Chapter 7: Reminiscence
The prevalent atmosphere in the bus was rather... Dreary, reasonably comprehensible considering Lydia told them all about her "dream".
Not that they expected it but, at that point in their lives, they've learned not to be too surprised by anything, in fact it would seem almost delusional on their parts to assume that nothing worse than the hunters would come after them.
Stiles clenched his fists thinking about this god awful new threat awaiting them back in their town, after nearly three years, that was what they were coming home to. He pulled his eyes away from the road infront of him to take a glance at his girlfriend, sitting beside him, she was resting her head on the seet, watching the night as the street lights went by, she seemed pensive, just like every other soul on that vehicule.
He thought he must've looked at her for too long, because she smiled at his reflection on the window glass when she noticed, then she turned to face him,"What's on your mind?" her soft voice turned the volume of his screaming thoughts down, allowing a way out for the questions he really wanted to ask, "Not that I've always been the most optimistic member of the pack but, I just can't stop thinking... What could essentially be worse than a monster who incapacitates his enemies with nothing more than their fear? And I am not going to forget the Medusa effect on anyone that looks straight in his eyes,"
" Can't shake that thought either but...whatever it is, for once it seems like we have a clue as to where to start,"
" Yes, according to the banshee ... Whom we didn't know existed before today,"
Lydia slightly frowned at his last statment, even though she understood what he was reaching for, she definitely wanted to hear more about it," You think she's lying?"
" I am just saying, we shouln't hold our breathes, last time we trusted another banshee, things almost didn't end well for any of us," Stiles was of course referring to the banshee named Meridith, who turned out to be a criminal mastermind, after seeming like nothing more than a lost cause, overwhelmed by her own powers.
Even though she wasn't an evil person... In the end alot of people lost their lives becaue of her, and nothing could ever change that fact.
"We don't have to trust her, I just need to know that what I saw and heard wasn't hocus pocus, that's all..."
"Yeah, well if she was an enemy, it does look like we are walking right into her trap,"
"No, I have this inexplicable feeling that our location doesn't matter, wherever we go it'll affect us, it'll affect all of us," Stiles learned to never question Lydia whenever she spoke in that tone, it went beyond rational, it made sense without making sense. Something supernatural that will affect them regardless of their location, he couldn't even begin with the possibilities. Her voice brought him back out of it again, "Well, whatever it is I am just glad that for once, we didn't cause or attract it, I can be proud of that at least," She said in an almost cheerful tone as she leaned onto her boyfriend, put her hand on his and closed her eyes, he flipped his hand around to hold hers as well, he placed a delicate kiss on her head before shutting his eyes along with her.
Malia was leaning on Scott's chest, both feet up on the seat, he'd wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. The pair of them were facing the window, and even though the sky was clouded, they could, from time to time catch a glimpse of a star in between the gaps.
Quite ironically, the peaceful moment they were having felt exactly like those stars, that against all odds and efforts to keep them conceiled, managed to shine through the darkness. In all the chaos running their lives, they still found a way to steal a minute for themselves occasionally, granted it was not much but it was... enough for the time being.
Malia took a deep breath then broke their silence, " How bad do you think it's about to get?"
"Personally, I was wondering how quickly it was going to go up from bad to awful?... but, I couldn't come up with an answer to that either,"
"Very comforting," Scott chuckled at the sarcasm of his girlfriend, her eyes lingered up towards him to meet his gaze,"I mean, do you think we will ever get to just... stop and live ?"
The sorry look on his face was enough of an answer to her question, she brought her attention back to the night sky.
" I don't know how or even if I can answer that question anymore,"
Things had been snowballing ever since the night he was bitten and turned into a werewolf, actually, and to that day, it still didn't seem to be slowing down. Scott realized very early on with the help of his loyal friend Stiles, that he had the potential to make great changes with the powers that he'd gained after that night in the woods, he made it his responsibility, moreover his priority to protect and save his friends, as well as all the innocent souls that crossed his path.
Countless times he'd blamed himself for the life that his close circle of friends and family were leading, yet they never failed to remind him that they chose to follow him, not just that but they insisted on it, they took it upon themselves to make his cause their own, it didn't matter the amount of danger and tourment they had to go through, they learned the disclaimer by heart a long time ago, it didn't matter where he'd lead them, because they would follow, they trusted him with every ounce of their being, he had always made up for any dissapointment he'd caused.
In return, he could never express how grateful he was to have them enough, without them, he'd be nothing and without him... well they didn't dare to think where they would be and what their lives would look like, or if they'd even still be alive.
Liam wasn't sharing the double seat with anyone, so he decided to rest his legs on it, with his back leaning on the window, he caught sight of Alec on a seat nearby fumbling with his phone, he looked deeply focused on whatever appeared on the screen.
It was amusing to him really, how he himself was around Alec's age when he became a werewolf, when his life changed forever. Was it for the better? He wasn't quite sure what his alpha thought of that, but to him there was no doubt, he wouldn't trade his place with anyone or for anything in the world.
He was also around that age when he fell in love for the first time, the word he'd use to describe it would be euphoric, even though it could also be qualified as ephemeral, he'd never felt that way with anyone else, not that he tried or that he even had the time to try, nevertheless, he couldn't stop thinking that she was the one for him, that she had always been the one for him.
Hayden Romero was her name, she chose to leave Beacon Hills behind and move far from the reoccuring events, anomalies and shenanigans of that place, in order to protect her family, her sister.
Their last moments together still replayed in his mind from time to time, he'd picture her hair, her figure, adorable face and amazing smile but mostly, her voice, charged with burden, heavy with sorrow and he especially thought of the way it cracked when she spoke her last words to him, the day of her departure:
"Be safe, Liam,"
The young man wondered if she was happy, safe or... Even alive for that matter, he found it ironic that she left town looking for safety and stability, only for a world wide all out war to blow not long after. No matter, wherever she was he just hoped she was ok, that was, after all the best he could do.