Chapter 102: Star Wars : Chapter 102: The Execution II
"He has the tools in his disposal to get through this spectacle", Master Windu said after further analyzing the dunegon's layout. "How he would use them remains to be seen"
"He will, Master Windu", Anakin chimed in determination and confidence in his son. "I'm sure of it..."
The Rancor howled as Luke made a run for the holding cave where he reached the door and pushed a button to open it. When he succeeded, he sees a heavy barred gate between him and safety. Beyond the gate two guards look up from their meal. Luke crouched against the wall as the monster started to reach for him. Suddenly he noticed a main door control panel halfway up the wall.
As the Rancor moved in for the kill, Luke picked up a skull from the cave floor and hurls it at the panel. The giant overhead door comes crashing down on the beast's head, killing it indefinitely.
"Quick, resourceful and focused", Luminara applauded the Jedi Knight for his success.
"What did I tell you, Masters? I was certain Luke will get through this", Anakin proclaimed in pride.
Those in the audience above gasped as one, then were silent. They were all truly stunned at this bizarre turn of events. They all looked to Jabba, who was apoplectic with rage. Never had he felt such fury. Leia tried to hide her delight, but was unable to keep fromsmiling, and this increased Jabba's anger even further.
Harshly he snapped at his guards: "Get him out of there. Bring me Solo and the Wookiee. They will all suffer for this outrage." In the pit below, Luke stood calmly as several of Jabba's henchmen ran in, clapped himin bonds, and ushered him out.
"Not much of a graceful loser, are you?", Rex mocked.
"Since when he ever was?", Ahsoka added.
The Rancor keeper wept openly and threwhimself down on the body of his dead pet. Life would be a lonely proposition for himfromthat day. Han and Chewie were led before the steaming Jabba. Han stillsquinted and stumbled every few feet. Threepio stood behind the Hutt, unbearably apprehensive. Jabba kept Leia on a short tether, stroking her hair to try to calm himself.
Anakin breathed in heavily before letting out a sigh as Padme rubbed his shoulder. Obi-Wan only glanced at him when he felt the rising anger within him begin to fade away when he looked at the disgusting scenario before him.
As did the rest of the Jedi, but they remained quiet at that.
With a flurry, several guards—including Lando Calrissian-dragged Luke in across the room. To give them passage, the courtiers parted like an unruly sea. When Luke, too, was standing before the throne, he nudged Solo with a smile. "Good to see you again, old buddy." Solo's face lit up. There seemed to be no end to the number of friends he kept bumping into.
"Luke! Are you in this mess now, too?"
"Wouldn't miss it," Skywalker smiled. For just a moment, he almost felt likea boy again. "Well, how we doing?"
Han raised his eyebrows. "Same as always,"said Luke. "Oh-oh," Solo replied under his breath. He felt one hundred percent relaxed. Just like old times—but a second later,a bleak thought chilled him.
"Where's Leia? Is sh..." Her eyes had been fixed on him from the moment he'd entered the room, though—guarding his spirit with her own. When he spoke of her now, she responded instantly, calling from her place on Jabba's throne. "I'm allright, but I don't know how much longer I can hold off your slobbering friend, here."
"She speaks the way Skywalker would probably have in similar situations such as this...", Depa observed, seeing a pattern, something that the audience got wind as well. "Which is probably why he is fond of her"
Anakin and Padme couldn't help but agree. She sounded and felt like Anakin but neither knew why.
Suddenly Jabba shouted; the entire room was immediately silent."Talk droid!" Timidly, Threepio stepped forward and with an embarrassed, self-effacing head gesture, addressed the captives. "His High Exaltedness, the great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately."
"Compensating for your losses, then?", Master Fisto commented.
Master Mundi continued to observe the scene further. "Unless this is all part of the plan too...", he uttered.
Solo said loudly,"That's good, I hate long waits..."
"Your extreme offense against His Majesty," Threepio went on, 'demands the most torturous form of death..."
"No sense in doing things halfway," Solo cracked. Jabba could be so pompous, sometimes, and now with old Goldenrod, there, making his pronouncements...
No matter what else, Threepio simply hated being interrupted. He collected himself, nonetheless, and continued. "You will be taken to the Dune Sea, where you will bethrown into the Great Pit of Carkoon—"
Han shrugged, then turned to Luke. "That doesn't sound too bad."
Anakin only sighed while others put a hand onto their foreheads. "And now you jinxed it, Solo"
Threepio ignored the interruption."... the resting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc. In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you slowly digest for a thousand years.
On second thought we could pass on that," Solo reconsidered. Athousand years wasa bit much. Chewie barked his whole-hearted agreement.
Luke only smiled. "You should have bargained, Jabba. This is the last mistake you'll ever make." Luke was unable to suppress the satisfaction in his voice.
"His confidence would only mean he has another plan for him and his friends to escape", Luminara tried to put two and two together. "Which can be possible outside from a well-fortified garrison like Jabba's palace"
"It would appear so, Master Unduli", Plo Koon realized it too. "Young Skywalker have used Jabba's hubris to his advantage. And now, they would be able to escape."
Anakin couldn't help but be proud of him. Of course, his primary objective was to free his friends, whom he loved dearly; it was this concern that guided his sonnow, above all else. But in the process, to free the universe of this gangster slug—this was a prospect that tinted Luke's purpose with an ever-so-slightly dark satisfaction.
Jabba chortled evilly. "Take them away."At last, a bit of pure pleasure on an otherwise dreary day—feeding the Sarlacc was the only thing he enjoyed as much as feeding the Rancor.
Aloud cheer rose from the crowd as the prisoners were carried off. Leia looked after them with great concern; but when she caught a glimpse of Luke's face she was stirred to see it still fixed in a broad, genuine smile. She sighed deeply, to expel her doubts.
Jabba's giant antigravity Sail Barge glided slowly over the endless Dune Sea. Its sand-blasted iron hullcreaked in the slight breeze, each puff of wind coughing into the two huge sails as if even nature suffered some terminal malaise wherever it came near Jabba. He was below decks, now, with most of his court, hiding the decay of his spirit from the cleansing sun.
Alongside the barge, two small skiffs floated in formation —one an escort craft, bearing six scruffy soldiers; the other, a gun skiff, containing the prisoners:Han, Chewie, Luke. They were all in bonds, and surrounded by armed guards.
Han kept his ear tuned, for his eyes were still useless. He spoke with reckless disregard, to put the guards at ease —to get them used to his talking and moving, so when the time came for himreallyto move, they'd be a critical fraction behind his mark. And, of course—as always—he spoke just to hear himself speak.
"I think my sight is getting better," he said, squinting over the sand. "Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big bright blur."
"Believe me, you're not missing anything." Luke smiled. "I grew up here."
Anakin thought of his youth on Tatooine, living with his mother as slaves in Watto's workshop, working on his Pod-Racer with his few friends. After leaving, all Anakin could remember were bad memories when he returned a few years ago. He had known the place for half of his life already.
He had met Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon Jinn, and Padme Amidala. The people of whom he considered were the closest to his life, especially Master Qui Gon. Despite their short time together. Anakin thought of him now with great respect, and great sorrow. For Qui Gon was, more than anyone, the agent of Anakin's discoveries and losses—and discoveries of losses.
That's how it had all started for Anakin and his future son, here on Tatooine.
"And now we're going to die here," Solo replied. "Convenient"
"I wasn't planning on it," Luke shook himself out of his reverie. "Jabba's palace was too well guarded. I had to get you out of there. Just stay close to Chewie and Lando. We'll take care of everything."
"It seems your observation had been correct, Master Unduli", Plo Koon remarked.
"But", Caleb asked.
"Only one way to find out, kid", Rex told him,
"I can hardly wait." Solo had a sinking feeling this grand escape depended on Luke's thinking he was a Jedi—a questionable premise at best, considering it was an extinct brotherhood that had used a Force he didn't really believe in anyway. A fast ship and a good blaster are what Han believed in, and he wished he had them now.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone, just a quick update—my new fanfic "Star Wars: Diplomat of Madness" is now up. If you're into political maneuvering, sharp dialogue, and the occasional Sith-related disaster, give it a look.
Also, for those waiting on more "Warcraft" content, I've got a new fic coming next week. Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, and I appreciate the support.