Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Plastique Final
(Next Day, S.T.A.R. Labs)
"So what's the plan?" Barry asked and there was some mirth in his tone as he was obviously still upset that we didn't try to find Iris last night. I had already known that Barry had been searching the city last night as I had went on patrol last night and saw him zipping through the city and had to stop him and get him to go home to get some rest.
I didn't expect him to find Eiling as he was most likely hiding somewhere underground.
"Unfortunately, we will have to wait until we get contacted by Eiling." Wells replied.
"Just wait? That's your big plan? What about you Andrew? You said you'd think of something when you found me last night." Barry said as he glared at me.
"Last night? What is Barry talking about?" Caitlin questioned.
"I was on patrol last night and saw Barry running through the city looking for Iris. I told him to get some sleep because he would be no use to Iris if he made mistakes because he was sleep deprived and that I would think of a plan to find Eiling." I explained.
"Well, did you come up with something?" Cisco asked.
I smiled. "Yes." I said.
Barry and the others smiled as well, but I could see the anxiousness in Barry's eyes and body language.
"So to start, you know how the human brain sends electrical signals throughout the body? Well, one of the facets of my abilities I realized were that I could do a sort of radar pulse and see a silhouette of a human of all the electrical signals throughout their body. This ability even works through walls. Don't ask me how that works scientifically, because I have no idea. So if we could find some way to boost this ability, I could scan the whole city and be able to find out if their were any people hiding underground." I explained succinctly.
"That's amazing, and as luck would have it, I already have something that could accomplish that." Cusco explained.
"You do?" Caitlin asked.
"Yes. Obviously it wasn't originally built for this, but I was tinkering with something that could boost our satellites signal just case we needed to do something like scan the whole city. It should only take me around 20 minutes to reconfigure it to work with your ability " Cisco explained.
"That's great, in the meantime I will go do another..." Barry started but before he could finish he was interrupted by Joe rushing inside.
"Barry Iris has been kidnapped!! I just found out when we were called to Jitters!" Joe explained worriedly.
"Umm, we kind of already know." Caitlin said trepidatiously.
"You already know? When did you find out?!?" Joe asked.
"Last night." Caitlin replied.
"You found out last night and you never decided to call the police, namely a certain detective who happened to be her father?!?!?!" Joe said angrily the last part was obviously directed to Barry.
"I was going to call you once we figured out a plan to find Iris." Barry explained.
All the while, Bette was sort of just there in the room as all this was going on and she actually didn't know that the kidnapped girl had a relative in the police force and she felt that they probably should've at least told him what was going on, but she kept these thoughts to herself.
Barry explained the whole situation to Joe and explained the reason why we didn't inform him. Joe was still mad, but he understood our reasons.
Joe explained that he already had the whole precinct out looking for Iris and Barry needed to move his ass and find her before Eiling does something to her. He also argued with Barry about how this was one of the things he was worried about with Iris blogging about him and Andrew.
(20 minutes later)
I was hooked up to a chair with a bunch of wires connected to my body and a helmet on my head that would allow me to see everything clearly and I would tell them what I saw and a map on one of the screens was connected to the device that could be used pinpoint exactly where in the city I was looking.
I activated the ability and I had to quickly turn it off.
"Arghhh!" I shouted in pain.
"So, many, signals, can't, concetrate!" I said as I grunted in pain
"Andrew are you okay!?!? Cisco turn it off!" Caitlin asked concerningly.
Cisco nodded and shut off the machine while Caitlin came up to me in concern.
After a deep breath I responded to her earlier question.
"Yes, it was just an overload of information, I need a minute to get used to the Influx of information." I explained as I put the device back on my head.
After a minute or so, I started to explain what it was I could see.
"Okay, I got it now. I can see what is most likely city workers in the sewers based on what they are doing. I see....I see." I paused as I actually saw Grodd and immediately had to stop looking at him so I didn't gain his attention due to the fact that, if I was mind controlled, I know I could easily kill all of them and I was worried Grodd could see my memories about the future of the show.
I took another deep breath and I finally continued.
"Okay I think I see her, yes, there are a bunch of people walking around and one person in front of someone who appears to be tied to a chair." I explained.
As I was speaking the screens started to beep and multiple red dots appeared on the map.
"I'll let the station know that I got an anonymous tip about Iris' location and we'll be there to arrest Eiling while you go in and get her." Joe said refering to Barry and I about who would go get Iris.
I unhooked myself from the machine and we saw that the location was in an abandoned subway.
"Suit up, I'll meet you after." I said to Barry as I was covered in an electrical aura that completely hid my identity as I just looked like an amalgamation of electrical energy.
I then turned into a bolt of electricity and was sucked into a nearby outlet as Barry had already grabbed his suit and was making his way to the location.
(Abandoned 10th street subway station)
"I'm losing my patience, you have been blogging about both of those people, so you must know if they acquired another individual who has the ability to turn objects into bombs." Eiling said to Iris' bound and blind folded form as he held a gun to her head.
"I don't know anything, I just gathered reports of sightings of them." Iris replied while she was sobbing in fear.
"Then you're of no further use to me. No one has come to save you and there is no way the police will find you soon enough." Eiling said as a click was heard by Iris.
It was the pistol being cooked
A fizzling sound was heard then the sound of a bullet hitting the floor. I had actually arrived before Barry as I knew the exact location and I had saved Iris with my Polarity Wall.
"Haha finally, i finally found you Electric Man." Eiling said happily.
"You're not going to be glad that you did." I said.
Right after my words, a red streak of lightning appeared in the room and quickly knocked out all the soldier with a superspeed punch to the temple and The Flash had stopped next to me, his face distorted by him vibrating it.
I could feel the anger coming off of Barry, it was coming off him in waves and I could see his lightning was pulsing on his body, I knew I couldn't let Barry kill Eiling. While I would have no problem with it, Barry would regret the decision for the rest of his life.
"What are you waiting for? Get her outta here, I'll handle him!" I shouted to Barry my voice distorted.
Barry paused and looked at me, his face suddenly clear and he gave me an angry look as if he said he wanted to deal with him.
"You can be mad at me later, just make sure she is safe first." I said to which Barry nodded reluctantly and sped Iris out of there and I looked at Eiling.
"So, you got me all alone now, what are you going to do?" Eiling said smugly
"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you're going to wish I had." I said menacingly as I slowly walked towards him with electricity radiating off of me the heat actually causing Eiling to have to squint his eyes and put his hand in front of his face.
He pulled out his gun, but before he could do anything, arcs of electricity attached to him and pulled all the metal away from him and his soldiers, including some sort of what I assumed was an EMP grenade. I gathered all the metal and superheated it with electricity and caused all the metal to turn into molten slag and started to walk over to Eiling slowly.
"Is that performance supposed to make me believe you are actually going to hurt me. I read the girl's blog, you are a hero, and a hero wouldn't hurt an unarmed man." Eiling said the grin still on his face, he had the look of someone who had everything within his control.
I sent a shockwave that sent him to the wall and then I stuck him there with Arc Restraints and actually sent a bolt of electricity to his chest and started to electrocute him.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" He screamed in agony as his body was convulsing.
After about 10 seconds, I stopped. "You think you're so smart, you think you know me, what I can do? You have no idea, no idea what I'm capable of." I said as I walked over to him while simultaneously releasing the restraints.
Eiling fell to the floor in a huff. His smug grin was gone and he looked like he was actually worried that I might kill him.
As I walked towards him, I continued.
"Y'know I said I wasn't going to kill you, but I think I changed my mind." I said as I put up a field of electricity around the room and blocked off all the exits.
I did this to slow down Barry when he comes back.
"Wait!! We can help eachother. If you work with me we can use your abilities to create an Army like the world has never seen." Eiling said as my steps seemed to be coming towards him at a agonizingly slow pace.
Each step I took closer, the heat increased and by the time I was in front of him his clothes were being burnt off.
"You'd have to be alive to make that promise come to fruition." I stated coldly.
I was now standing above him my eyes bereft of any emotion or caring. I knelt next to him and started to slowly place my hand on his head. He struggled to push back my hand with his arm, but he was too weak from being electrocuted and my hand finally made contact with his head and I slowly pulled it away, all the electricity in his body being siphoned from his body as I stood up and all the electricity was absorbed into my body my eyes closed as I hummed in pleasure at the feeling of his life-force being absorbed by me, a manic look on my face. All the while bolts of electricity were flying around the room and they had actually completely charred the bodies of Eiling's soldiers to a crisp
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Eiling realeased a blood curdling scream as he was dying.
I stood up and finally stared at his unbreathing form and I finally snapped out of whatever trance I was in.
I couldn't believe what I had just done, I saw Eilings cold lifeless eyes, his face still contorted in pure terror and it hit me.
I fell to my knees.
"Oh god, what did I just do?!? I didn't just kill him in self defense, or to protect my friends in the future, I relished in his pain and took joy in his fear. I couldn't stop myself." I said aloud to myself.
Just after my words echoed in the room, sounds of lightning appeared and Barry had come back, the walls of electricity had already been removed after I snapped out of my trance.
"A-andrew?" Barry asked as he saw me on my knees in front of Eiling's unmoving body.
I turned to him, tears were falling down from my eyes but my face was still devoid of any emotion.
"Y-you killed him?!? And his soldiers? Andrew what did you do?" Barry asked and he seemed to actually be scared of me.
I looked over to the burned bodies of Eiling's soldiers and my face finally changed.
"Oh god. B-barry what did I do? I couldn't stop myself. I didn't just kill him, I wanted to, I enjoyed it. W-what is happening to me? I didn't even know that i killed the soldiers. Am i a monster?" I questioned. As my face was showing immense sadness, guilt, and remorse as I started to curl up and sob.
Barry slowly walked over to my body and tentatively placed his hand on my shoulder to which I quickly backed away from him until my back hit the far wall.
"NO, STAY AWAY, BEFORE I HURT YOU TO!" I shouted in anguish.
Barry slowly walked over to me as he spoke softly to try and calm me down.
"It's okay Andrew, we'll find out what's happening to you, we just have to get you back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Barry said as he slowly went to me, and comforted me as I cried.
Finally, he helped me up and rushed me back to S.T.A.R Labs, I had fallen asleep on the way and if Barry had looked carefully, he would've seen black veins slowly making their way up my neck, stopping just above my collarbone.