Chapter 46: The Succession
(Coruscant - Imperial Palace)
The silence in the room was almost suffocating, only interrupted by the slight hum of the ventilation systems. Artificial light bathed the long oval table where some of the most powerful figures of the Galactic Empire were seated. Outside the room, Death Troopers stood impassively, watching the entrance with their dark, menacing visors.
Colonel Wullf Yularen cleared his throat before speaking, his grave and mournful expression contrasting with the martial rigidity that always characterized him.
"First of all, thank you all for making room in your schedules to come on such short notice. This is a matter of utmost importance and must not leave this room."
Across the table from him, on the other side of the table, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda held a tense posture, his long fingers interlocked on the table as if trying to hide his nervousness. To his left and right were the members of the Imperial Council, Sate Pestage and Janus Greejatus, both with somber faces.
The other attendees exchanged questioning glances, some with the patience of hardened soldiers, others with the impatience of politicians and bureaucrats who knew their time was worth more than a sudden meeting.
Among those present were Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, whose stern expression was almost a marble mask; the Chief of the Imperial Army, General Cassio Tagge; Fleet Admiral and Chief of the Imperial Navy, Conan Antonio Motti; General Moradmin Bast; Yularen himself representing the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB); General Trech Molock; General Hurst Romodi; the Director of Advanced Weapons Research, Orson Krennic; and Grand Admiral Thrawn, who, as always, stood in analytical silence, hands folded on the table and red eyes glowing with calculated interest.
The tension in the room thickened as Yularen finally uttered the words they all dreaded to hear.
"Emperor Palpatine has been assassinated."
The shock was immediate. An indignant murmur rippled through the room like a shockwave. Some stood up, others pounded the table in disbelief, and a few simply exchanged looks of alarm.
Amedda, however, did not react like the others. His expression showed not surprise, but a growing nervousness. It was evident that this news disturbed him beyond the initial shock.
Tarkin remained impassive, his fingers drumming gently on the table as he watched the reactions around him.
Thrawn, for his part, barely bowed his head, his eyes glowing with an analytical intensity.
He did not look surprised, but rather thoughtful, as if he had considered this possibility before.
It was Cassio Tagge who broke the initial scandal.
"That's impossible." His voice was laden with disbelief and anger. "The Emperor is escorted by the best guards the Imperial Royal Guard has to offer, not to mention that as far as I know, the same ISB you lead was in charge of his round-the-clock security."
"Are you meaning to say that your ISB failed to maintain the security of our Emperor?" General Trech Molock asked angrily, his gaze sharp as a knife.
Yularen clenched his jaw in frustration. He could not deny the truth. They had failed.
"I fear that, in the last operation conducted jointly by Major Partagaz and several ISB supervisors, the Emperor was killed by a single individual...with a lightsaber."
Outrage erupted again.
"A Jedi?" Moradmin Bast practically spat the word, as if naming them was blasphemy. "I thought they were already extinct."
Several of the officers nodded, remembering the purge of the Jedi Order at the hands of Vader and the Inquisitors.
"They are, Moradmin. It must be a mistake. Surely this individual simply stole a lightsaber from some dead Jedi." General Hurst Romodi said disdainfully.
But Tarkin finally spoke, and his icy tone brought the room to silence.
"I fear you are misinformed, General."
Romodi turned to him, surprised by the statement.
"I myself refused to believe it, but a few months ago, on Lothal, I managed to meet some remnants of the traitors who refuse to die."
The murmuring resumed, this time with more uneasiness.
Thrawn seemed to show renewed interest in the conversation, his eyes watching Tarkin intently.
Antonio Motti raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "With all due respect, Grand Moff, but are you sure about that?"
Beside him, Orson Krennic let out a dry, arrogant laugh.
"Yes, Tarkin, don't you think you're overreacting? Like your contributions to the construction of the Death Star."
Tarkin glared at him, his countenance hardening.
"Do you have anything else to say, Director Krennic?" his tone was sharp, like a scalpel sliding over skin.
Krennic smiled with false politeness.
"Nothing you don't know, Tarkin."
The tension between the two was palpable, a long-standing feud now looming in the midst of the crisis.
The murmurs increased in volume until Mas Amedda pounded the table loudly, her voice thundering over the chaos.
The Chagrian took a deep breath and swept his gaze around the room before continuing.
"Gentlemen, I remind you that this is no time for absurd disputes. Our Emperor is dead, and so we must decide how to proceed from here."
Silence settled again, heavy as a slab.
Everyone knew what was really at stake.
The Empire, without its Emperor, was at its most vulnerable.
"The Grand Visier is right," Cassio Tage said. "However, I have a doubt, where is Lord Vader? Why is he not present?"
"He is on his way here," Yularen reported. "When I contacted him he was in the middle of a mission on Lothal so his tardiness is expected."
"Is it really wise to have Lord Vader here Colonel?" Motti asked causing Grand Moff Tarkin to arch an eyebrow.
"What do you mean Admiral Motti?" Yularen asked somewhat confused.
"When Lord Vader learns of the Emperor's passing, he will want to take control of the Empire by being second in command. I am absolutely opposed to that, I will not take orders from a madman obsessed with a dead religion." Continued this one.
"I'm afraid that's not your decision Admiral." Interjected a robotic voice who had just passed through the door, which quickly silenced everyone and made several of those present nervous. The color in the Admiral's face seemed to drain completely for a second.
"Lord Vader, we've been expecting you." Colonel Yularen said as with a formal gesture he greeted him.
"It doesn't look like it Colonel, if you had waited for me you wouldn't have started without me." Said this one as he entered the room and positioned himself at the front of the table.
"Go on with what you were saying Admiral, don't let my presence intimidate you." Said the Sith to which the aforementioned seemed to shudder, but remained quiet.
"Well, seeing as the Admiral has nothing more to say, please proceed with the meeting Colonel."
To which the latter cleared his throat and continued.
"During the operation, we managed to identify the prime suspect in the assassination of the Emperor," he said as he displayed a holographic image on the table for all to see. This being a representation of Galen. "His name is Galen Marek, he has a long history of crimes committed against the Empire, including, Murder of Imperial soldiers, theft of Imperial vehicles, conspiracy and multiple acts of terrorism. He has been pursued by several of our top agents, including Agent Kallus. Until recently, he appeared to be allied with a rebel cell.
However, the Emperor's assassination appears to have been committed alone." He said finishing reading the report.
"I will catch the assassin. I will track him down and eliminate him, I will take some Inquisitors with me." He said simply to which everyone else in the room seemed to agree with this, however they had little choice but to agree.
"Understood, in that case, all those in favor of Lord Vader taking it upon himself to bring the Emperor's assassin to justice, raise your hand." Said the Chagrian, to which all present, except Vader, raised their hands. "Then it is unanimous, Lord Vader will see to it that the assassin is caught or eliminated."
"Regarding the next matter, the Emperor's succession. The Emperor left no descendants unfortunately so I think his replacement would have to be the most suitable for the position, so he requested the motion that Lord Vader be crowned as the new Emperor." Tarkin said startling everyone, causing the room to erupt in murmurs, everyone questioning the decision or debating it, except Thrawn, who simply stood to attention.
"If I may gentlemen, I think Grand Moff Tarkin has a good point, Lord Vader is the right person to take the reins of the Empire, he possesses enough determination and strength to control the ranks and all of us here know him and what he is capable of, plus he is liked and respected among most of the lower ranks and if we are honest, within our ranks he was always seen as the leading contender to be Palpatine's successor should Palpatine fail to sire an heir so the succession I doubt will cause controversy within the Empire. " He said stating in a formal tone his argument. Tarkin and Vader watching him.
"I also support Lord Vader becoming the new leader of the Empire." Cassio Tage said.
"I also support Lord Vader." Yularen added, to which one by one they joined in until Mas Amedda had to bring order.
"ORDER, ORDER, ORDEEER!" shouted the Chagrian again bringing those present to silence. "In that case and in light of events, all in favor of making Darth Vader, the new Emperor raise your hand."
To which in response, little by little everyone raised their hands, the last to do so was Motti, who raised his hand mostly out of peer pressure.
"In that case it is decided, it only remains for the senate to give the go-ahead for the official coronation, but it can already be taken for granted that Lord Vader will be the new emperor." He said as he turned his head to look at the Sith. "I am at your service, my lord." He said as he stood and knelt down on one knee, the advisors at his side doing the same.
Slowly, everyone in the room did the same, following his example, before long they were all kneeling before their new Emperor, Darth Vader.
As this was happening, discreetly and unbeknownst to them, a small smile had crept onto Vader's mouth, covered by his mask. The Galaxy was his at last.
"The Grand Vizier is right," he said in a firm voice, sweeping the table with his gaze.
"However, I have a question: where is Lord Vader, why is he not present?"
All eyes turned to Colonel Yularen.
"He is on his way here," he reported without hesitation. "When I contacted him, he was in the middle of a mission on Lothal, so his tardiness is expected."
An awkward silence settled for a moment, until Admiral Motti spoke with a hint of skepticism.
"Is it really wise to have Lord Vader here, Colonel?"
Tarkin arched an eyebrow with interest, but said nothing, allowing the question to float around the room like a veiled threat.
"What do you mean, Admiral Motti?" Yularen asked, visibly confused.
The Admiral leaned forward slightly, interlacing his fingers with a disdainful expression.
"When Lord Vader learns of the Emperor's passing, he will want to take control of the Empire by being second in command. I am absolutely opposed to that. I will not take orders from a lunatic obsessed with a dead religion."
A shudder ran through the room. Several of those present looked away, as if Motti had just said something that should not be uttered aloud.
Before Yularen could respond, a new voice interrupted the conversation, a deep, mechanical voice that echoed like thunder in the room.
"I'm afraid that's not your decision, Admiral."
Time seemed to stand still as the imposing figure of Darth Vader stepped through the doorway, his black cloak flowing with each calculated step. The mechanical sound of his breathing filled the room, oppressive and ominous.
Motti froze in his seat, his face losing all color for an instant.
"Lord Vader, we have been expecting you." Colonel Yularen said, regaining his composure and greeting him formally.
"It doesn't look like it, Colonel. If you had waited for me, you wouldn't have started without me."
Vader walked calmly to the front of the table, his boots echoing on the metal floor with an imposing cadence.
He stopped and slowly turned his head toward Motti.
"Go on with what you were saying, Admiral. Don't let my presence intimidate you."
The admiral swallowed saliva, but remained silent.
"Nothing more to say?"
Vader bowed his head barely, and Motti shivered. He knew his life hung in the balance. But the Sith only averted his gaze.
"Good. Since the Admiral has nothing more to contribute, proceed with the meeting, Colonel."
Yularen cleared his throat before continuing.
"During the operation, we managed to identify the prime suspect in the Emperor's assassination." He said as he manipulated a control panel.
A holographic image appeared in the center of the table, projecting the figure of a young man with dark hair and an intense gaze.
"His name is Galen Marek. He has a long history of crimes committed against the Empire, including murder of Imperial soldiers, theft of Imperial vehicles, conspiracy, and multiple acts of terrorism."
Vader's face remained impassive, but his breathing became barely heavier.
"He has been pursued by several of our top agents, including Agent Kallus. Until recently, he appeared to be allied to a rebel cell.
However, the Emperor's assassination appears to have been committed alone."
A heavy silence fell over the room as the officers digested the information. It was Vader who broke it with his characteristic forcefulness.
"I will catch the assassin."
His tone left no room for argument.
"I will track him down and eliminate him. I'll take some Inquisitors with me."
There was a murmur of approval in the room. No one wanted to be the one to oppose the Dark Lord's will.
But Amedda took the floor with her formal and protocol tone.
"Understood. In that case, all those in favor of Lord Vader taking it upon himself to bring the Emperor's assassin to justice, raise your hand."
One by one, those present raised their hands. There were no alternatives.
"It is unanimous."
The conversation could have ended there, but the Chagrian knew there was another matter of utmost importance to be discussed.
"Regarding the next matter: the Emperor's succession."
The silence grew even thicker.
Suddenly, Tarkin leaned forward slightly as if announcing himself to speak to which the Grand Visier nodded, which gave him the go-ahead to speak his idea, the Moff spoke with calculated precision.
"The Emperor left no offspring, unfortunately, so I think his replacement should be the most suitable for the position. Therefore, I ask for the motion that Lord Vader be crowned as the new Emperor."
The statement fell upon the room like a detonator. Chaos immediately erupted.
The officers began to talk among themselves, some questioning the decision, others debating it in urgent murmurs.
Only Thrawn remained silent. Until he stood up.
The murmuring ceased.
In his calm, calculating tone, the Grand Admiral spoke.
"If I may, gentlemen, I think Grand Moff Tarkin has a good point."
Tarkin and Vader fixed their attention on him.
"Lord Vader is the right person to take the reins of the Empire. He possesses enough determination and strength to maintain order and stability."
His gaze swept the table.
"All of us here know him and know what he is capable of. Moreover, he is respected among the ranks of the army and navy. If we are honest, within our ranks he has always been seen as the leading contender to be Palpatine's successor, should Palpatine fail to sire an heir. The succession should not cause controversy within the Empire."
The murmurs returned, this time more restrained.
Tagge spoke next.
"I also support Lord Vader becoming the new leader of the Empire."
"I agree." Yularen said resolutely.
One by one, the officers joined in, until Mas Amedda pounded the table loudly.
The room fell silent again.
The Chagrian swept the room with his gaze before uttering the final question.
"All those in favor of proclaiming Darth Vader as the new Emperor, raise your hand."
Slowly, each hand went up. The last to do so was Motti's, who clearly did so out of peer pressure rather than conviction.
Mas Amedda nodded solemnly.
"In that case, it is decided. All that remains is the official approval of the Senate, but it can already be taken for granted that Lord Vader will be the new Emperor."
He turned to Vader and knelt.
"I am at your service, my lord."
The advisors at his side did the same.
One by one, everyone in the room followed his lead, until each officer was prostrate before his new Emperor.
Beneath Vader's imposing mask, a barely perceptible smile formed on his face.
The galaxy was his. At last.
When the decision on the succession was settled, a new silence settled in the room. It did not last long, however, for it was Tarkin himself who spoke first.
"Now that the question of leadership has been settled, there remains one crucial matter to be discussed: what shall we say to the masses? We cannot expect the Emperor's disappearance to go unnoticed. The loyal sectors will demand answers, and our forces in the galaxy will need clarity on who is leading the Empire."
Cassio Tagge nodded grimly. "Besides, if the news leaks unchecked by us, systems less sympathetic to the Empire might see it as a sign of weakness. We've already had problems with insurgencies in several sectors. This would only fuel their resolve."
Mas Amedda's face reflected concern. "The Emperor was seen as an unshakable figure, almost divine to many. If his death becomes public, even our closest allies might begin to question the stability of the Empire."
"So what do you suggest, Grand Vizier?" asked Yularen with interest.
"Delay the announcement, at least until Lord Vader is officially proclaimed Emperor."
A murmur ran through the room. Some of the officers seemed hesitant. It was clear that withholding Palpatine's death for too long could be dangerous, but announcing it immediately without a successor already in place would also be a mistake.
Before they could continue the discussion, a deep, mechanical voice overpowered all others:
Vader's word echoed through the chamber, imposing absolute silence.
"The Emperor's death must not be revealed... yet." His tone brooked no argument. "If the galaxy knew that the Emperor had fallen, the enemies of the Empire would interpret it as a sign of weakness. The rebel cells have grown in numbers and boldness. If they discover their greatest adversary is gone, they will be emboldened. We can't allow that."
Motti, still uncomfortable after his previous confrontation with Vader, dared to speak. "Then what is your plan, my Lord?"
"For now, the illusion that the Emperor is still alive will be maintained." Vader replied confidently. "My coronation will not be made until I give the official announcement so for the time being I will assume my role in secret and none of this will be reported to the senate until I say so, the messages to the governors and moffs will be sent on his behalf. The lower ranking officials are to suspect nothing."
Tarkin interlaced his fingers and nodded approvingly. "Interesting. Using the Imperial bureaucracy to maintain the status quo... effective enough to avoid immediate chaos."
"And what will happen when the Senate demands an audience with the Emperor?" asked Krennic with a note of skepticism, crossing his arms as he stared at Vader.
The question hovered in the air for a few seconds before Tarkin spoke with his characteristic analytical tone.
"That won't happen. The Senate, for years now, has not required the Emperor's presence to sit."
A few glances turned to Mas Amedda, who remained impassive. The Grand Vizier, accustomed to managing the bureaucratic machinery of the Empire, took the floor with his usual tone of authority.
"Since the reorganization of the government after the dissolution of the Republic, the Emperor's presence in the Senate has been largely symbolic. As his official spokesman, it has been I who have handled political affairs in his absence. Senate meetings have continued without the need for His Majesty to appear in person. His public appearances were limited and controlled, and in most cases, he addressed the senators through holograms or official communiqués."
Krennic frowned, but did not reply.
Tagge supported the Grand Vizier's words with a nod. "The Imperial bureaucracy was structured in such a way that the government operated efficiently without relying on the figurehead of the Emperor for day-to-day decisions. His authority was unquestioned, yes, but his physical absence was not unusual. Most senators were already accustomed to not seeing him in person."
"So what's to stop some of them from being suspicious?" insisted Krennic, with a mixture of distrust and pragmatism. "There are senators who remain more of a problem than we'd like to admit. Bail Organa, Mon Mothma...the usual idealists. If they sense something doesn't fit, they might try to take advantage of the situation."
Tarkin exhaled with mild annoyance. "The most loyal senators won't question anything. And those who do...well, we already know the solution to that kind of problem."
Amedda interjected again. "The Emperor had plans for dealing with those rebellious elements within the Senate. Plans that we can continue to execute on his behalf until Lord Vader is officially proclaimed."
Vader, who had so far remained silent listening to the conversation, finally spoke up.
"If any senator attempts to challenge the stability of the Empire, he will be eliminated. As have all traitors before them."
His mechanical voice echoed through the room with an implacable coldness. No one replied.
"Until then, the illusion that the Emperor still rules will be maintained." continued Vader. "The Imperial Council and Senate will receive the necessary orders through official channels, as it has been until now. When the time is right, the truth will be revealed on our terms, not those of our enemies."
Motti, still somewhat cautiously, asked, "What if the news leaks? If there's one thing I've learned in my time in the Imperial Navy, it's that secrets rarely stay hidden forever."
"If anyone attempts to release information without authorization, they will be silenced." replied Vader with a definitive tone. "We will make sure the first version the galaxy hears is ours."
The officers exchanged glances. There was no more debate. The strategy was decided.
Sorry for the delay, this week I will publish 4 chapters in order to compensate for the chapter that I didn't publish last week.
As always special thanks to Kal Odinson, Orion Chung, Tigerdude163, Julio Posas momo and Hibu. Thanks for the support.
If you want a dedication too or wanna read some chapters ahead, you can have it supporting me here:
I hope you all have enjoyed the chapter. Remember to leave me your stones