Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 13 The Territory of the Foodie Grizzly Bear

The gnawed flower fields will return to their original appearance in a few days.

Even if grizzly bears live here, they will not lack food.

However, bears are omnivores after all.

If you eat vegetarian food every day...

Just like people, they can’t bear it psychologically.

So I will occasionally go out to hunt for wild food.

The grizzly bear munching on the flower field was now thinking.

This flower field is about to be finished again.

Otherwise, let’s catch some rabbits and eat them tomorrow.

I don’t want to eat fish anymore, I’m tired of it.

However, under his feet, the soil of the Kingdom of Life was quietly spreading.

That's right, Li Ge stole the house!

However, Li Ge felt very bad at this time.

He originally wanted to move underground.

Then, he quietly wrapped the roots of this flower field with the land of the Kingdom of Life and stole it entirely.

But we encountered a problem!

Can't get in!

Li Ge finally felt the existence of the barrier.

The barrier is not difficult to break through.

However, all the land within this barrier is like a piece of iron.

Li Ge can't get in!

At this time, Li Ge had a giant bear more than four meters high on his head.

The pressure is extremely powerful!

Li Ge pressed himself against the ground, concentrating his breath and thinking rapidly.

--Why does this happen? Is it because of the barrier?

——The queen ant said that the barrier will disappear occasionally?

——Then I will wait and see what happens.

When Li Ge wants to do something, his patience is unparalleled by ordinary people.

What's more, he has nothing else to do now.

The focus created by paranoia has always been Li Ge's unparalleled advantage.

I don’t know how long it took, the sun rose and set.

Grizzly bears at dawn the next day after nibbling away the flowers in a lavender field. Go out for food.

Li Ge separated out a small tentacle and secretly followed this huge figure.

At the same time, his spiritual body was secretly exerting force and exerting force on the ground.

Far away, far away again.

When the grizzly bear was about 500 meters away from the lavender field, the solid ground beneath Li Ge suddenly became loose.

Every time the grizzly bear gets further away, the protection of the land becomes looser!

"Sure enough, the barrier exists because of this brown bear! But..."

Li Ge looked at the back of the grizzly bear in confusion.

"This barrier doesn't seem to be specially set up by the grizzly bear?"

Li Ge waited for nearly an hour, and after making sure that the grizzly bear had gone far enough, he stopped thinking.

"Forget it, never mind, let's concentrate on things while the grizzly bear is not at home!"

After the barrier weakened, although there was still some resistance in the land, it became much easier.

Get to work!

The brown bear is in a pretty good mood today.

When I think about improving my food, I can't help but want to howl and express my inner happiness.

However, not long after walking out, it suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

What should I say about that discomfort?

It's like my heart is being held in my throat and I can't put it in my stomach.

Feeling uncomfortable and irritable.

The grizzly bear hesitated.

However, after thinking for a long time with its not-so-smart mind, it still couldn't remember anything wrong.

And, his desire for good food overcame his restlessness.

For animals, there is nothing more important than eating and drinking.

The sun gradually rises.

Grizzly bears also gradually become addicted to the activity of "catching rabbits and eating rabbits".

The joy brought by good food gradually overshadowed the persistent irritability.


An overwhelming feeling of loss came over me!

The grizzly bear stood up suddenly, his beady eyes widening.

It finally woke up!

——My flower field!

Li Ge followed the plan.

Wrap the flower roots, drain the water, and away you go!

Suddenly, a small flower field quickly dried up, and then the surrounding land cracked and was lifted into the air by the wet soil.

Suddenly, a bear roar came from the distance.

"Not good!" Li Ge was shocked and quickly ran away with Huatian.

The flower field continued to be lifted up and moved towards the direction of Li Ge's territory.

To be honest, one meter per second is really too slow!

And what about the running speed of a grizzly bear?

Running at full speed, the average grizzly bear can reach 56 kilometers per hour!

This enhanced grizzly bear can run at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour!

The brown bear roared about five kilometers away.

In other words, if the brown bear runs at full speed, it can reach the flower field in less than five minutes, maybe even four minutes!

Four minutes!

Li Ge hurry up and retreat!

But he knew that his moving speed was too slow!

It can only move one meter per second!

If you are in front of a brown bear, it is not called moving, but squirming!


Li Ge also has his own advantages.

Before he could run far, the giant bear came running from afar!

Although the grizzly bear looks like a small mountain, it is actually not bulky at all when running.

Instead, it looked like a menacing giant cannonball with billowing dust and a very terrifying momentum!

The brown bear came to the front of his flower field with a rumble all the way.

A huge gap appeared in front of it.

The flower field started from the northeast corner and turned into a huge pit.

The area of ​​​​this huge pit is one third of the original flower field!


There was another loud howl.

The angry grizzly bear gritted its fangs and looked around.

As mentioned before, the terrain where the flower field is located is a valley.

There are cliffs on all sides.

However, there are several ways out under the cliff.

The brown bear saw something strange on the road as soon as he saw it.

The road is not wide, only about seven or eight meters.

On both sides of the road, there are high cliffs.

At this time, a high earth wall was erected out of thin air at the exit.

It turned out that within these few minutes, Li Ge quickly piled soil from the Kingdom of Life at the pass.

Then the moisture in the soil is drained and the shape is finalized.

And based on this, new soil is stacked higher.

Repeat the above actions to dry and set.

Within four minutes, Li Ge had stacked the earth wall to a height of more than 100 meters.

Now, the height of the earth wall is still slowly increasing.

Grizzly sniffed.

The scent of lavender comes from that direction.

That's right!

The thief is behind that wall!

Suddenly, the grizzly bear's eyes burst into angry flames.

The thief shall die!

The grizzly bear landed on all four paws and ran quickly.


The huge body made the ground shake.

Li Ge is also ready.

"bring it on!"

He stared at the charging grizzly bear, completely unaware of it, and his clenched teeth formed an excited smile.



The earth shook!

The grizzly bear slammed into the earth wall built by Li Ge.

The earthen walls have not been compacted and have average density.

Under the impact of a weight of nearly 900 kilograms, it appeared very fragile.

For a time, dust was flying.

However, if the hardness is not enough, thickness will make up for it!

Li Ge stacked a thickness of about four meters at the root of the earth wall.

In addition, the soil above, which is nearly two hundred meters high, has been heavily pressed down, giving the soil a certain density.

The collision of the grizzly bear only made a hole less than one meter deep in the earth wall!

Today, grizzly bears are almost buried in dust.

It ran out of the mound with difficulty, shaking off the dirt all over its body.

He shook his head which was knocked unconscious again. He staggered and tried to stand up straight, but sat down on the ground.

This time, it really realized what it meant to see stars in front of its eyes!

However, Li Ge was not doing well at this time.

As soon as the grizzly bear hit him, Li Ge felt a sharp shock in his mental body.

"Ding! Warning! Land loss!"

"What! Under the impact, the land of the Kingdom of Life will be lost!"

Li Ge took a closer look.

It turned out that under the huge impact, the dry soil lacked stickiness and was directly smashed into pieces and torn from the body.

Scattered on the ground, they became countless clay energy blocks, emitting energy unbridled.

It is estimated that when the energy dissipates, they will turn back into ordinary soil.

The grizzly bear seemed to have noticed this too.

It sniffed in the air first.

Follow the smell of energy and lower your head.

Just in time to see the chunks of soil scattered at its feet.

Suddenly, it forgot about the pain on its head, grabbed a piece and stuffed it into its mouth.

"My energy!"

Li Ge was extremely heartbroken.

"Fuck! You didn't even look at what it was before you stuffed it into your mouth! You can eat it to death!"

The kingdom of life that was solidified two hundred meters in the air was suddenly injected with water, softened, and flowed down rapidly in the high air, like a mudslide.

"I know, building such a high wall is useless! This guy can't climb at all!"

Li Ge gritted his teeth and controlled the mudslide, swallowing up the scattered piles of soil.

"Ding! Energy +1, +0.3..."

By the way, it also rushed the grizzly bear dozens of meters away.

Stay away from me!

The grizzly bear panned out with a confused look on his face, holding a half-eaten piece of dirt in his hand.

"What you are holding in your hand belongs to me too!"

Li Ge controlled the mudslide to create an unscientific wave, covering the grizzly bear head and face.

After the wave passed, the grizzly bear still maintained the same posture.

The left paw is raised to the mouth.

——Hey, Maomao is stained with mud. She needs to be washed well tomorrow.

——Forget it, forget about tomorrow and just eat dirt.

The grizzly bear thought casually, and then put the clod of soil in his paws to his mouth.

Is the claw empty?

It turned out that Li Ge took advantage of the wave just now to directly melt the energy from that piece of soil back.

I won’t give you even a hundred yuan!

After losing the temptation of food, the grizzly bear's clever IQ once again occupied the high ground.

——By the way, my flower field!

The grizzly bear lunged back. Only this time, it didn't choose to hit it with its head. Instead, it used its two sharp claws to quickly dig at the earth wall.

The claws had been strengthened, but now they touched the dry soil like a knife touching tofu!

Suddenly, his forward speed exceeded one meter per second!

That’s not all!

What makes Li Ge most angry is!

That guy just did it!

It keeps stuffing the soil of the Kingdom of Life into its mouth!

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