wae aa na wu enu ye3 me nua

Jin started speaking the cosmic language

Which only cosmic beings are privy to without even realising it and his energy kept rising and rising.

The ground he stood starts growing all sorts of flowers and him levitating shone brightly.

But then a warm and sweet voice

Says to him wake up.. wake up Jin

Instantly he comes to himself and finds his surroundings all bright and colourful

The Serpent corps which was there transformed into a little Horned white-ish creature with four legs and wings.

Ding: Creature name. The Insruma Nirvana

Strength 300

Agility 300

Intelligence 300

Void Molder/ Limited distance based on strength


Ability Locked

Ability Locked

Ability locked

Ability Locked

Ability Locked

Ability Locked

Ability Locked

Your Spirit familiar.

Huh?! Wait wait its this strong and yet it doesn't even have a level?. How will it listen to someone like me?

Ding: It was the host energy which brought it here. So it will only listen to you.

Oh I see.. well hey little guy I guess your stuck with me now huh?.

Nirvana: who are you calling a boy mister!?do I have black skin to you!!

Huh?? Wait it can talk? Jin says in shock

Nirvana: I'm not called it!. My name is Insruma Nirvana

Jin Whispers. Uh...System are you sure it will listen to me...?


Okay okay I mean Nirvana. Jin quickly corrects it

Ding: It. Ahem!(πŸ‘€)Nirvana is a familiar, not a slave so you have to get along with her to be aided.

System] She do not need a level because she is of the cosmic species.

System] She grows as she age's and she is

a 300 years old in its natural order

System] 30 years old in the mortal world.

I see... Nice to meet you Nirvana

Nirvana: What world is this? The cosmic energy here is soo weak

Jin: Your in Star Origin world and my first day here as well but it feels like months already. Hahaha ...

Jin still with the Dad joke's πŸ˜‘ and getting no audience. He says.

Ahem!. This reminds me system let me see my status.

Ding: Jin 25] [Level 21] [Health 100%]

Cosmic Energy 3000/5000

Strength 90

Agility 90

Intelligence 70

System] Abilities

Dragon Domain] Cosmic Energy Consumption 200 per minute

Ozunu Master Of Origin Darkness] Cosmic Energy Consumption. 100 per minute

Attack increases by 30]

Weapon Master


Speed 300mph Level 2

System] [Umbra Legion's]

Summon capacity 30

Summons Strengths is same as host. Consums 50 Cosmic Energy when recalled after destroyed.

System] [Master of Garmr] Locked

Jin: WOW This is Awesome! With this

I can fight someone or something with stats like the serpent and not die.

Jin continues. System how many days will it take me to reach Evaluna if I run.

Ding: The host should get there withing 2days 12 hours . If you ran.

Well then let's go.. AH wait! Nirvana only I can see you right?

Nirvana: Unless I reveal myself no one can see me.

Jin: Good then let's head to civilization

One day Twelve hours later. Jin still running and then hears swords clashing somewere near the forest he was passing through.

He almost run past them but then hears a woman shout out.




To be continued

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