Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 2: Plan A - Part 01

"Where is she?" said a rather tense, deep and gravelly masculin voice.

Not longer than five seconds later, another one replied, this one much softer and fminine sounding,"On her way there, she will reach out when she can," although gentle and definitely on the quieter side, there was no doubt she was filled with confidence nonethless.

The young man took a deep breath, clutched his machine gun tighter between his hands hugging it closer to his chest, his patience was reaching its limits, beeds of sweat began to form at the top of his forehead only to drip down along his face, "This... Is taking too long!!" he spoke again, unable to hide the panic overpowering his anger.

"It's not particularly taking any longer than usual," replied his partner while comfortably sitting on a trunk box, undoubtedly containing more weaponry, both her absence of agitation and lack of excessive sweating were a perfect indicator of her large experience in the matter, though her steady and emotionless tone didn't contribute to help calm him.

On the contrary, he grew more nervous and fidgety <> The more questions he asked himself the closer he was coming to the realisation that after that day, there was no going back, he will be a totally different person, a new man, either he liked it or not... he still wasn't entirely sure.

That thought alone sent a chill down his spine, he couldn't see what she was doing from where he was standing, but he stuck to the impression that she was cleaning her already immaculate hunting knife's blade, no surprise there, she had always been obsessed with it, as far back as he could remember.

He wasn't wrong, she could clearly see her reflection in that large deadly blade, yet she kept going at it with a similarly clean clothe, she only stopped from time to time to admire the shine of what she deemed a treasure.

The idea that he couldn't take any of it back was closing in on him, he was losing control over his emotions, out of patience to give, his breath accelerated, quickly followed by his legs, he moved a few feet forward determined to get it done, to prove to himslef that he could do it!

NO! To prove to himself that it was the right thing to do! He came to a sudden halt, aimed his gun down ready to pull the trigger, eyes transfixed on someone lying silenty on their left side.

The boy looked like he couldn't be a day over sixteen years old, his black frizzy hair covered in dust just as much as his clothes, his hands tied behind his back, the dry blood on his forehead was already darkening, perfectly still, the only part of his body moving was his chest as a result of inhaling and exhaling.

"Daniel... Control yourself !" her cold and monotone voice broke the unbearable silence, startling Daniel. When he turned his attention back to his target however, his eyes locked with those of the boy, a sense of dread overtook him, all his doubts becoming more vocal. <> He tried with all his might to supress any other emotion other than hate, disgust and repulsion but to no avail, his eyes slightly softened getting shinier, filling with tears and thus betraying him.

"It's now or never!" he practically shouted, shaking with rage but... Also hesitation," I have to do it! I....Need to do it!" he continued, all the while the boy didn't move an inche.

"Then do it!" the woman exclaimed finally stopping her activity and raising an eyebrow, turned out she could make other facial expressions other than the indiffrence she was showing, she ran out of patience herself, had enough babysitting the new guy on the job.

Daniel wrapped his finger further around the trigger as if he was ready to get it over with, for a split second he glanced around the room, on the floor were nine other people lying down, tied up, some looked back at him with anger and hate, others with fear in tears.

"What are you waiting for?" she firmly added gazing at the wall in front of her.

He kept looking back and forth between the hostages, "Why are you looking at me like that?" he spat at the boy, "Alice !...." Daniel pleaded with his partner as he felt his confidence fading.

The so called Alice slowly put her knife down beside her, shot up then started walking towards Daniel.

Unbeknownst to her, she was being watched from the moment she walked in that abandoned building ... or more correctly since they all walked in. A pair of yellow glowing eyes started reflecting on her shiny blade from above, who's ever eyes those belonged to then proceeded to discretely follow her.

She stopped beside Daniel, eyed him with a look of disappointment as he was gradually lowering his weapon, face red like a tomato his, vains falling short of popping under his skin.

Alice turned her attention to the boy and with a malicious and condescending smile she said,"Alec? isn't that right?" she marked a pause as she pulled her gun and pointed it down at his head then she added,"Any last words?"

Alec smiled back and calmly retorted with nothing more than one word,"Coyote,"

Everything after that, happened in less time necessary for anything to be comprehended.

First, there was a gutteral sound which turned out to be growling, then Alice was thrown to the ground and disarmed after a male humanoid figure with yellow glowing eyes and dirty blond hair jumped on her.

Daniel took a hit straight to the back of his head, he fell forward revealing a fit young woman standing behind him, she had short brown hair, unatrualy glowy blue eyes, a pair of fangs and a set of claws instead of fingernails.

"why so long?" the blond young man chose that moment to reprimend Alec for taking so long to give the signal.

"Can you cut me loose first at least?" replied Alec a bit offended.

"He's right Liam, now is not the time," Interjected the woman as she was rapidly untying everyone else.


"Where are the others?" asked Alec while relying on Liam to stand and run, the woman whose name was Malia was supporting a girl that seemed completely out of it, her long hair dangling in front of her face. All of them were now speeding along a hallway towards the exit of the building.

"Well Stiles is driving , Lydia is standing gard outside just incase , Derek is ...." Liam didn't get time to finish when a body shot out of a door right ahead of them stopping them dead in their tracks, the figue crashed on the wall across, they all simultaneously looked at said door, and there he stood, Derek Hale, eyes still glowing blue, fangs, claws.... the whole nine yards.

"Derek is right here," he said smiling at them.

They made it out of that place, everyone who was held captive immediately squinted their eyes, the sun was still up and shining, a five foot three stawberry blond hair woman ran in their direction, "Oh great! you guys are here," she declared out of breath but clearly happy nonetheless.

"Lydia...where is... the ride?" asked a confused Liam.

"Ow... somewhere," she replied slowly nodding and tightening her lips, not having an anwser to that question.

Malia, Liam and Derek all frowned then turned to the same direction, followed by Lydia and the others.

Not long after, a bus emerged from around the corner of what appeared to be another abandoned bulding, approaching the group at high speed.

"Nevermind..." muttered Derek.

Its door opened a few seconds before the vehicle briskly came to a halt, and they could finally see the driver, a white young man, brown hair, brown eyes, and a ridiculous smile, obviously proud of the entrance he made, well it was obvious because as soon as they reached him, he asked, "How was my entrance? Epic huh?" his facial expression switched to disapprovement before he got any response,"Alec, buddy... You look awful," he added slowly shaking his head.

"Ow thanks Stiles, I hadn't really noticed," replied Alec sarcastically as he took the seat behind him.

The group helped the others settle, then came back to the front of the bus, they still weren't ready to leave yet, they were still missing a friend, a member of their group, their pack.

A pack indeed, by then it was completely unnecessary to state that they were not ordinary people: Derek, Liam and Alec were werewolves, Malia was a werecoyote, Lydia a banshee and Stiles...well Stiles was possessed by a very evil spirit for a while, now... he...is...better, he was one of the very few humans in the pack. Right then this pack was missing its Alpha.

"Where is Scott?" questioned Malia.

"He should have been out by now," said Lydia just as worrisom as her friend.

A ground shaking growl irrupted from the building followed by a goosebump inducing howel, and there he was, the true alpha, standing tall on the edges of the third flour, his eyes shining blinding red.

He jumped only to land effortlessly three stories bellow near the entrance, he held all of their attention as he got on the bus with a heartwarming smile.

"I told you it'll work!" he said with a radiant smile.

They all chuckled at his comment, Malia sighed in relief and they proceeded to get settled on a seat before the bus started moving.

Their rescue plan sailed smoothly this time, but it wasn't always cupcakes, they had to retreat and swallow alot of losses in the past three years since the defeat of the anuke-ite.

The pack fought a lot of enemies before, only now they have to stand against large groups of the dominant intelligent specie, where their strength wasn't only in their weapons but in their numbers as well.

Humans were known to wage long lasting wars against who or whatever they feared and hated, and supernatural creatures simply weren't an exception to that rule.

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