Star Wars : Arise In The Future

Chapter 99: Star Wars : Chapter 99: Compromised I

Han strained to see her, though he had the eyes of a newborn. "Leia! Where are we?"

"Jabba's palace. I've got to get you out of here quick."

He sat up shakily. "Everything's a blur... I'm not going tobe much help..."

She looked at him a long moment, her blinded love—she'd traveled light-years to find him, risked her life, lost hard-won time needed sorely by the Rebellion, time she couldn't really afford to throw away on personal questsand private desires... but she loved him.

Tears filled her eyes. "We'll make it," she whispered. Impulsively, she embraced him and kissed him again. He, too, was flooded with emotion all at once—back from the dead, the beautiful princess filling his arms, snatching him from the teeth of the void. He felt overwhelmed.

"As touching as this is, they would have to leave immediately before Jabba and his men had the gist of what was going on", Master Mundi pointed out pragmatically.

"Things tend to go out of hand at the heated moments of passion, Master", Obi-Wan further added.

Unable to move, even to speak, he held her tightly, his blind eyes closed fast against all the sordid realities thatwould come rushing in soon enough.

Sooner than that, as it happened. A repulsive squishing sound suddenly became all too obvious behind them. Han opened his eyes, but could still see nothing. Leialooked up to the alcove beyond, and her gaze turned to an expression of horror.

"Oh no...", Caleb groaned in despair.

"We just have to say it sooner...", Rex muttered, realizing the shift in tone.

The rest of the audience shared this feeling, though Anakin and Padme's feeling of both shock and recoil were the most noticeable.

"You're not saying that..."

For the curtain had been drawnaway, and theentirearea, floor to ceiling, was composed of a gallery of the most disgusting miscreants of Jabba'scourt -gawking, salivating, wheezing. Leia's hand shot up to her mouth.

"What is it?" Han pressed her. Something obviously wasterribly wrong. He stared into his own obscene cackle rose from the other side of thealcove. A Huttese cackle.

"I could never get used to that laugh of his..", Ahsoka commented in contempt, just hoping that Rota doesn't end up like this lime in front of this.

Han held his head, closed his eyes again, as if to keep away the inevitable for just one more moment. "I know that laugh."

The curtain on the far side was suddenly drawn open. There sat Jabba, Ishi Tib, Bib, Boba, and several guards. They all laughed, kept laughing, laughed to punish. "My, my, what a touching sight," Jabba purred. "Han, my boy, your taste in companions has improved, even if your luck has not."

"Perhaps he could make out something with Jabba, yes?", Saesee asked, recalling how Han managed to deal with Jabba during the first holotape they viewed.

"I'm afraid it's too late with that, Master Tiin", Kit Fisto bitterly admitted. "Jabba's patience has limits. And Fett bringing Han over to him is likely at its end"

Even blind, Solo could slide into smooth talk easier thana spice-eater. "Listen, Jabba, I was on my way back topay you when I got a little side-tracked. It's not my fault..."

This time Jabba genuinely chuckled. "It's too late for that, Solo. You may have been the best smuggler in the business, but now you're Bantha fodder." He cut short his smile and gestured to his guards.

"Take him away"Guards grabbed Leia and Han. They dragged the Corellian pirate off, while Leia continued struggling whereshe was.

"I will decide how to kill him later,"Jabba muttered.

"I'll pay you triple," Solo called out. "Jabba, you're throwing away a fortune. Don't be a fool."

Then he was gone. From the rank of guards, Lando quickly moved forward, took hold of Leia, and attempted to lead her away.

Jabba stopped them. "Wait! Bring her to me."

Lando and Leia halted in mid-stride.

The Crime Lord's words spurred the fears and curiousity of those watching in the Chamber, with the women grimacing at whatever Jabba had in mind for Leia. Especially to those who were familiar with the Hutt on a personal level. "Now what does he want from her now?", Depa asked, rubbing her temples.

From the sides, the Jedi could feel the blend of fear and anger radiating from Skywalker at hearing whatever sinister plan the Crime Lord had for Leia. Immediately, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Padme came close to him, trying to cool down his anger as he glared at the crime lord, muttering. "You better get your hands off of her, Jabba...", he seethed in anger.

The woman only glared at the Crime Lord, who was more than pleased at this reaction. "We have powerful friends. You're gonna regret this..."

Jabba only chuckled in response. "I'm sure...", he moved closer to the woman, his ugly visage nearing her beautiful face, before she turned away in disgust. "but in the meantime, I will thoroughly enjoy the pleasure of your company"

"Calm down, Anakin", Obi-Wan beckoned his apprentice as he watched in muted anger at the screen. "I am sure Luke and the others have a plan for this"

It didn't help the Chosen One one bit in calming his now conflicted mind.

Han was thrown roughly into the dungeon cell; the door crashed shut behind him. He fell to the floor in thedarkness, then picked himself up and satagainst the a few moments of pounding the ground with his fist,he quieted down and tried to organize his thoughts. Thoughts on how he could get out of here and fix the mess that happened because of him. Now that he knew that Jabba had some sick fantasies for Leia, but what could he do?

Then he heard the growl. A low, formidable snarl from out of the dense blackness at the far corner of the cell,the growl of a large and angry beast.

The audience were familiar with the growl, and whatever tension and concern they had for Solo quickly evaporated at what they were hearing.

The hair on Solo's arms stood on end. Quickly he rose,his back to the wall. "Looks like I've got company," he muttered.

The wild creature bellowed out an insane "Groawwwwr!" and raced straight at Solo, grabbing him ferociously around the chest, lifting him several feetinto the air, squeezing off his breathing.

Han was totally motionless for several long seconds—he couldn't believe his ears.

"Chewie, is that you!?", The giant Wookiee barked with joy. For the second time in an hour, Solo was overcome with happiness; but this was an entirely different matter. "All right, allright, wait a second, you're crushing me."

Chewbacca put his friend down. Han reached up and scratched his partner's chest; Chewie cooed like a pup.

"It seems they're back on track", Master Fisto commented optimistically. "He has someone he could make a plan someone being the most loyal friend in thegalaxy"

"But given the circumstances, they would need another party to make it work due to the enhanced security", Shaak Ti added, wondering if this is also part of Luke's plan.

"Okay, what's going on around here, anyway?"

Chewie barked shook his head. "Is Luke crazy? Why'd you listen to him? That kid can't even take care of himself, let alone rescue anyone."

"Lando's plan? What is he doing here?"

Ahsoka understood his tone of disbelief and anger. "I remember, Han thought that Lando had betrayed them to the Empire. But didn't get to know that he did help them in the end", she recalled.

Chewie barked shook his head. "Is Luke crazy? Why'd you listen to him? That kid can't even take care of himself, let alone rescue anyone."

"Have faith, Captain Solo", Yoda said out loud, with clear confidence in his tone. "Know what lies you ahead, you have not yet"

The Grand Master's words manage to help calm Anakin's mind. If there is one thing that is consistent about his son, it was his determination to save his friends. A trait that he had inherited from his father.

"A Jedi Knight? Come on. I'm out of it for a little while and everybody gets delusions."

Chewbacca growled insistently. Han nodded dubiously in the blackness. "I'll believe it when I see it—" he commented, walking stoutly into the wall. "If you'll excuse the expression."


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