Static Flash

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The Talk


"And he's finally awake. Way to keep us waiting." I joked.

"The Streak lives." Cisco said with a smile

"Ugh my lungs feel like that one time I had a cigarette." Barry said to strange looks.

"Oh yeah, teen me lived for danger." He joked.

"This isn't funny you could've...." Caitlin started only to get interrupted.

"I didn't." Barry said already knowing what Caitlin was going to say.

"Now that we have a fresh sample of the gas courtesy of Mr. Allen, we can get to work on analyzing it to figure out the poison's chemical makeup." Wells said.

"Or at least a way to keep him from turning into a mist...The Mist, okay that's his name end of discussion." Cisco said happily.

Barry then got up and said he had to talk to Joe. I also knew what they were going to talk about and honestly I think i could relate to what they'd discuss. This whole time I've been here in this new world, it hasn't really felt "real" its been more like a dream or like some sort of fantasy.

Up until today, the only people who had died, were people I could live with. They were criminals and sure some of them had terrible backstories that I could resonate with, but they were still bad guys.

Today was different. I knew I should have been more specific with my wish. What I had wished for was the knowledge of the universe as 'I'd already known' meaning if I never knew specific information then I still wouldn't know it.

Judge Howard died, and I couldn't stop it. I didn't know the time she would be at the mall or the exact day. Sure I could've just staked out the mall after hearing about the death of the Darbinyan Crime Family Members, but I have no idea how I may change things for Barry and the rest of Team Flash simply because I exist and I can't let Barry die, the universe is going to need him, hell the Multiverse is going to need him so I couldn't leave him alone too much.

That women had a daughter, that daughter is never going to hear her mother's voice ever again and I don't know if she was a single mom or if she was married. If she wasn't, the girl will most likely go to Foster care and I have already experienced how bad that could be. It's crazy how visceral memories could be. Your memories and experiences define who you are and I felt each and every memory.

I just feel useless. What is the use of all this power if I can't save anyone.

As I was lost in thought I had absent-mindedly walked around S.T.A.R. Labs and came across Caitlin in the training room seated next to the treadmill. She looked about as bad as I felt. I decided that it might help us both to talk it out a bit. So I walked in and sat down next to her.

"Hey. You don't look like you're doing alright." I said as I sat down.

"That's because I'm not." She said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure it scared you, Barry and I leaving like that." I said.

"I get it, you guys Had to go. It's just, those were the last words Ronnie said to me before it was the last time I saw him."

I paused and had a deep sigh which caused Caitlin to look confused.

"14 years ago I lost my parents in a hit and run. The police said it was some case of mistaken identity. They caught the guys that did it, at least 2 of them, but there was a mastermind that still hasn't been caught. Y'know I thought I'd feel better knowing they caught some of their killers, but it won't bring them back. It's been so long and sometimes the memory of them, is worse than the day that it happened." I explained finally letting some things off my chest that I had apparently been holding in, evidently a lot more affected by the memories than I originally thought.

"I didn't know that happened to you" Caitlin said.

"It's not something I particularly like to remember nor do I advertise it. I always thought that if I put on a brave face long enough it would make the pain of them being gone hurt less, but it didn't. Some things you can't hide away from." I continued.

"Ever since that night, I've been terrified of going down into that hole." Caitlin said teary-eyed.

"What if I went with you?" I asked as I genuinely wanted to help.

Before they were just characters to me, but when I saw the pain in her eyes when she talked about Ronnie earlier I decided to stop treating the people of this world as just characters in a show and as real people.

We slowly walked down into the accelerator ring where Ronnie took his last breaths 9 months ago. Caitlin was having a flashback of the last words she heard from him on the walkie talkie and stared at the closed door to the pipeline.

"He saved so many lives that day. And no one will ever know what he did." She said.

"I will, and so will everyone who loved and cared for him. He was a hero." I said as I walked over and put a comforting hand on Caitlin's shoulder.

She turned to me as she began to cry. "I didn't want him to be a hero, I wanted him to be my husband." She said burying her head in my chest and I hugged her as she cried.

{Andrew, Caitlin, you down there? You gotta come look at this.} Cisco said over the loud speakers.

Caitlin dried her eyes and we both made our way to the Cortex.

"Hey check this out! It's a 3D molecular model of the gas we pulled from Barry's lungs." Cisco said as we walked in gesturing to the monitor behind him, Barry standing to the side curious about the results.

"We have identified the toxin." Wells said as he pressed a button.

The screen then showed the name of the toxin.

"Hydrogen Cyanide?" Barry asked.

"What's interesting is what's mixed in with the gas, a sedative." Wells said.

Barry had a look as if he'd just gotten an idea. As he saw the sedative. "Of course. The night of the explosion, find out if anyone was executed."

"Why?" Wells asked.

"That sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go to the gas chamber and breathe in Hydrogen Cyanide" Barry explained.

"That's right." Wells said.

"There was someone executed. Kyle Nimbus." Caitlin said as she pulled up their file.

"That's him." Barry said recognizing him from their "fight"

"He was a hit man for the Darbinyan Crime Family. They turned on him and testified. Judge Howard proceeded over the trial and sentenced him to death" Caitlin continued.

"He must've been affected by the particle accelerator while he was being gassed." Wells said.

"The records indicate that the execution was completed." Cisco stated.

"That's why their wasn't a match for the DNA in the database, the database only has records of the living." Barry said.

"He said there was one more person on his list. Check the arrest record, who caught him? That could be his next attack" Barry asked.

"Barry, the lead detective...." Caitlin said without finishing as we all knew who she meant. Joe was his next target.

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