Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Rogue Part 1
Wells, Caitlin, Cisco, Barry, and I were all at S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry was training his ability to multitask with his superspeed by playing Ping Pong with Cisco, Operation with Caitlin, and Chess with Wells.
Meanwhile I was training on increasing how many metal objects I could move and manipulate with my powers, how long I could move and manipulate them, and constantly changing their shapes back and forth from a ball to a screw shape and back.
At the moment I am up to 300 objects, but they are all small metal ball bearings. Wells said we would train to move heavier objects once I reached 500 objects. I already have a rough idea of how to use my powers due to seeing them being used in both the Static Shock show and the Infamous games, but actual practice is better than simply theoretical knowledge.
Just then I heard Wells speak. "Checkmate" he said as Barry rushed over to the table where the chessboard was.
"Wait Checkmate?" He asked.
"Checkmate. I guess you have a few things left to learn don't you Mr. Allen." Wells said teasingly
I could tell that Wells was actually enjoying himself and seemed to genuinely care about Barry, if only a little bit. But I also knew that Wells' feelings for Barry wouldn't change his plans or the fact that he killed Barry's Mom.
*beeping sounds*
"Armed Robbery at 4th and Collins!" Cisco said after being alerted by the system he added to the satellite to warn them of crimes.
Barry nodded and I made all the ball bearings float into a container and ran toward another room while saying.
"I'll grab my gear and meet you there!"
"For the record, I crushed it at Operation and Ping Pong." He said as he ran and grabbed his suit.
Barry made it to the scene of the robbery and rushed Snart and his crew I arrived a little later and grabbed the thugs' guns with my powers and magnetized them to the tow truck. I saw as the thugs were trying unsuccessfully to remove their guns from the truck I flew in and knocked two of them out with a Taser Punch. Barry came running back and got the third one with a speed punch to the temple and knocked him out.
Seeing the last guy, which I saw was Snart, i knew what i had to do. I grabbed the cuffs from the guards and floated them over toward him and Barry quickly put them on Snart.
I knew how Snart thinks so I covered him in an EM field and pulled all the rest of metal off of him which included objects that could be used to pick the lock of the handcuffs.
"Nice thinking, I didn't think to check if he had anything to pick the lock on the cuffs." Barry said.
"Yeah, guy seemed like the leader as he had the pack of Liquid Nitrogen on his back so I figured he was probably prepared in case he got caught." I replied.
We then got the cuffs from the other guards and told them to take them in before flying and running away. The guards nodded, but as I flew away I could tell they were dumbfounded by what they just saw.
(S.T.A.R. Labs)
I was already back with Cisco and Caitlin when I heard Barry walk in with who could only be Felicity.
"And check it out, we have our own satellite." Barry said bragging.
"I know, I have hacked into it from time to time." Felicity said and turned and saw Cisco, Caitlin, and someone she had never seen before.
"Felicity it is wonderful to see you again" Caitlin said.
"Ah so Felicity is your name?" I asked as I walked over and extended my hand.
"Oh, uh, yes I'm Felicity, and you are?" She asked.
"Sorry, name's Andrew Anderson, it is very nice to meet you." I said with a smile and wink which got Felicity flustered slightly and Barry frowned. I then let go and stepped off to the side as I knew Wells was coming.
'Sorry Barry, but you don't want to get over Iris so you don't get to act possessive over Felicity'
I had no plans to take Felicity away from Oliver, but I might take her away from Ray Palmer. I also plan to save Ronnie so Caitlin can be happy as well otherwise I'd have chosen Caitlin because she is gorgeous in her own right.
I was slightly lost in thought so I didn't hear what the group was talking about. But I did faintly hear Barry say "Speaking of great things, wanna see something cool?"
"Andrew... Andrew!!" Caitlin said.
"Huh, what?" I asked.
"We're going to the training room, Barry wanted to demonstrate his powers to Felicity." Caitlin said before she looked at me concerned and asked
"Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah, I was just lost in thought." I replied and she nodded with a grin.
"So you care to join us for the Barry's demonstration." She asked.
"You mean join you to see Barry show off for Felicity?" I asked jokingly.
"Yeah he's not very subtle." She replied with a chuckle.
We walked in the room to see Barry running and Caitlin went to watch his vitals. After a few minutes Felicity turned to us while asking.
"Is he okay?"
"His heart rate is within normal range, for him." Caitlin said as she looked at his readings.
"No, I mean, you said the lightning bolt changed him, do any of you really know how much?"
"We know a fair amount." Cisco said.
Felicity then asked a bunch of questions worryingly regarding what might happen to Barry and how his speed changed him. Wells stepped in to assuage her worries
"Everything we do here at S.T.A.R Labs is to protect Barry Allen. Trust us Felicity he is in very good hands." Wells said.
"And he's not the only one." I interjected from the back of the group.
"What do you mean?" Felicity asked.
"S.T.A.R Labs has been helping me to control my powers as well."
"Your powers?" She asked.
"Why don't you give her a little demonstration of your own." Caitlin said essentially telling me to show off as well.
"Sure, check this out." I said.
Felicity watched in shock as I created a ball of white-blue lightning in my hand.
"Whoa, did you get speed to?" She asked.
"Not exactly." I answered with a grin as I summoned my Halo and stepped on it and floated into the air.
"So cool." Felicity said in awe only to be interrupted by Barry who felt he was being ignored.
"Hey wanna see how fast I can run backwards!" Barry said as he turned around on the treadmill only to be launched forward from the change in direction.
Felicity gasped in worry before Caitlin spoke up.
"Don't worry, he heals quickly to."
As Barry was recovering in a bed in the room, Felicity walked up to me when I was joking around with Cisco, and started to ask me questions.
"So how did you get your powers, was it a lightning bolt like Barry?" She asked.
"No, actually due to the force of the explosion I got sent flying into an electrical substation on the night of the Accelerator Explosion and I was given the ability to manipulate electricity and lightning. Well that and I also can control Earth." I replied.
"Wait you have two powers?" She asked.
"Yep." I said as I lifted a piece of the floor and floated it in my hands.
What surprised Team Flash was that the piece of the floor was actually covered with a pure white aura.
"Wait what is that?" Cisco asked shocked.
"What is what?" I asked feigning ignorance.
"That white aura around the earth!" Caitlin said.
"Oh, that? I found out about that a while ago. Apparently whenever I use my Geokinesis, except when I use the Earth Slide, the earth is covered in this white aura don't really know why." I explained.
[AN: Think like Tara from Teen Titans Original Series but a white glow instead of yellow.]
"That is fascinating. It seems your power is now strong enough to have fully bonded with your body and that aura must be a side affect of being used by you." Wells said.
"What do you mean?" Barry asked from the bed where he was resting.
"It seems, after the explosion, that his second ability took time to bond with him on a cellular level, but once it did it resulted in that aura covering anything he used that power on. The aura is similar to how his lightning looks just missing the blue hue." Wells explained.
"Oh. I didn't actually know the reason, but that's as good a theory as any." I replied.
Felicity was listening in fascination the entire time. And I could tell she was geeking out internally.
All the sudden I stopped and placed my hand on my ear, as I heard something with my wavelength tuning as I try to use it periodically to practice. And I had done that during Wells' explanation.
{All units, all units, there is an attack in progress at the Central City Theater. Witnesses report seeing cloud of shadow and saw large amounts of ice near the area.}
'What the hell is going on, this never happened in the show' I thought to myself.
I then told Team Flash about the robbery and since Barry was still healing for the next few minutes I made my way to the theater.
"I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm going to find out" I said aloud to myself as I was flying toward the disturbance.