Sword Art Online: Cucking is Legal

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Kazuto rubbed his eyes and sighed in resignation at the dark circles beneath them.

There was no better way to celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday than working late at the office and being ten hours away from his fiancée on a train.

His company was preparing to launch a new game in only a month, and everyone was involved. It was not unusual to observe at least a dozen coworkers working late into the night ever since they reached the final stretch.

This occurred a few years back towards the end of his initial major release, so he was significantly more capable of managing it this time.

Fortunately, he had a wonderful fiancée - then still his girlfriend - who supported him, and it was ultimately reflected in his work.

Regrettably, his excellent performance had led to a promotion that required relocation to Osaka, while Asuna remained in Miyagi to finish her Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at Tohokudai.

This created significant strain on the young couple's relationship, particularly since the law banning intimacy in VR games remains in effect in Japan - even now.

Asuna was in the midst of considering a transfer to a smaller university nearer to him when Kazuto took a firm stand.

One weekend, he traveled by train to Asuna's apartment, where they engaged in a sincere discussion about their future.

They were deeply in love. They wished to share the remainder of their lives together. Both of them placed great importance on their careers.

Both had physical desires and a strong libido to correspond. Both wished for the other to find happiness.

There were tears shed, yet Kazuto proposed that they consider opening their relationship. He would be okay with her having a lover from time to time when the desire became too intense, and she would feel the same.

Kazuto expressed his love for Asuna by proposing to his longtime girlfriend after they came to an agreement, demonstrating that he held no resentment and was committed to her in the long term.

After that, the tears were of a completely different nature.

The setup functioned effectively for them. They scheduled monthly visits to one another, arranged so they would meet every two weeks to reaffirm their love.

Nonetheless, it was at these gatherings that Kazuto discovered something about himself.

He was somewhat of a sleazy pervert.

Though Asuna was comfortable being unaware of his escapades during their time apart, Kazuto consistently pressed her with questions about her romantic interests and nagged her for details.

Initially, Asuna worried that Kazuto was becoming envious and that they might have to end their arrangement, but it soon became clear to her that her fiancé found it highly stimulating when she shared her sexual adventures.

Asuna had initially felt shy and uncomfortable sharing her sexual experiences, but after her first recounting sparked an intense sexual excitement in Kazuto, unlike anything she had witnessed before - resulting in the most amazing sex she ever had - she became far more open to the concept.

Regrettably, Kazuto couldn't travel from Osaka to see Asuna until his company's game was launched, and Asuna was unable to depart Miyagi for another week due to significant group research obligations she couldn't skip.

The postponement wasn't disastrous, and Asuna was quite pleased to see Kazuto every two weeks during his busy period, but this minor setback resulted in Asuna missing his twenty-fifth birthday, causing the young man to feel a bit down, isolated, and, truthfully, aroused.

Kazuto's thoughts were disrupted when he got a message.


He checked the clock and noticed it was ten-thirty PM. Curious about who might be messaging him at this late hour and wishing it wasn't his boss—always a troubling indication—he blinked in surprise upon realizing it was Rika.

Asuna and Rika had been nearly inseparable since the SAO event. The two girls possessed sharp scientific intellects and both selected comparable career trajectories.

As his fiancée pursued her PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Rika was simultaneously earning hers in Electrical Engineering at the same University.

The grin that had brightened his face at the chance of the two friends sending him a birthday wish changed into a confused frown as he read Rika's text.

'Are you prepared for your birthday gift?! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°'

'Still using those silly emojis…' he mused with a frustrated sigh while attempting to decipher the message behind her text.

'Pardon? "Are you all planning to drop by unexpectedly and save me from this pit of despair?" he retorted and waited for her reply.

"Not quite, haha. (`∀´)Ψ"

'Is that meant to be a devil?' Just as he is about to reply to her, he gets another message. This time it's a photo.

A quick look was all it required, and his arousal immediately started to rise at the mere suggestion.

He discreetly stepped back from his desk and surveyed the dim, cubicle-filled space lit by glowing screens operated by game developers who were unaware of their surroundings.

Not believing that anyone could approach him unnoticed in his cubicle, he glanced at the photo Rika had sent and felt his arousal intensify.

Rika appeared to have captured the photo in a secluded room at a karaoke venue. Although the image depicted six individuals, including both genders, his attention was solely on Asuna at the center.

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