Star Origin World

Chapter 4: LUNAN CITY

Jin is waken up by the sunlight beaming through the window covers.

He lifts himself up and sits on the bed scratching

his head in confusion of the dream he had or not a dream.?

He thinks to himself.

But then says. Well one things for sure this world is a ticking time bomb and not only that.

With this world's nature i've experienced soo far. If one is weak they'll get walked on all over. Or worse killed.

I still haven't found that prick who forced me here for my beat down revenge. I definitely can't die yet

Jin are you awake? Asks Cluvina while knocking.

Huh? Oh yea I'm up. Jin who was still in thought replies and walks up to the door, opens and says good morning Cluvina I have a question for you.

Cluvinas cheeks turns red and quickly says Sorry while turning around. Jin realising he's shirtless says. Oh no sorry my fault.

I was not behaving like a guest. Apologising as he puts on his new shirt

Cluvina replies but still not turning around

No no its not your fault I...I should have been more mindful.

I..I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to eat together.

Oh yea definitely let's go Jin replies now clothed.

They get to the dining table and on it is

full-chicken/friddrice. Jin says aloud with his eyes glued to the food. Wow that looks good...

Please sit and eat says Cluvina. Jin sits down followed with thank you for the food and starts eating.

As he's eating he asks Cluvina why she was in same uniform as Bryan?.

Cluvina sighs and says I don't have facts but it was probably done by Berry frerera this city's guard captain.

It is a rumour that he will do you any favour as long as its not against the King. If you offer a reasonable amount.

Bryan must have brided him to get his hunters uniform and wanted to use it to get me by any means this time.

This time? Jin asks.

Yes he pestered me in the city and I always refused, so I guess this was his final effort to get me Cluvina says.

Wow I thought he was bad but this was just crazy says Jin.

Well I think he might have found out about my body constitution and wanted to use me as a furnace to enhance his Cultivation. Cluvina says

Huh? A furnace? Jin says in a wondering manner.

Yes through due cultivation. My constitution boosts star energy gathering and if I sleep with a man he will absorb my star energy as he please and I will become bound to him.

If not killed. My star energy will always be at his disposal unless he reaches the Expert level

Which at that level a star warriors energy is said to be in transformation into a cosmic energy. So my constitution wouldn't be of any help. Unless I somehow reach expert level too.

Ah.. I see..

Your situation is bad. Good thing I killed them

Giving them no chance to spread this information. Says Jin

Yes I need to get stronger to protect myself because I won't be soo lucky always

Cluvina says.

So to advance to the next level all one needs to do is get enough star energy?

Yes and no replies Cluvina.

Star energy is needed but you also have to make sure you have understood your martial skill and when it also gets to its bottleneck which is level nine, you then can advance to the next stage

There are many people who are stuck at thier current levels because they haven't been abel to gain enlightenment. Or they haven't been abel to gather up enough star energy.

So hunters like me, fight evolve creatures to further enhance our skills and gain enlightenment and to protect our world.

Protect? Protect from what? Jin says because obviously the creature that is supposed to come is not time yet and this statement kinda got him worried.

Cluvina answers and says.

Every hundred years there is a star shower. Which rains down immense amount of star energy and every plant or creature gets a chance to evolve.

But they seem to grow faster than us.Because they absorb the star energy faster.

Every now and then. There is a monster tied.

But when the star rain comes. A catastrophic monster tied bigger than the normal one's come.

So hunters like us are needed to defend against them in Kingdoms and City's

Sometimes we go on missions assigned by the magic society's when they detect strong magical wave.

Which are sometimes either magical equipments evolving beast whom might be a threat based on their star energy waves or sometimes very very rarely thing that happens.

A void door that leads to other plains or ancient Ruins which has opportunities and dangers also.

But not all missions are successful. So there are zones designated for their danger levels.

Yellow means intermediate to advanced level threat. White means Competence level threat. Blue means Proficient level threat and Red means Expert level.

Hunters are allowed to go on some of these zones To hone thier skills and possibly advance their levels or to get evolved creature parts to sell for money.

Evolve creatures are sold? Why? Jin asks

Cluvina then replies and say.

Because it is used to research how to deal with the creatures easier. To not make us waste too much star energy when fighting them.

But you need to be registered to the Adventure guild to be abel to sell what you get in these areas, its also a way for the Kingdom to know how many star warriors.

It has to aid it when there is an emergency

Ooh I see.. So if people can go in these zones and still level up. What importance is the void door?. Jin says while asking.

Cluvina replies.

It is said the last Star Walker stage warrior that ever existed got a god tier opportunity in one of the Void Doors.

Which helped him from half-step Expert warrior to Star Walker.

Wow. Were is this star warrior now? Jin asks because in the story, he did not see that star, but only El-Mond and the rest.

Cluvina replies.

It is said he died fighting another bean that tried to Consume our world but some say he gaind insight to the vastness of the Universe and left to explore it.

That explains it.

Explains what, Cluvina asks. Because Jin had spoken out those words without realising.

Huh? Or nothing. I'm just suprised how important the void tho is.

Anyway do you know El-Mond? How powerful is he now?

Jin lies and follows up with a question. To deter Cluvina from asking any questions about his words.

Hmm it is said that El-Mond Gray is a level nine Proficient Star Warrior. Says Cluvina.

Huh!? The swordsman El-Mond?. Yes how did you know he was a swordsman? Asks Cluvina.

Oh..oh I've head some stories about him, they say he's soo strong he can split mountains with just his hands. Jin frames a story to avoid unnecessary questions

Hahaha laughs Cluvina. Well there are many stories about him indeed but to split mountains with his hand is just too exaggerated.

From the historical records every star warriors strength is different. But unless they are body cultivators.

Their strength mostly depends on how much star energy they store in them. Because every strike or technique requires star energy.

In the same level. Star energy mostly determines the winner between Star Warrior's

But a body cultivation star warrior at the same level has an advantage.

Because some of them need just a tiny bit star energy to further boost thier bodies Strengh. While they fight

While someone with the ability to use star enegy to cover themselves as shield will have to exert more star energy while they fight.

In such a fight the body cultivators win easily unless thier opponent is HIGHLY skilled.

But not anyone can be a body cultivator. It takes too much time and harder and if your body cannot handle the re-forging there is a high chance your cultivation will be destroyed and you might turn to a cripple. Cluvina says

I see...thank you for the information. So how does one register at adventure guild? I want to be abel to enter these zone areas myself and build up my skills. Jin says

If your finished eating we can go get you registered now. It is not a long procedure.

I'm done so we can go. Says Jin

and they head out.

On the way Cluvina points out stores for food. Cloths. Equipment and Forges. Etc

They enter the building and head to the counter, the receptionist sees Cluvina and beams up and hugs her from the counter

We're! have you been? I even sent someone to your place to enquire about you. But to no avail. You! Think you are older now so you can do whatever you want!!? Huh!?

The receptionist says while shaking Cluvina.'s.. Cluvina trying to reply but gets cut of with another question. ¹

Who! Is that?. She says pointing at Jin. Making him take a step back from the sudden attention.

She continues IF!!..YOU! Think!!. You!. Can!! Impact bad behaviour on my Cluvina!.

Jin cuts her of with. Oh you must be Cluvinas younger Sister!? Nice to meet you.

She tries to continue. YOU! GOT!. But then Jins comment halts her words.

She fake coughs and goes Ahem!. Blushing a little pushing her spectacles up.

Cluvina were is this youngman from? She asks. Urg.. sister you almost took of my shoulders says Cluvina.

You! Deserve it. Cluvinas Sister replies her and says. Do you know how worried I was? If you hadn't shown up together I would have went to the Green mountains myself!

Am sorry am sorry. But i almost left forever you.

if not for..

Jin immediately covers her mouth and whispers It's best to not talk about that here? Cluvina cheeks turn red with Jins hands on her mouth and nods.

Jin takes of his hand

Cluvina then says. Jin this is my sister Louise. Sister this is Jin he would like to register as an adventurer.

Hmm we definitely are not done with this. After he's registered I'm taking a break and I want to hear everything that happened this past three days Got it!? Louise says and Okay... sister. Cluvina replies

Good! Louise says. Okay Jin it's very simple the adventure guild is here to ensure hunters know the risks and opportunities in attacking the evolved beasts.

So to determine that we need to see your strength level to give you advice base on that and to assign you to what is beneficial for your growth as a hunter.

So put your put your hand on this orb and your star energy will let us know your level and what you can handle now and advise you against things that might be too dangerous. Simple right?

Yes Jin replies.

Then go ahead Louise says pointing at the orb.

Jin thinks to himself. I cannot show my strength. I've red manhuas to know standing out as a new guy in town will definitely attract unwanted attention.

System no one can see my level right? In his head

Ding: As the host told me before to do and suggest things that are beneficial to you.

I then concealed your strength and will only show what you want others to see.

System you are the best! I want to look like just an intermediate star warrior.

Ding: Host just has to release 900 cosmic energy in the orb. Cosmic Energy is much more stronger than star energy. If you put in more than that the orb will explode.

Jin puts his hand on the orb and releases 900 cosmic energy and the orb turns yellow.

PUAHAHA.. The people watching bust into laughter

Cluvina one guy shouts.

Hang with us real men. We can protect you better than chicken Little here. Puahaha they laugh.

Don't pay any attention to them dear your still young and will grow stronger. Says Louise but Cluvina shakes her head thinking oh sister you have noo.. idea how terrifying he can be.

Jin says thank you miss Louise. But I don't really mind these mockery.

Good! You have drive. Here is your adventures badge your now an official hunter. Louise hands over Jins identification badge and proceeds to say

Develop yourself in the intermediate and advanced zones. When you get stronger you can always go higher. Rita take over I'm going on a lunch break Louise says and asks Cluvina and Jin to follow.

They head upstairs in Louise private office as the branch manager of Lunan city's adventure guild.

Wow your sister is the manager? What Is her level? Jin whispers. I'm a Proficient level one Star Warrior and I can here you.

Ahem Jin clears his throat.

Okay. So now tell me Cluvina where were you for the past three days?. You told me you would be back within two days

Me thinking you were back. But at home and resting did not want to bother you. But then the girl I sent to bring a gift for you

Came back to tell me you were not home.

I'm sorry. Sigh.. this is what happened. Cluvina tells her everything and her energy shoots up for a moment then calmed down and she says.

That BASTARD I wish I could have tortured him to death myself. Thank you Jin you saved my Sister. I don't know what I would have done. Thank you! Louise says.

No no it's not a problem and besides it was a good learning experience. Says jin.

Mhmm! your a promising young man to kill a Peak Advance warrior with an intermediate level cultivation. Very promising indeed. Says Louise

Hahaha... I was just lucky that he let his guard down I'm still weak and need to grow stronger.

Don't worry if his father comes causing trouble I will help you deal with them since his son can't keep his stick to himself. Says Louise.

Thank you. I wanted to know is the Green mountain the only place with designated zones?. Jin asks.

There are other places. But they're quite unpredictable compared to the gray mountain. So we let hunters only go to the gray mountain to train.

Once they reach at least level 8 Competence star warrior we give them permission to enter those areas. Because then they have a 38% to survive any mishaps. Louise explains.

Oh wow I see. Then i will head to the Gray Mountains for training. Jin says.

What so soon? Ask Cluvina.

Yes fight Bryan was an eye opener. I need to hone my skills and get stronger to protect myself. Besides I don't know when they will come for me.

I have to be ready says Jin.

Oh okay then I'm coming with you says Cluvina. No no you just got back and you've already helped me soo much.

I can't drag you along to my training and besides I will just hang around in the orange zone so i should be safe.

I do better alone honestly. So don't worry much Jin says taping Cluvina on her shoulder.

He's right Cluvina. Louise says while Hugging Cluvina in her chest and also getting the hint of Jin wanting to go alone.

She says I need to feed you more you've lost weight and don't worry. Jin have this. When in danger rip it in half and you will be teleported here instantly.

Thank you Miss Louise Jin says as he walks out.

Then Louise releasing she says. While releasing Cluvina. You like him don't you? I...I'm just making sure he doesn't get hurt he's new here after all Cluvina says while her cheeks are red.

Mmmhm replies Louise.

Jin out the Kingdoms gates says to himself.

I have to get stronger and fast is what that shadowy figure said and putting that asside if that creature really is to come to this world somehow.

I need strength enough strength to kill or survive somehow. He walks out of site of the city guards

And accelerates at top speed of three hundred and ninety miles per hour heading for green mountain range to kill and get leveling up.

To be continued..

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