Chapter 443: Survivors
"This is the vill—" The village chief was stunned by the sight.
Half of the village was buried underneath the snow. There were cries from multiple directions. A lot of people were trying to dig up the snow while searching for the survivors.
It was even harsher with the fact that the temperature was extremely low.
"What is going on?" Selena gasped. "Landslide? Avalanche? But the location is a bit too far from where the snow builds up…"
Nathan's expression turned solemn. "Whatever it is, it can wait. Selena. Use your power to sweep or dig up the snow. Bring out all your familiars and see whether they can help."
He leaped off Fenrir while summoning the other three divine beasts.
"Why are you bringing us out all of a sud—!" Nidhogg thought they could be lazy for the time being, but he stopped the moment he saw the tragedy in front of him.
Without hesitation, he gave his orders, "Nidhogg, Jinwu. Use your ability to warm this place up. Village Chief. I need to trouble you to find a good place to shelter these people and warm themselves.
"Anubis. Heal people that can be healed. We'll work together with the doctor to help them. Fenrir, your hearing is the sharpest. Find as many people as possible. I need their number!"
The village chief was speechless. In just an instant, Nathan actually took over the command.
Even Selena had summoned her familiars.
"Let's go!" Nathan waved his hand and ran to the village.
"Y-Yes!" The village chief immediately leaped off Fenrir and followed after him.
The people were startled by the sight of beasts coming to them, thinking that the beast in the mountain was coming for them.
However, the village chief immediately explained it to them. Meanwhile, Fenrir pointed to one of the buried houses. "There are two people over there. I can hear their breaths. It's weak, so we need to hurry!"
Selena chased Nathan and raised her wand. She used her ena to lift up the snow like how she carried water.
Fortunately, it only took them seconds to actually dig up the snow.
What they found was mortifying. There were two people, one woman and one boy. The woman was holding the boy in her embrace as if she was protecting him from everything. Her head was injured, must be due to the blunt impact, whether from falling to the floor or hitting the wall.
She was shivering because she actually managed to take off her mantle and wrap her son with it to warm him.
Even then, it didn't give much of an effect. The son was already turning pale, probably due to hypothermia. On the other hand, the mother was suffering from severe frostbite.
Just staying there alone would probably feel like hell.
"We have found them. Anubis?!"
Anubis frowned. "I can regenerate the cell, but we have to take away the dead cell first. This is much more severe than the people in the previous village. I need either Jinwu or Nidhogg to stabilize her condition first, before healing her. That should be enough to avoid amputating them."
"You do whatever you need to do." Nathan nodded before turning to Selena and the others. "Risa, Sasha, Yin Zhen. You guys carry them. You will need to carry people around after this, so return immediately.
The three of them nodded their heads. To his surprise, Amphitrite suddenly opened her mouth. "I can dig up some snow."
"Alright." They didn't really have the best relationship, but looking at the mother protecting her child seemed to move her heart.
"Fenrir. Let's continue. We'll be going nonstop after this."
"Oh!" Fenrir nodded in agreement. Without hesitation, he started picking up all kinds of noticeable signs from all over the villages.
Nathan stayed at the leader in charge of managing their roles, as well as directing even normal villagers.
Some were lucky that they didn't suffer major damage and had enough clothes to protect them. Some were not so lucky that they actually died the moment they were dug up.
The most terrifying thing was what happened when they found them. The most tragic thing he found when helping them out was a father who died protecting his two small children. He was just hugging them to keep them warm.
The two kept calling him while crying. Just the sight of it alone made Nathan even more sure that they were people, not just random characters like in novels.
Meanwhile, in the main village, Sera and Alavenya had settled down. They thought about coming with Nathan, but the two of them had disappeared from the village.
"What should we do?" Alavenya asked.
"Hmm. If I were Nathan…" Sera looked down, falling into deep thought. "I'm not sure. I'm not Nathan. But he has always told me that information is the most important thing. Should we actually check the situation around? Maybe the mountain?
"Although Nathan has suspected that the true cause is a natural disaster, we should check the mountain from the path for any potential disasters. Also, maybe the volcano's belly?
"I don't know much because my knowledge is limited about the volcano. Maybe there's someone who is good with the mountain? We should hire him and go around the mountain. With our protection, he should agree to take us up there.
"Besides, dipping in the hot spring will make me feel bad, especially since I know both of them are working hard." Sera explained.
"Fair enough." Alavenya nodded in agreement. "In that case, I will go to the left. I will find a suitable person to go there with us. Money is not the problem."
"Yep." Sera nodded.
When they were about to split up, the ground once again shook.
The people started screaming while Sera and Alavenya widened their eyes in shock.
"I went to the Blacksmith Guild with Nathan during an earthquake. The feelings were pretty similar. But this one was much smaller…" Sera's expression turned solemn. "I will calm down the people. You should focus on finding the expert instead."
"All right." Alavenya nodded in agreement.