Static Flash

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Smoke


I was running around the airfield dodging paintballs, tennis balls, and clay plates.

They had decided to test my smoke dash and I was glad to know that I could dash as many times as I wanted, but would get weaker the more I did it without replenishing my energy.

There was a moment where I had accidentally dodged into some clay plates and some tennis balls that were heading toward me when my smoke aura started to gather on my hand until it shout out a wide blast that both exploded the plates and sent the balls flying and Team Flash saw that after the tennis balls were blasted they slowly turned to ash as they got further from the blast.

"Whoa! What was that man?" Cisco asked.

"I don't really know, I just concentrated the smoke on my hand and it sent out a, Cinder Blast." I said pausing before I said the name.

"Cinder Blast? That's a pretty cool name." Cisco said.

"I know right, it just cane to me." I said with a mischievous grin.

"While it may be powerful Mr Anderson, I do caution restraint when using it. You don't want to turn your enemies to ash." Wells interjected.

"Don't worry Dr. Wells. No one is going to die by my hands again." I said seriously.

I knew that I could risk more issues as if I am right about my theory, the Karma System will react differently with my body depending on the powers that I am using when I become bad.

I haven't had the chance to test it yet, but it just doesn't make sense to get the electrical veins if I killed them with smoke.

One more thing we had tested was to see if I could fly like how I did with my Electrokinesis.

We discovered that I could glide pretty well from high places and even with a quick jump but, we discovered that I could almost fly with my smoke, it was more like I was hovering though.

When we were testing traversal instead of turning off my smoke aura when I landed on the ground, I didn't land. I kept the smoke on my arms and found that as long as i applied energy, I could glide along the ground.

I also tested a theory and made my body horizontal when I was gliding on the ground, added more energy, and I shout off forwards at a high speed until I got tired and fell to the ground.

Evidently this form of flight costs a lot more energy and until I find a way to use less energy when I use my powers, that form of flight is out the window. Especially since I can imagine it'd be even more taxing to fly up in the air, but at least I have a possible way to fly with Smoke which even Delsin didn't have.

I found that the smoke shots worked similarly to the game, I had to constantly shoot out the shots one at a time similar to a semi automatic rifle, maybe an FAL would be an apt comparison.

I don't know if I can increase the fire rate yet, but I don't see it being impossible as this isn't the game, but the real world and I've already seen things that can be done.

There is another bit of the power that I discovered. If I put more energy into it when I dash, I can dash almost 3 times farther, I also wondered if I could use Cinder Blast for Traversal like Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia, these are things I would have to test.

I also talked with Cisco about making a suit specific to my smoke powers.


(Later @ S.T.A.R. Labs)

"Why do you need a different suit?" He asked before pausing.

"Well besides the obvious. The other suit may have been destroyed, but even if it wasnt, it was tailored to your electrical abilities, but it seems you want this one to be built entirely different from the other one. If I didn't know any better I'd say you wanted people to think you and Volt were two different peop..." Cisco said before stopping as his face lit up in realization.

"You do want them to think you are a different person, why?" Cisco asked.

"Why? You tell me, what do you think the government would do if they discovered someone with multiple abilities that are all very powerful?" I asked.

"They'd be scared and want to take you out as they'd be worried that you'd turn bad." Cisco replied as he understood.

"Exactly, it why I barely used my Geokinesis when I was out as Volt. I also hoped you'd be able to make me a suit for me to use that power as well." I explained.

Cisco seemed to be deep in thought.

"Okay, I can do that. If nothing else, it will help me grow my skills as an engineer if I have to deal with your different powers. Did you have a design in mind for your Smoke persona?" Cisco asked.

"I have a couple ideas." I replied with a mischievous grin.


(Couple hours later)

Cisco and I were sitting in his workshop as multiple different blueprints and sketches for my suit were on the table.

The basic look we were going for essentially had me looking like a mysterious secret agent, but I wanted to have something that covered my head to protect my identity.

[AN: Image of new suit ideas in Chapter comments]

We also decided as I hadn't found a new way for Traversal with my new smoke powers, that I'd use a motorcycle for all the times I had to get to things that were farther away. I had already planned to buy a motorcycle with money I had saved up and Wells actually offered up some money to help as he understood the risks.

'Ha, I wish I could fleece him for more money.' I thought jokingly.

[AN: Picture of motorcycle in chapter comments]


(2 days later)

"Andrew there's a fire on Madison Street it's a 4 story and the top two floors are engulfed in flames, the fire could spread to the other floors. Barry will take care of the evacuation of the residents, you take care of the fire." Cisco said through the coms.

"On it."

"On it."

Barry and I both replied as we were making out way there. I was traveling across the rooftops in my new suit, thankfully I was decently close as I was already on patrol.

I arrived and I quickly smoke dashed into the broken window of the 3rd floor. Seeing all the fire and smoke, I was really glad that I had gotten the smoke powers first as opposed to all the other powers I could have gotten.

What I ended up doing was absorbing all the smoke from the fire and it slowly started to go out after I was done and all the fire was out on this floor, I smoke dashed into a nearby air vent and I immediately ended up on the fourth floor it was weird that I seemed to travel through the vents in smoke form.

I repeated the same thing on the fourth floor, all the while Barry was rushing in and grabbing all the civilians.

By the time the fire was put out, all the citizens had been saved and I then ran through the building till I reached the roof and then jumped off and began gliding towards another roof. It wasn't very fast so I was actually caught on video, but I didn't care as I already was caught going in so I would be associated with starting the fire. All I would have to do if I had an issue is make sure I asked Felicity to scour the internet for the two videos and put them together to show that i went in and stopped the fire.

As for a name for this persona, considering my fighting style I have with this guy, I went with Cinder. It wasn't the most creative of names but, it fits with my explosive style.

It was actually hard to convince Cisco with the name as he felt he could do better but I vetoed the other names as i felt they wouldn't fit with the kind of hero I'd be.

I was happy that I was making progress with my smoke powers and I hoped I would figure out the flight soon.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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