Chapter 9: Devil for a sister
"Knowing me, knowing you, there is nothing we can't do. Knowing me, knowing you…."
Ariella and her parents crooned the ABBA classic without harmony of any kind, Ariella's voice being the loudest as she sang at the top of her lungs. The wind carried their voices as they weaved through the forest with Matt's trusty Chevrolet.
The music was on full blast, and Ariella could not help herself but remember all the reasons why she loved a good road trip. She sighed contentedly as she saw her mum and dad take up the next tune on the track. It was funny how people quickly adapted to things. Just a few minutes ago, they were nearly killed in a car accident, but they are now singing and feeling so alive.
But her last thought made her ponder a new scenario. What would happen if Claudine adapted to her torture and tongue-lashing? What could she do to remedy such a thing? Then another thought placed itself over the one she just had; Claudine wasn't in the car with them; they had left her behind in the forest.
How could she test out her theory if there was no experimental animal to practice on? Yes, that's what Claudine was to her. Foster's sister was just another front.
Ariella leaned over to wedge herself between her parents and closer to the car's dashboard. She found the volume knob and twisted it to the left to turn the music down.
Matt and Janey gave her an incredulous look, but it was Matt who spoke. "You don't like this new tune?"
"No, it's not that," replied Ariella sulkily. Never mind that she turned twenty-two last month, she knew she would always be their baby to pamper and please.
"What is it then, my princess?" asked Ariella's dad, buttressing Ariella's claims.
Ariella made cute baby eyes at them, moving her lower lips outwards and casting her eyes downwards after. "Please, could we go back to get Claudine?"
Janey shot Ariella a sceptical look. "But you hate her! We thought you would be happy now that we've got rid of her."
Janey shared another look with Matt, who eagerly nodded his head in support, never taking his eyes off the road or his hands off the steering wheel.
"I know. But I won't have a foster sister anymore. And all the stress you both went through today would be for nothing–" she looked at the back of Matt's head before she continued, " –for instance, Dad was supposed to attend an important work meeting, but he had missed it so that he can be in that shitty cramped office to sign the adoption papers.
But he didn't attend it and would now have to answer a query back at his workplace. And you too, mum. You still sacrificed your time today."
"So, you want us to go back for her?" Matt asked again, just to be sure he was getting Ariella's drift correctly.
"Yes, please," affirmed Ariella in a little pleading voice.
"Sometimes, I must confess that I do not understand your actions, my dear," threw in Janey.
Matt spared a glance at Janey. "But if it is what our daughter wants…."
"But if it is what our daughter wants…" repeated Janey after her husband.
Ariella bounced a little in the car seat out of excitement. She kissed the sides of Matt and Janey's faces in thanks, and they both smiled at their golden child.
The roughness of the tree's bark scratched Claudine's exposed arms as she sagged against it to sit on one of its exposed roots finally. She started to cry again, the tears running down her face and onto her lips, where she tasted its saltiness on her tongue.
The forest scenery blurred before her eyes as she looked at them through tears. A tear-stained girl sitting down on the forest floor, alone and crying, she was sure she made quite a sight.
She, whom others had rejected, should not also deny herself. With that thought in her mind, she stood up, dusted the seat of her jeans, and mentally prepared to start a very long hike. She'd start in the direction she had seen the car leave. She could hopefully burst onto the tarred road and hitch a ride back to the orphanage. She would have to swallow her pride when she got back there and avoid Anette like she had the flu.
Suddenly, she screamed and jumped as a rabbit weaved past her legs. She had stepped on the damn thing, nearly squishing its mushy, soft body under her rugged boots before it had pulled itself free and scurried fast. Maybe the other rabbit she had seen burrowing into a hole would be a sibling to this one.
So many sounds reached her ears at once as she trudged through the forest grounds. She heard the cooing of a pigeon and the rustling sound that leaves on tree branches made when the wind blew at them. At least, she should be thankful that it was still daylight.
Abruptly, she heard the sound of a car engine. At first, it was faint, like it was miles away, but as the minutes increased, it got closer and closer until Claudine saw the red Chevrolet that had driven her from the orphanage grounds earlier that day.
Ariella's sinister voice reached Claudine even before she saw her face. " Looking for us, foster sister?"
Claudine doesn't say anything in response, even when the car stops in front of her.
"Just get in the car, buffoon," Matt told Claudine without any emotion in his voice.
Claudine opened the car door and got inside. Some of the tears on her face hadn't completely dried, but she didn't care.
"Enjoy your quiet time out there, my dear?" Janey asked as if she cared.
"Th-thank you."
Janey turns her head to see Claudine better. "Whatever for?"
"For coming back," replied Claudine in a flat, tired-out tone.
"Don't thank me, thank your foster sister, Ariella."
Claudine turned her head to the side in dread where Ariella sat, and she gave her a malicious grin and said, "Let's get you home, sister."