System Change

Chapter 510: Plans for the Future

The rest of the day after getting back from the Assassin’s Guild with Vanessa was uneventful for Derek. He brought the Shadow Witch back to Savannah with him, then, after she thanked him profusely for allowing her to have her revenge, the former Vice Leader, and now Head of Information Gathering for the Kingdom of Cydaria, left to go have a chat with Bones and Ogre before leaving for the Teleportation Building and heading back to the capital.

Now that she had her revenge, she planned on putting her full effort into her new position in Cydaria. Derek knew one thing for certain—Edward was going to have a very capable adviser to his throne once she got settled.

With Maven dead and the promises from the Assassin’s Guild to not mess with Derek or his friends, he felt like he could truly relax. Even after thinking about it for some time, other than possibly a few people from the former Kingdom of Astrus, he couldn’t think of anyone else who would want to harm him or his people—and those people from Astrus who may want to would have others much higher on their lists. Sure, there were also some elves from Alanah’s birthplace, but they didn’t have a way to get to Derek—not to mention the fact that they didn’t even know who he was or where he was from.

Thinking about all this allowed Derek to smile and feel a sense of accomplishment. He had taken care of most of the threats to everyone, and he had managed to carve out a place for him and his people. Malorie, Brandi, Thomas, Rayna, Jacks, and all the others would be able to go on with their lives without worry. What more was there that he could wish for? Honestly, thinking of that question, the only things that really stuck out to Derek was Alanah, and a few personal plans. So, his reason for needing to grow stronger had changed.

First, he only grew stronger when the system came because of survival and because it was something for him to do. He hadn’t had any real reason to want to get stronger—in fact, one could say that he increased his strength mostly because it made him feel alive, and allowed him to protect his place at his family’s old cabin.

But, after arriving in Cydaria because of Silvi Jaccobs’ portal, he found another reason to grow stronger. That reason was so that he could protect those who he had grown close with, but now, it seemed like he had accomplished that task. However, now that it seemed like he had accomplished that, his objective had shifted. Now, he needed to grow stronger so that he could find the Dawn Siren and make good on his promise. She had promised him a date, after all. The things I have to go through just for a single real date, Derek thought internally and chuckled.

I’m sure that she’ll thrive wherever it is that she is, he thought. She’ll probably be stronger than me when I eventually find her. A smile grew on his face at the thought. That was one of the reasons that he liked Alanah. She was truly powerful, and she had gained that power on her own. She was ambitious and was someone who he thought would be able to stand beside him once he reached his peak strength—whatever that may be. Her personality and beauty don’t hurt, either. He laughed.

All that was also the reason that Derek didn’t feel the need to rush to figure things out. Alanah was a half-elf, so she had a naturally long life, and who knew if that life would be able to grow longer in the new system she had ascended to? The woman could also take care of herself, so he wasn’t worried about her safety. He would get to her. He just didn’t know when. And he didn’t believe that she would be in any immediate danger, so he didn’t need to rush himself.

But all that was for the future. What Derek needed to do now that he’d accomplished most of the things that he set out to do—some without him even realizing—was to figure out his next steps. There were various options he was considering. However, the thing that his mind kept coming back to was completing the second requirement for advancement from the Origin System.

He’d been thinking about the different possibilities for completing the second requirement, and he had a few ideas. He also wasn’t sure if there were more than the two requirements, either. What if there were more requirements, but he only needed two to ascend? Would he gain anything extra if he met the conditions for more than two? Those were more questions that he’d have for Dave if he ever met the elf again.

So, with all that in mind, Derek pulled up his status sheet and distributed the majority of the points he had. Afterward, he took a good look at his status.


Personal Information







Derek Hunt




Void Monarch (Mythical)

Human (Void)














Stat Points Remaining









No Proxy (Crown Restaurant)

Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

Silvi (Bonded Beast)

Stella Brighton (Crown Restaurant)

No Proxy (Torith Adventurer’s Guild)

Rudolph Mckinney

Natalie Savannah via Malorie Stewart (Void Emporium)

View Contract

View Status

View Contract

View Contract

View Contract

View Contract


Absolute Nullify Lv. 20, Bare Fist Specialty Lv. 5(View Upgrades), Basic Repair Lv. 1, Chain Lightning Lv. 20, Channel Void Lv. 20, Cleaning Lv. 13, Cure Toxin Lv. 17, Dismantle Lv. 17, Enhanced Movement Speed Lv. 4, Fire Resistance Lv. 20, Greater Meditation Lv. 16, Identify Lv. 20, Magic Resistance Lv. 20, Mental Resistance Lv. 20, Multi-Strike Lv. 20, Physical Resistance Lv. 20, Polearm Specialty Lv. 3 (Void’s Harbinger), Powerstride Lv. 9, Rejuvenation Lv. 20, Spatial Collapse Lv. 9, Spatial Redirection Lv. 5, Spatial Rend Lv. 8, Sweeping Slash Lv. 20, Telepathy Lv. 12, Time Prison Lv. 15, Void Call Lv. 6, Void Creation Lv. N/A, Void Sense Lv. 20, Void Shift Lv. 15, Void Steps Lv. 20, Void Storage Lv. N/A, Void Travel Lv. N/A, Whirlwind Slash Lv. 11

Skill Points Remaining: 15

Skill Upgrade Points Remaining: 0

Skill Upgrade Points (Origin System) Remaining: 3

Shared Skills from Companion: Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 10

Shared Skills to Companion: Void Sense Lv. 10, Void Travel Lv. N/A

Skills Available to Share:

Absolute Nullify Lv. 10, Channel Void Lv. 10, Time Prison Lv. 10, Void Call Lv. 6, Void Sense Lv. 10, Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Steps Lv. 10, Void Storage Lv. N/A, Void Travel Lv. N/A


Apex Appetite I, Greater Giant Slayer, Jack of All, Lesser Dungeon Explorer, Lesser Dungeon Traveler, Lesser Enigma, Lesser Enforcer of Oaths, Major Repetitive Dungeoneer, Minor Slayer of the Unknown, Solo Diver, Magical Glass Cannon, Meat Shield, Lesser Explorer, Offensive Powerhouse, The Bigger They Are, The Impossible, World Boss I

Derek went over his status sheet and had a good chuckle. Just scanning it from the top, he couldn’t help but shake his head. He had absolutely no idea when he would turn 31 years old. He’d lost track of that because of the raid dungeon, and the fact that everyone on the outside had grown older by over a year. And because of all of that, even knowing the exact date, he was sure that his body’s age had nothing to do with his actual birthday anymore.

He shook his head at the now irrelevant—at least to him—number on his status. Really, it seemed that the only real milestone for age was when someone unlocked the Great System at 13. Other than that day, nobody really made a big deal out of it, especially commoners… unless someone who happened to be very young was also very strong. Then, that was impressive—at least according to a lot of the looks he’d gotten from people in the past when they saw how strong he was for his own age.

After looking at that, he moved on to his experience points. After killing Lazrus, he’d gain nearly a trillion points. He was slowly, but surely, closing in on level 250.

Next, he looked at his actual stats. He’d thought about where to distribute the points he’d gained from his World Boss I Achievement for a long time, and finally decided to split them amongst four stats. He’d put most of them into vitality and endurance, and took those stats to 1,800 points each. This was easily apparent in his now 45,000 health and stamina points. As for the other stats, he increased his intelligence and wisdom a small amount with his remaining points.

He’d almost said screw it and put all the extra points into a single stat to boost it to 2,000 points. It was quite possible that 2,000 points was another breakthrough or barrier—it could have even been a requirement for the Origin System. However, he had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case, so, in the end, he spread the points mostly between vitality and endurance. Those two stats had never failed him, and he still considered them the reason that he was still alive after all the stuff he’d been through.

The next thing on his status sheet that stuck out was in his contract section. When Alanah ascended, the contract he had with her had changed from showing her name to now showing ‘No Proxy,’ just like the one with the Adventurer’s Guild. The only difference was that she was not dead like the manager from the Torith Adventurer’s Guild was.

It also showed that the contract he’d signed with her was attached to more than just Alanah—it was also attached to the Crown Restaurant, which he knew, but it felt different seeing it verified in his status sheet now that Alanah was no longer around. It also let Derek know that there was another way to get out of a contract, and that was to ascend. Don’t want to be tied down to the contract? Just do this near impossible thing that nobody knows about and has never heard about, easy! He thought with a sigh, then moved on to the rest of his status sheet.

None of his skills had really changed since his fight with the big tree and those elves, so there wasn’t much of a reason to linger there. His eyes did land on the three Skill Upgrade Points from the Origin System, though. It was hard for him to not just take them and dump them into Greater Meditation, Time Prison, or even Void Call. Those skills were essentially the hardest skills he had to level up. This was especially so for Greater Meditation and Time Prison, as those three points would get him to level 19 in them—just one level away from max.

However, he held off. He didn’t want to spend the points now and regret it later. They were from the Origin System, after all, so he wanted to be careful. It was possible that they could be used in a much better way than just on his current skills. It was just another thing he needed to ask Dave about if he ever seen him again. Plus, he had an idea of how to level Time Prison to twenty relatively quickly, so he didn’t need to use them there, at least.

Finally, his eyes traveled over his Achievements. They lingered on the World Boss I and Apex Appetite I Achievements for a moment before he shook his head and closed the sheet. They were definitely Achievements that he wanted to focus on—well, World Boss I was. However, they seemed to come hand in hand with each other, so he knew that he’d most likely be able to upgrade Apex Appetite I with the materials he gained from whichever monster he ended up getting an upgraded version of the World Boss Achievement from. Well, all of that was assuming that Silvi would be able to create another great meal out of the stuff—which he had all the faith in her doing.

Derek sighed at all the thoughts. He still had a lot of things that he needed to do, but he finally wasn’t in a time crunch to do them. Then again, the last time he thought he wasn’t in a time crunch, it turned out that Alanah was, and he ended up along for the ride until she ascended. And, if he didn’t trust Alanah and her strength, he would go rushing off to figure things out, but since he did, he had other things that he wanted to focus on.

Now, even though there weren’t a lot of birthday celebrations in Cydaria—especially for non-nobles—after turning 13, that didn’t mean that he couldn’t choose to celebrate them, anyway. He’d missed both Brandi’s and Thomas’s last birthdays, and Brandi’s next one would be coming soon, with Thomas’s not far behind. Then, there was the other, much bigger birthday that he couldn’t wait to celebrate. That was the actual birth of Rayna’s child.

Some of the things he wanted to do required him to be away from Savannah, but he wasn’t about to miss the birth of the child of two of his friends, so those things could wait. He didn’t know how long they would take, and the last thing he’d want to do was get caught up away from Savannah and forget. Void Travel made it where that would almost be impossible, but there were definitely things out there that he didn’t understand, and who knew if there was something that could keep him from using the skill? He’d rather stick around and work on a few other things while waiting, so that was what he would do over the next few months.

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