Super soldier system in Marvel

Chapter 20: I heard you, Mr August.

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- What the fuck did I do that for? - August asked himself thoughtfully, turning over a plate of mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes refused to fall to the floor under the force of gravity and remained in the plate.

The man didn't just ask this question to himself, he was outraged in the extreme! Seducing the matchmaker girls was not just his whim or desire. He had a definite purpose. The mercenary thought that by wooing girls with high ranks in the police department, he could win for himself some privileges in prison or even in court. Apparently he'd miscalculated....

It was day three and there were no messages from Stark. It was as if she had forgotten the mercenary existed. August tried to contact Stark himself, but all his requests for a single phone call were rebuffed. The female wardens behaved strangely towards him, it was as if they saw him as their enemy. This attitude of the strange women perplexed the mercenary. Could it be that they were treating him this way because they had killed eight militants at the construction site?

August had been taken to the local investigator several times in three days. There the man did not hesitate to assure anyone that the murders at the construction site had been committed as a result of forced self-defence. Of course, the female investigator did not believe him and tried to split him up in every possible way, asking him various questions, seemingly unrelated to each other.

In a week, August was told, there would be a closed trial. How were open trials different from closed trials? Closed trials were not covered by the media and were held in the strictest secrecy. They dealt with treason cases and the like. The mercenary wondered for a long time how he had got so lucky and what he had done? All he could think about in that trial was Shields. A government agency dealing with espionage, counter-terrorism and law enforcement. These guys could have given him an emotional ride in prison to get their hands on him. It was their tactic to mentally and emotionally crush a man first and then reach out to him at the last minute. August had proven more than once that something could and it was only logical to assume that this information had reached Shields.Time passed slowly, the visits with the investigator, the taunts from the female wardens and the horrible food. August didn't feel any of the privilege that men in prisons usually receive. There was no media coverage of his case and he wasn't being held to ransom by some rich "mummy". He had a pretty face, though, the kind of face that girls in the regular world would be attracted to.

- Ninety-three, ninety-four... - counting under his nose, the mercenary stood upright on one arm and did push-ups, the other hand was occupied by a book, he was reading it in parallel with the push-ups.

There were four days left before the trial, no word from Stark, no way to contact her either. At first August was angry at the redheaded multi-billionaire, because it was roughly on her orders that he surrendered to the police and came here. The law enforcers had discovered his identity and put him in their database. The most upsetting thing in all this was the loss of the suit, it was taken away on arrival at the courthouse and placed in the storage rooms.

The mercenary had already decided everything for himself, he didn't want to go to prison under any circumstances, and certainly not to the Shield. After the trial, if he was found guilty of a huge list of charges, he would be assigned a prison to serve his sentence. He would have to be transported from the courthouse to it, and that was when August would escape.

With two days to go until the trial, an unexpected visitor came to August's cell.

- Who are you? - The mercenary asked in surprise, watching the slender office lady with a briefcase in her hands. - Are you the lawyer from Stark?

- Mr August you are mistaken, I am not your lawyer, - the lady smiled appealingly, sitting down on the prison bunk.

- Then I'm not interested in you, get out," the man waved his hand squeamishly, losing all interest in the woman. She didn't look like the local "sugar mamas", and the mercenary wasn't interested in the other offers.

- Mr August, there's no need to behave like that. I came to you with a business proposal, - the woman with glasses opened a folder with documents, took out a couple of sheets and handed them to the man. - My mistress is interested in you, and she would like to hire you as a mercenary.

- Your offer is attractive, but I will decline. I already have a valid contract," August put the sheets aside and shook his head.

- Perhaps you will change your mind? My mistress is known by many names in America, but the most famous would probably be Kingpin, - the office lady's face took on predatory features. - If you agree, all charges against you will be dropped and you will be released tomorrow.

- Did I not make myself clear? I already have a valid contract. The cardinal rule of mercenaries is that you don't renegotiate contracts. Now get out of here," August was harsh with the woman. Initially he thought that Shield had come for him with their "lucrative" offer, but it was not so gloomy. All in all, he was interested in the most horrible crime queen of all....

"Why don't we make a run for it tonight and go to Afghanistan?"

- Well, Mr August, I have prepared a special gift for you, I think after it you will agree with my proposal, - the woman put the sheets in the diplomat, got up from the bunk and left the prison cell. Augustus wondered why this searing beauty in glasses decided to leave him half-heartedly.

Immediately after Kingpin's envoy had left, several warders entered the cell. They ordered the mercenary to stand facing the wall and handcuffed him. It all looked very suspicious. As the handcuffs snapped behind August's back, a heavy blow with a rubber truncheon was delivered to his head, followed by another. They hit him hard, mostly on the head and hands. On the hands, probably to break his fingers, and on the head to stun him as much as possible.

- Didn't I tell you if you hit me again, I'll shove that stick up your arse? - The mercenary turned to his old acquaintance and smiled predatorily.

There were two guards in the cell, two more standing at the entrance, controlling the situation. Augustus' hands were cuffed and he decided to use his legs to teach the bribed female guards a painful lesson.

Facing the wall, the man kicked without turning round and one of the female wardens who was beating him shrieked. A satisfied smile spread across the mercenary's face.

- You bastard! - The other one shouted and was kicked in the head by Augustus, who turned round to her.

- Did you think you could get an advantage by handcuffing me? - said the mercenary, who had been bored in his cell for a long time. He could have broken the handcuffs on him and broken the bones of the women beating him with a single kick. But he didn't do it on purpose. Augustus didn't want to show off his full strength, there was no need. Better to stash his major cards up his sleeve until the situation was ripe for them.

- You're fucked! - The face of one of the wardens turned red with anger. She pulled a stun gun from her belt.

August only grinned and attacked the two female guards first. This time he hit the women's legs, aiming for the inside of their knees. After a few hard blows, within human limits, he heard wet crunches and experienced bloodthirsty satisfaction.

- Attacking the warders and attempting to take possession of firearms! Firearms will be used on prisoner number three hundred and twelve! - The female guards on duty at the door radioed in and drew their pistols, pointing them at August.

Time slowed down in the mercenary's eyes, and the situation became dangerous. Augustus wasn't immortal, he only had good regeneration. From this distance, the Overlords would be quite capable of putting several holes in his head or damaging a significant portion of his internal organs. Level two regeneration would not save him from wounds of this kind, and the man might well die.

The cuffed hands tensed, about to break them, and the legs were already moving the main body away from the trajectory of the shots. A moment before the handcuffs broke, the recently departed office lady appeared behind the firearms wardens.

- Put the guns away, we're not here to shoot, we're here to talk," the bodies of the two pumped up women with guns shook in fear and they lowered their weapons. - Mr August, I heard your answer. I will pass it on to Mistress Kingpin.


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