Star Wars: Rise Of A Sith

Chapter 4: Negotiations




In the cockpit of the cruiser, the captain and pilot of the ship maneuvered closer to the main Trade Federation droid command ship whilst the figures of Y/N, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan stood behind the captain and pilot.

Qui-Gon: "Captain."

The captain turns to Qui-Gon who was sitting behind her with a calm and collect look on his face.

Captain: "Yes, sir?"

Qui-Gon: "Tell them we wish to board at once."

The captain looks to her viewing screen where Nute Gunray, Viceroy to the Trade Federation as well as one of the main government officials of the Neimoidian race, waits for a reply.

Captain: "With all due respect, the Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately."

Nute Gunray: "Yes, yes, of course... as you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to receive the Ambassadors."




A Protocol Droid, TC-14, waits at the door to the docking bay.

The ray shield doors to the docking bay open and the Republic cruiser can be seen in the docking bay, landing on the designated area assigned to it. Upon landing a slight amount of steam was released from the cruiser as the main ramp opened revealing three darkly robed figures who walked down the ramp and greeted TC-14 with a nod from each of them.

TC-14: "I'm TC-14, at your service. this way please."

The three each sent slight nods towards Tc-14 as they follow the droid down the large hallways of the ship.




A door slides open revealing TC-14 and the three cloaked figures with TC-14 in the lead and the three cloaked figures following closely behind as they entered the conference room.

TC-14: "We are greatly honored by your visit, Ambassadors. Make yourselves comfortable, my master will be with you shortly."

The droid bows before the ambassadors before backing out the door with it closing begin TC-14 when she left. Upon the door closing the Jedi lowered their hoods and looked out a large set of windows at the lush green and at the moment peaceful planet of Naboo. 

Qui-Gon Jinn, a man in his mid-forties - Jedi Master and former Padawan to Jedi Master Dooku, has his long brown hair in a ponytail his blue eyes looking down on the planet with his usual calm and collect look, his tall figure standing proud as he did so.

At Qui-Gon's right side was Obi-Wan Kenobi, a twenty -five-year-old Jedi Padawan to Qui-Gon, his face unlike his master having that of a discontent look on it as he was filled with unease.

Finally, there was Y/N, the youngest of the three and Jedi Padawan to Qui-Gon's former master, Master Dooku. Though Y/N was only sixteen years of age both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could sense his power and strong connection to the force - his power and skill already rivaling that of his master. His raw and still largely untapped power in the force was that of a fissure in the force unseen for millennia, a power that drew Dooku, a Jedi who had only ever taken one Padawan in his almost seventy years of living to go out of his way and request Y/N as his apprentice. 

Y/N stood tall and silent at Qui-Gon's left side, the young Padawan along with Obi-Wan waiting for further instruction from the elder and more experienced Jedi next to them. Yet whilst Y/N was impatient, Obi-Wan seemed to be even more so as he could not help himself from opening his mouth to speak.

Obi-Wan: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Qui-Gon: "I don't sense anything."

Obi-Wan: "It's not the mission, Master, it's something... elsewhere... elusive."

Y/N: "I agree with Obi-Wan on this, Qui-Gon. The force... it feels imbalanced... and tense."

Qui-Gon: "Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs."

Y/N: "Master Yoda often says we should be mindful of the future..."

Qui-Gon: "... But not the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force, young Padawans."

Obi-Wan: "Yes, Master."

Y/N hesitated yet conceded to the more experienced Jedi's opinions. 

Y/N: "Yes, Master."

They walk closer to the window and gaze into the vast emptiness of space, light years of endless void stretching out in front of them with countless planets both explored and unexplored filling the many galaxies that the endless void of space covers.

Obi-Wan: "How do you think the Trade Viceroy will deal with the Chancellor's demands?"

Qui-Gon: "The Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short."

Y/N: "I wouldn't be too sure, anything could happen."




Nute Gunray and Daultay Dofine stood stunned, eyes filled with panic and worry as TC-14 stood before them.

Gunray: "What?!? What did you say?"

TC-14: "The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I believe."

Daultay Dofine: "I knew it! They're here to force a settlement."

Gunray: "Distract them, I will contact Lord Sidious."

Daultay Dofine looked at Nute Gunray with a look of shock as he immediately shook his head in a no fashion.

Daultay Dofine: "Are you braindead?!? I'm not going in there with three Jedi! Send the droid."

Daultay Dofine turns to TC-14 who lets out a faint squeaky sigh in defeat as she knew this wouldn't end well for her.


The three Jedi for some time had continued to wait patiently for quite some time and the Padawans, Y/N most of all, were beginning to lose their patients.

Obi-Wan: "Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?"

Y/N: "This is taking too long, Master. You said this was going to be quick and simple; this has been way longer than quick and the negotiations haven't even started yet."

Qui-Gon simply shakes his head at the two padawans.

After what seemed like ages the doors to the conference room eventually opened once more, sliding open revealing none other than TC-14 who entered in... alone, with nothing more than a tray of drink and food.

Qui-Gon: "No... I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute."

TC-14 walks over to the Jedi and each of the three grabs a drink, then TC-14 leaves the room once more causing the three Jedi to look at each other with cautious looks on each of their faces.




Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and Daultay Dofine are seen standing before the holographic image of Darth Sidious, a robed figure who's scowl never seemed to leave his face for even a second whilst the rest of his face was obscured by his pitch black cloak.

Darth Sidious: "What is it?"

Daultay Dofine: "This scheme of yours has failed, Lord Sidious. the blockade is finished! We dare not go against these Jedi."

Sidious' scowl deepened at Daultay Dofine's words.

Sidious: "Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again."

Nute Gunray gives Daultay Dofine a stern and Condescending look as Daultay bows his head in shame before turning and walking away.

Sidious: "This turn of events is unfortunate. We must accelerate our plans. Begin landing your troops."

Gunray's face took on that of a look of unease upon hearing what Sidious said as he looked to Rune Haako for a brief second before looking back at Sidious.

Gunray: "My lord, is that... legal?"

Sidious: "I will make it legal."

Gunray: "And the... Jedi?"

Sidious: "The Chancellor should have never brought them into this. Kill them immediately."

Gunray: "Yes... yes, My Lord. As you wish."

Gunray bowed to Sidious before the hologram of the Dark Lord disappeared. 




In the cockpit of the cruiser, the pilot looks up to see a gun turret emerge from the room in the hanger and turn around to face directly at them.

Pilot: "Captain! Look!"

The captain looks up upon hearing this, her eyes going wide as they spotted the turret. Yet she was too late.

Captain: "Shiel-" 

The captain didn't have any time to finish her sentence as the turret opened fire with the laser charges making direct and swift contact with the Republic light cruiser resulting in the ships explosion, an explosion that caused the entire Trade federation battleship to shake as the explosion of the light cruiser was so powerful that it shot out from the hanger into space causing a large vacuum of air to be sucked out of the ship yet the hanger blast doors kicked in just in time, shutting off the hanger and making it airtight once more.


The Jedi felt the explosion of the light cruiser rattle throughout the entire battleship, though they didn't know for sure if it was their ship or not they assumed it was this as a rattling throughout the ship of this size could only be caused by a large ship exploding and the Trade Federation surely wouldn't have exploded one of their own ships.

Upon the destruction of the light cruiser, all three Jedi rose from where they were sitting, discarding their drinks as they reached down grabbing their lightsabers and igniting them, Qui-Gon igniting his green single bladed saber, Obi-Wan igniting his blue single bladed saber, and Y/N igniting only one side of his double sided magenta saber as they each got into a ready stance whilst their sabers illuminated the room in their respective glows.

TC-14 who was startled by the ignitions of the lightsabers jumps back, dropping the drinks on the tray as she does so.

TC-14: "...Sorry."

The Jedi simply ignored her however as they continued to wait for an attack to take place.

Yet nothing came. At least that's what it seemed at first as whilst the three though battle droids would immediately begin marching into the room, the doors remained shut. It was then without notice a strange gas began leaking in through the vents instead, filling the room at a rapid rate. 

Qui-Gon: "Dioxis."

The Jedi each held their breath as the room rapidly filled up with the gas as whilst this occurred two squads of B1 battle droids gathered outside the conference room. The B1 droid commander the brought out a hologram disc as the holographic image of Gunray then appeared out of it.

Gunray *Hologram*: "They must be dead by now. Destroy what's left of them."

The hologram then disappeared as the B1 battle droids clutched their blasters tighter as one of the droids walked to the controls outside the conference room and opened the doors revealing a completely gas filled conference room. Upon this occurring, TC-14 then walked out of the room in panic as she moved out of the way of the battle droids blasters.

TC-14: "Oh, excuse me."

The droid commander then looked to one of the subordinate droids.

B1 Commander: "Check it out Corporal, we'll cover you."

B1-2176: "Roger, roger."

The B1 battle droid nodded to the commander before slowly moving closer to the conference room yet after only stepping a foot into the room the smoke suddenly turned a mixture of assorted colors as the lightsabers of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Y/N once more ignited and readied to fight their way off the ship.

B1-2176: "Uh oh."

B1 Commander: "Blast them!"

The Jedi exit the room and begin taking down all the droids with ease, their lightsabers slicing through each droid that came their way, making quick work of the Federation battle droids. 

Obi-Wan does a flip mid-air, deflecting the laser bolts fired at him as he does this, before slicing in half another droid.

Meanwhile, all Gunray and Rune Haako could do was watch on the hallway cameras as the B1 battle droids try their best to destroy the Jedi as one by one they each fall until finally the B1 commander was cut in half by Y/N.




Gunray was now beginning to panic, as were many of the other Neimoidians who were present on the bridge as Gunray had truly believed the two squads of battle droids were enough to handle the Jedi. He was only now realizing how sorely mistaken he was. 

They then watch as the camera outside the conference room was destroyed by Y/N making them blind to what the Jedi were doing in that area or if they were even in that area any longer.

Gunray: "What is going on down there?"

Tey How, one of the Neimoidian subordinates under Gunray's rule turned to Gunray and Rune Haako who stood next to each other.

Tey How: "We lost the transmission, sir!"

Rune Haako looked to Gunray with worry.

Haako: "Have you ever encountered a Jedi Knight before, sir?"

Gunray: "Well, no, but I don't- seal of the bridge!"

Tey How: "Yes, sir!"

Tey How did just as Gunray ordered and sealed the doors to the bridge preventing anyone from the outside from accessing the bridge unless opened from the inside... or from cutting the doors open from the outside. 

Haako: "That won't be enough, sir."

Rune Haako did not seem to be helping ease Gunray's nerves at all as he was now in a pure state of panic as he frantically turned back to face Tey How.

Gunray: "I want Droidekas up here at once!"

While Tey How and the other Neimoidians did as Gunray said, Rune Haako only looked at Gunray with a look of defeat. 

Haako: "We will not survive this."




Making there way to the bridge, the three Jedi were greeted by more droids whom they also made short work of. Upon doing so, whilst more droids continued to head towards the bridge to kill the Jedi, as Obi-Wan and Y/N blocked and deflected the shots of the B1 droids, Qui-Gon moved to the doors connecting the hallway to the bridge and began using his lightsaber to cut a hot slowly through the door. 

Y/N and Obi-Wan seemed to work in perfect sync with each other as they both dodge, weaved, and deflected the shots sent towards them with ease, not even having to say a words as they each chose their targets and trusted the other to handle the droids they had chosen to take on, making quick and easy work of the battle droids as they cut down each and every droid that came their way.




Gunray was panicking even more as from within the bridge he and the other Neimoidians could see the edge of Qui-Gon's lightsaber as he was now over halfway through cutting through the doors. Fearing that the Droidekas wouldn't arrive in time, Gunray swiftly turned to Tey How.

Gunray: "Close the blast doors!"

Upon hearing this Tey How pressed a few buttons in front of her console before finally pressing a large blue button which caused the large and heavily thick blast doors to close in front of the already closed regular bridge doors, the doors so thick that even Qui-Gon's blade wasn't long enough to be seen any longer.

Gunray smirked in triumph upon seeing this as he turned to face Rune Haako.

Gunray: "Ha! That will hold them."




Qui-Gon had only a quarter left of the the bridge doors to cut when he felt the doors he was cutting become thicker and denser as he paused for a second before realizing that they had closed the blast doors on the inside.

However, Qui-Gon was determined to put an end to this debacle before it could escalate any further as with a swift and hard thrust Qui-Gon thrust his blade deeper than before, as deep as it could go as he even more slowly than before began cutting through and melting now both the regular doors and the blast doors.

Meanwhile, Y/N and Obi-Wan had finished dealing with the B1 battle droids as Y/N deflected a bolt into the last battle droid causing the droid to release a faint as well as brief mechanical scream before falling lifeless to the ground just as all the droids before it had done.

Though they had successfully defeated all the battle droids, at least at the moment as it seemed no more were coming at this very moment, Y/N and Obi-Wan still stood guard in ready stances as they prepared for the inevitable for they both knew just as Qui-Gon did that the Trade Federation would not surrender willingly.

Not without a fight.




Gunray's confidence had seemed to slowly dwindle once more back to his former cowardly look as he and Haako watched as the metal of the blast doors was gradually getting hotter, the metal turning brighter and brighter, its now bright orange state signaling that the metal was gradually melting and that the Jedi were slowly yet surely getting through both the regular bridge door as well as now the blast doors.

Haako: "They are still coming through!"

Haako pointed at the now reddish-orange metal as if Gunray could not see it with his own eyes. 

Gunray looked at Haako with terror in his eyes.

Gunray: "This is impossible!"

The metal on the doors was now beginning to become so hot at the point where Qui-Gon's lightsaber was stabbing into it as it was now melting off the door and dripping off the ground.

Haako turned to face Gunray as his panic was now beginning to rival Gunray's as he now feared for his life. Whilst he had no hope before, the blast doors had given him some yet now he was beginning to realize there was no hope after all.

Haako: "Where are those Droidekas?!"




As if on cue of Haako asking where they were, four Droidekas rolled out of nowhere from both the front and right hallways, halting a few yards away from the Jedi as they transformed out of their ball-like state, three legs coming out from them as well as two twin blasters on each side complete with a force field that covered their entire bodies that prevented any high force attacks from getting through.

The four Droidekas began firing with their twin blasters at the three Jedi with Y/N and Obi-Wan immediately beginning to deflect the shots whilst Obi-Wan who continued to face towards the Droidekas in the center hallway called out to his master.

Obi-Wan: "Master! Destroyers!"

As Obi-Wan did this, Y/N who wished to better protect himself activated the second blade of high lightsaber and continued to deflect the shots, smirking as unlike most Jedi Y/N always loved a good fight. 

Qui-Gon meanwhile had halted his cutting of the bridge doors and turned around and begun helping to deflect the incoming shots. Yet despite Y/N being in his element, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan who weren't used to fight as Y/N was were beginning to be overwhelmed by the Droidekas shots.

Obi-Wan: "They have shield generators. They're too strong."

Y/N upon hearing this smirked.

Y/N: "Then let's try something else!"

Y/N's voice became deeper at the end as he then de-activated his lightsaber and reached out with both his right and left hand whilst he continued to hold his lightsaber in his left hand and used to force to grab hold of both the Droidekas in the right hallway as well as the center hallway, lifting them up into the air before with a swift and powerful move slam the two Droidekas into the floor, ceiling, and walls a couple of times, destroying them in the process as he then let them go as they fell to the ground in pieces, faint amounts of sparks emitting from them as they lay broken on the ground. 

Qui-Gon looked at the destroyed Droidekas with a mix of shock and glee, not knowing if he should be happy that the droids were destroyed or be frightened by the power a sixteen year old Padawan possessed. 

Qui-Gon: "Well done, Y/N"

Y/N nodded to the elder Jedi as well as to the senior Padawan with a smirk yet that smirk soon fell as he re-ignited both sides of his lightsaber as he and his fellow Jedi heard the familiar rolling sounds of more Droidekas approaching. This time in a much larger supply.

The three Jedi watched as eight more Droidekas came rolling in, four down each of the two hallways the destroyed Droidekas were laying. Just as the other Droidekas had done, the eight new Droidekas stopped a few yards away from the Jedi, transforming out of their ball-like state as three legs sprouted out from each of them as well as two twin blasters, their shield generators activating as all of them began firing at the Jedi. 

Y/N, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan began blocking the shots yet the firepower seemed to be too much for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan was they were slowly being pushed back by the overwhelming firepower. 

Qui-Gon, realizing that they couldn't hold out forever, looked to his left where Obi-Wan and Y/N were standing, still deflecting the blasts. 

Qui-Gon: "There are too many, let's go."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan immediately turned down to the left hallway and used the force to boost themselves down it and out of the Droidekas range. However, Y/N hesitated once again.

He didn't want to retreat, he believed he was strong enough to take them all on himself, that he was powerful enough to take on the whole ship if he wanted to. And yet... he could feel that the force was telling him not to. That the force had a different path for him and when he saw a few squads of B1 battle droids walking up from behind the Droidekas he decided to trust the Forces judgement and follow Qui-Gon and Obi-Wans lead... for now. 




Watching through the hallway cameras, Gunray and Haako watched as Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and later Y/N as well escaped down the left hallway, smirks evident and sinisterly on their faces as they finally began to feel at ease knowing that the Jedi would not be taking them into custody for at least a little longer.

Haako released a small chuckle as he looked to Gunray with pride in their creations.

Haako: "They are no match for Droidekas."

Tey How: "Sir."

Both Gunray and Haako turned to look at Tey How to hear what she had to say.

Tey How: "They've gone up the ventilation shaft."

Both Gunray and Haako release soft grumbles at that set of information, knowing that they would never be truly from arrest unless they apprehend and execute the Jedi as Sidious had instructed.




Using force speed Y/N soon caught up with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan who despite wanting to know why he'd taken so long to follow then decided to leave it at least for the time being.

Knowing that the ship was crawling with droids, all of which had orders to kill them, all three Jedi soon realized that it would be best to take a path more safe and secure - the ventilation shafts.

Opening the vent both Obi-Wan and Y/N went in first with Qui-Gon heading in last as he closed the shaft door behind him, the three Jedi then made their way through the ventilation shaft until they eventually came to a shaft opening which upon opening it revealed a large hanger filled with thousands upon thousands of B1 battle droids, Super battle droids, and Droidekas as well as a couple dozen tanks and droid carriers.

The three Jedi eyes the army that the Federation had with them with looks that were a mix of surprise and astonishment as they realized why the Federation was truly here at Naboo. To invade.

Qui-Gon: "Battle droids."

Obi-Wan: "It's an invasion army."

Y/N: "There must be at least five to ten thousand droids in this hanger alone... and a ship this massive could have a couple dozen hangers this size."

Qui-Gon: "This is an odd play for the Trade Federation."

Y/N: "We need to get to the surface, Naboo doesn't have a standing army, they're a peaceful planet with virtually no way of protecting themselves. An army this big would crush them with little resistance if they invaded."

Qui-Gon: "Precisely, young Padawan. We need to warn the Queen and contact Chancellor Valorum. Let's split up. Stow aboard separate ships and meet down on the planet."

Obi-Wan: "Yes, Master."

Y/N: "Yes, Master."

Both padawans sent the elder Jedi a nod in understanding and agreement with his strategy whilst a slight smirk formed on Obi-Wan's face. 

Obi-Wan: "You were right about one thing, Master."

Both Y/N and Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan looking for an explanation as to what he was getting at.

Obi-Wan: "The negotiations were short."

Both Y/N and Obi-Wan released slight chuckles at Obi-Wan's terribly made joke whilst Qui-Gon simply rolls his eyes as he'd gotten quite used to Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humor by now.

To be continued....

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