Star Wars : New Jedi

Chapter 29: NJ : Chapter 29: Some Exercise I

( Jedi High Council Chambers )

Battlemaster Drallig often reported to the Council concerning those Padawans and Knights undertaking the Test of Skill, or for general training of the people in the Temple. This was at the same time familiar and unfamiliar.

"Masters," he greeted the present members of the Council – some attending via hologram, others unable to at all.

"Master Drallig," Mace Windu said, a small smile on his face. "How went your day?"

"Quite at odds with my usual routine," he replied. "I must say that quite a few Initiates and Padawans were distracted."

"So we have heard," Ki-Adi-Mundi commented. "But it is not their impressions we want, it is yours."

The Knight-Errant Katarn, as he was called by people who refused his offer to simply call him 'Kyle' was on one hand, a massive enigma in terms of his training and skills, yet there was enough about him that was familiar that the Battle Master found himself almost enjoying his testing. In a purely professional capacity of course.

"Katarn is a powerful Force user, easily equal to any member of this Council." He had to say that first, that the rest of his report would be accepted with little consequence. "However, he is unskilled when compared to many Knights, and I suspect that his training has been... short."

"What makes you say that?" the Hologram of Shaak Ti said from Kamino.

"When he performed the lift test, he took seven minutes to lift the second to last block, then twenty for the final one."

"What about the tractor beam installed under the last one?" Eeth Koth wondered.

"It was primed, but did not active," Cin reported. "I have to caution this Council though that his failure to trigger the fail-safe in that test is not indicative of a failure, but rather his telekinetic prowess is more optimized for sudden impulse, rather than constant effort."

"We understand," Billaba nodded. "His other skills?"

Cin reported what he knew, and what he could conclude through observations. That Katarn had an excellent grasp of the fundamentals, his advanced skills were haphazard at best. And he often resorted to carefully controlled overkill in terms of Force usage, rather than use a technique that would take less power.

"What of the Dark Side?" Mace asked. "It can be no secret he has touched it."

"From my senses," Cin admitted, "he does not call upon the Dark Side when performing his feats. If anything, it is simply... there." He shook his head. "I do not have the words to properly describe it. It is as if the Dark Side exists without function, like it lay dormant, but he can still draw strength when called upon."

"Any signs of Vaapad?" Mace asked, curious and worried.

"None, though we did not engage in a practice battle."

"Curiouser and curiouser," Yoda mused. "Ready for battle, you are?"

Cin straightened. "Always, Master Yoda."

"Heard enough, we have." Yoda bowed his head in thanks. ""Amongst ourselves, we will speak." He dismissed the Battlemaster gently. Once he was gone, the venerable Grand Master spoke again. "Your minds, speak."

"I would know where his Sect has been hiding," Kit Fisto spoke. "Your description of this apparition in the Force is not something we were prepared for. Do you think Katarn has knowledge of this technique?"

"Ask him, we shall." Yoda agreed. "Obvious it is, knowledge of the Force, incomplete, ours is."

"Out of curiosity," Plo Koon mused aloud, "what would we have done had he come to us not in a time of war?"

"Sent him away," Ki-Adi-Mundi replied. "He is not of the Order. Yet times are different now, we cannot turn away help because they are not like us. And now with knowing his sect knows things we do not, that are not tied to the Darkness, we would be obliged to learn them none the less."

"Yet, is there anything we have heard or seen that would bar him from further testing?" Windu asked, cutting through another round of circular arguments.

There was no objections.


( Raven's Claw )

"Kyle?" Jan stepped up the ramp into the dark interior of their shuttle. "You in here?"

Sounds of... something came from the sleeping berths, and suspecting that Kyle had a more exhausting day than she had, she checked the lower bunk.

Kyle was asleep, laying flat out on the thin mat, with his saber and pistol sitting of to the side of his pillow. He snored gently, and with a smile, Jan pulled a blanket out of a cubby and lay it over him. "Night, Kyle."

"Night, Jan." He said through a moment's wakefulness, before dropping back into deep sleep.


( Communal Mess Hall )

Kyle and Jan grabbed a table in the large room, partaking of the free food offered in the Temple. It wasn't elegant, but it served as a good breakfast. "So," Kyle said as he broke a loaf of bread and handed half to Jan, "How did things go yesterday?"

"I had to deal with bureaucracy." Jan explained, letting that single word encapsulate everything that went wrong. "I could have really used you."

"Really?" Kyle smirked. "Is that because you wanted me or my lightsaber?"

"Can't have one without the other," Jan shot back. "You would not believe the effort required to register a ship!"

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Kyle didn't normally deal with that part of being a mercenary. "I mean, if worst came to worst, you could have asked Mon Mothma for help, right?"

Jan shook her head. "Need to keep ourselves independent, in case things go sour."

Kyle nodded in understanding. "Got to admit though. Food is better than back home."

"You would say that," Jan bit into her bread. "You always complain about the food."

"I don't complain about yours!"

"Because you know better." Jan lightly punched Kyle in the shoulder.

"Pardon me, is this seat taken?"

Kyle and Jan looked at the newcomer, whom Kyle identified. "Master Drallig! No, no it's not. Cin, this is Jan, my pilot and co-worker. Jan, this is Battlemaster Cin Drallig. He's been putting me through my paces yesterday and in the future."

Jan offered a hand to Cin, who shook it. "A pleasure." She didn't miss the title, being the same as Kyle's back in the future. "I hope he hasn't been giving you too much grief?"

"Only the pains in my heart that come from having a student who wants to rush through his lessons to get to what he thinks is the good stuff." Cin replied with a grin.

"I'm sitting right here" Kyle growled.

Jan feigned being charmed by the older human. She giggled. "Kyle can be like that. If he gets out of hand, just let me know. I can take care of things!"

"Jan!" Kyle said, mortified. "So, what brings you to our table, Master Drallig?"

"Well," the Battelmaster sipped some of his own broth before speaking some more. "I just wanted to let you know personally that the latter half of your Test of Skill will be this afternoon. Please be prepared."

Kyle nodded. "Right. Jan, you want to watch?"

She shook her head. "Why bother? I know you're going to win. And I've got more things to take care of today."

"What are your concerns?" Cin asked out of politeness.

So Jan explained the issues she was having with registering their ship and all the sundry details that came with legitimizing their presence on Coruscant.

"You do you that the Temple would be able to assist with that?" Cin said as soon as she had wound down. "It is not uncommon for a Jedi to return with a different ship than what they were left with, and we have the resources to properly register the new ships with the Republic. Yours included."

Jan's jaw dropped. "What."

"Yes. Were you not aware of this?"

"No!" Jan said a bit loudly for the level of conversation. "Kyle! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know!" Kyle raised his hands defensively. "If I did, I would have told you!"

Jan grumbled a bit under her breath. "Master Drallig, who would I have to speak to in order to register the Raven's Claw?"

"I do not know personally, but I would suggest checking with the person in charge of the landing bay."

Kyle wisely kept his mouth shut as Jan worked her way through her annoyance that she had wasted a day, and wasted money at the same time. "Kyle."


"I'm going to be busy today. I don't think I'll be able to cheer you on this afternoon."

"I understand." Kyle said. "Would you like me to make a holo for you to watch later?"

"That won't be necessary," Jan said in return. "I know you'll win a fight or duel."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Kyle finished off the last of his food. "If that's the case, I think I'll study for the other tests for a few hours, then warm up after lunch." He stood up. "Master. Jan."

"By Kyle!" "Farewell, Katarn."


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