Chapter 23: Chapter 23: I'm A Conduit
I had just arrived outside S.T.A.R. Labs and I knew I'd have to explain things to the team. I knew I'd have to tell them a partial truth.
I obviously couldn't tell them about being from another universe and meeting God, not too mention knowing the future of this world because it was a show in my own world, so I'll just tell them about Conduits.
(In the Cortex)
As Team Flash was in the Cortex watching the news of my success in stopping the bank robbery, when all of the sudden.
They heard a strange sound and then saw a bunch of smoke form into me.
"W-what? Andrew is that you? How did this happen? What happened to your electricity powers? How do you have smoke abilities like that guy from the bank robbery?" Caitlin asked me as she rapidly fired question after question at me.
"It's...It's a long story." I replied with a sigh at the beginning.
Team Flash was now waiting intently for my explanation. I really wished that Wells wasn't here as I really didn't want him to know about my newfound powers, but he would be told by one of the others regardless, most likely, Barry. That man is not very good at keeping secrets.
"Okay I guess I should preface this with saying, I'm not technically a Meta-Human." I stated.
"You're not a Meta-Human? Of course you are, we tested you." Caitlin explained.
"I switched the samples. The only powers I gained from the Particle Accelerator Explosion was my Geokinesis. I already had my Electrokinesis." I explained.
"You lied to us?!?!" Barry said angrily.
"Look I know this looks bad, but up until recently I didn't know that I wasn't simply a Meta-Human, it wasn't until my interaction with that guy at the bank that I found out what I am." I continued.
"What does the guy at the bank have to do with anything? Wait, now that I think about it, the reports of the attack on the bank discussed the main culprit had similar smoke like powers as you are showing now, care to explain?" Cisco asked.
"Okay, so it's like this. When I was fighting this smoke guy which I found out was named Hank, I had grabbed his hand when he attacked me and the next thing I knew I was seeing his memories. He wasn't a Meta-Human either, he was what he referred to as A Conduit. In the memories he explained that he was part of a species of super-powered beings who were in hiding due to the world not accepting them.
His memories explained that not many know about Conduits because there has only been a few instances where any normal people saw them...." I started to explain before being stopped by Barry
"Hang on a second, are you saying that not only is there an entire species hiding in plain sight, but you are actually a part of this hidden species?" Barry asked.
"Yes, that's what I have gathered. When I first saw his memories, I thought I simply had Electrokinesis as my Conduit power, but when I actually woke up, I found out that I am a type of Conduit that can absorb the powers of other Conduits. That is how I have the same powers as that guy Hank, i absorbed them when i was seeing his memories." I explained.
"T-this is a lot to take in." Barry said as he seemed deep in thought.
"Well that's just perfect!! If it wasn't bad enough, we had to deal with Meta-Humans that were created by the Particle Accelerator Explosion, now there is some secret race of powerful people in the world? How are we going to fight them as well?" Cisco questioned.
"We're going to do the same thing we always did." I said.
Team Flash gave me a look.
"We were thrown curve ball after curve ball with each new Meta-Human we had to fight, and we adapted and we were able to take care of them. All that's changed is now we have to adapt to new enemies and I can be of help in that area as I could actually let you study me and this time I won't hide anything." I explained.
"Andrew is right. We have had to learn and adapt before, and we can do it again. Starting with figuring out all that you can do with this new power." Wells explained.
The team seemed to have come to an agreement and all said that they were not mad and that we should start to study my powers. Cisco in particular, was really excited as he would get to watch me use so many different powers as he said that I should be able to absorb other Conduit's powers when we come in contact with them and that could be the temporary solution they'd have to fight them.
As Cisco was explaining that I stopped him.
"I forgot something else from the memories of Hank. Apparently Conduits are similar to humans in the sense that the more they exert themselves the more tired they will get. It takes a lot longer, but from what I can remember, it is seems that once they are drained, as long as we keep them away from sources that they could drain energy from, in Hank's case, keep him away from smoke, we wouldn't need anything else but a cell to hold them." I explained as it didn't matter if I gave them that weakness of conduits.
I plan to find as many Conduits as possible so there would be nowhere they could hold me that I couldn't absorb energy and escape. It'll be an extensive journey to find and master all these different powers, but the end will be worth it.
(Hour later, training room)
"Okay so according to what we now know about Andrew's new powers, until he reaches a certain proficiency with his new Typhokinesis conduit power, he loses access to his old one but can still use his Geokinesis he gained from the Particle Accelerator Explosion." Cisco started to say.
"Typhokinesis?" I asked.
"Smoke Manipulation." Cisco answered with an excited grin.
"Anyways, Knowing that, we will need to reevaluate his skills and will have to change up how we go into each encounter with different Meta-Humans and now Conduits." Caitlin interjected.
"Well considering I lost my Electrokinesis for the time being, Barry will need to be more proactive about getting to crime scenes as I now am at least 50% less mobile than I was before as I can only use my Geokinesis and I haven't spent enough time on it to master it enough to have quick traversal. We have a lot of work to do." I added.