Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 708: They Were Regular Humans?

[The two lizardmen there are just like Arit; they're complete anima mana without any superhuman mana mixed. That means they used to be regular humans that were modified and transformed into anima just like Arit. They aren't like Fiona who was already a superhuman before she was transformed. I saw a few other mana signatures like theirs around and I sent the location to the other guild members to intercept them, but they couldn't catch them before they vanished into the ocean.]

Mark clicked his tongue in irritation as he heard this, and both Arit and Luna turned to look at him in worry. Mark told Pat to keep trying to track those that got away and to tell the guild members that had water-based powers to go out into the ocean and see if they could find out where the anima were going before he clicked off the phone.

Mark knew that the two anima that attacked Arit wouldn't be the only ones around, but he hoped that the guild members would be able to catch them before they got away. If they got away, then didn't that mean that they were going somewhere? Some sort of hidden lair where Pat's MDS couldn't detect their mana at all? And if they were doing that, then it could only mean one thing.

'They were ordered to come here by someone more powerful.'

There had to be someone controlling these human-anima and telling them to come here. Were they scouting Arit because she was the Queen, or was there some other motive behind them coming here? From what Arit told him just now, they were trying to get her to join them. Mark felt anger surging from his heart as he thought about them trying to attack Arit, but he sighed and managed to calm it. It was pointless to get angry now. Mark was going to save the anger for when he actually met who was behind all this.

"Mark, what happened? Did Pat say something?" Your next chapter awaits on My Virtual Library Empire

Arit asked this with a worried expression as she watched Mark thinking deeply, and Mark scratched the side of his head in irritation before narrating what Pat had said to the girls. He told them about how the lizardmen were normal humans that transformed into anima using the same process as Arit and how there were others that had gotten away.

Once Mark said that they got away, Luna frowned with a curse. Luna had told her guild members around to make sure no one got away! What were they doing!?

Mark calmed Luna down as he spoke up.

"It's fine, I told Pat to send them out to search using the MDS. We should be able to get something soon if they're lucky. For now, we know that they are after Arit, so we're going to have to be more careful in the future. They only sent S ranks this time, but next time, they might send someone more powerful to confront you."

Mark watched as Arit's face darkened into a deep glare as she thought about them trying to capture her, and Mark grabbed Arit and pulled her over so that she was leaning on the car beside him. Mark told her to relax and not to let their bullshit bother her. They would deal with anything that happened together.

Mark's calmness managed to ease Arit's heart, and she nodded as she accepted Mark's words and calmed down. Mark asked Arit how her shift at work went, and she started to narrate what she had been up to enthusiastically as she leaned against the black Vantias beside Mark. Luna leaned against her silver Ferrari and smiled while listening to Arit's excited talking, and the three of them stayed like that and waited until the clean-up crew arrived.

Once the clean-up crew had taken the lizardmen and was already transporting them to the guild building, the three of them finally left and headed toward the McRonald's building close to the outskirts of City S. The McRonald's staff and owners had already been informed by Mark that they were going to be coming, so they cleared out the place of all civilians and only allowed the higher-ranking superhumans who wouldn't cause problems in the building.

The reason for this was because of how things had gotten out of hand once when Mark and the girls had come to McRonald's for a meal and there had been civilians inside. The people there had fallen over each other like animals just to try and get a selfie with Mark or talk to Luna. It was insane and it ended up with Mark and the girls leaving since no one could get anything done while there was so much chaos.

After that incident, Mark decided that it would be better if they just reserved the entire restaurant whenever they were coming, and he told them to only allow high-ranking superhumans to be present since Mark knew most of the superhumans above S rank. And besides, the restaurant just wouldn't feel the same if they were the only ones inside it.

Mark drove to the restaurant with Arit in his Aventador, and Luna followed behind them in her Ferrari. There were two servers waiting in front of the building for them, and once they arrived, the servers took the cars away for the three of them to enter the building.

"I really think Pat and Grace are together. No one knows what happens in that lab of theirs and they spend hours together in there."

Luna was walking beside Arit and talking to her about what happened in the guild building after they got back from Brazil and Arit laughed as she asked if Pat even knew what it meant to be in a relationship!

"Pat acts like he'll combust if he touches a girl!"

Mark was on the phone talking to one of the vice-captains handling a mission on another continent and he chuckled when he heard what Arit said in response to Luna.

Over the past five months, Arit and Luna had grown a close friendship that was more than either woman ever thought they would have. At the beginning of the relationship, Luna thought that she would always be like a subordinate to Arit. Luna knew that Arit was the main woman in the relationship and that Mark loved Arit more than he loved her, and since Luna was the one who had pushed for them to allow her to join them in the relationship, she thought that she would always be treated like an add-on.

Luna still remembered the rules that Arit set up at the start of the relationship, and she had walked on eggshells around Arit for a very long time just so that she would never go out of line and ruin the relationship.

But Luna was surprised after a few months into the relationship when she noticed that Arit was nothing like what Luna thought she would be like. Luna noticed that Arit not only respected her, Arit even went out of her way to treat Luna like a friend. Luna didn't understand it at first. Luna had forced herself into their relationship, so she fully expected Arit to look down on her.

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