That time I got transmigrated with a system made by Dad.

Chapter 14: 11 Glimpses....again

If Clayman knew about the Clash Continent, then obviously, there is no way Yuuki and the Moderate Harlequin Alliance wouldn't know about it.

Clayman immediately informed his master and friends.

"Clash Continent is a forbidden zone similar to the Frozen Continent I didn't expect Clayman to get information about it." Kagali says seeing the information sent by Clayman.

Yuuki didn't have much knowledge about the said continent and was curious, "Clash Continent? It's a weird name; I wonder who came up with that."

"I don't know what it has been called since ancient times, still to expect intelligent beings to live there, can these people be a problem to our plan." Kagali asks Yuuki's opinion.

"We must know about their motives and what their stance is; the people here were isolated from the rest of the world for who knows how long; I doubt they even know about the outside world."

"Clayman has said that the people there don't awaken or are not able to use any skill mostly due to the Barrier, they live surprisingly good lives despite not having access to skills." Kagali continued her voice almost sounding as if she pitied the people of CC.

Both of them knew how useful even a common skill can be, not to mention Unique skills. Both of them knew they would be far from their current positions if they didn't have their Skills, maybe Yuuki would have died if he hadn't created Anti-Skill with his [Creation] skill.

Yuuki felt that the people there were not any different from the people back on Earth, giving him hope that there was any equality there, but there wasn't much back on Earth; the society was flawed, and it was even worse in Cardinal World.

"So what about the people there?" Yuuki asks.

"Most of them are human, but it looks like they have specific bloodlines with them, or I understood wrong, but I think it is the former. There are other monsters like Goblins, Dragons, Undead, and Giants. Also, it appears that the magicule tolerance of people there is very high."

Yuuki than took out a small vial "This is Elixir. The reason I deduced the effects of this is miraculous. If we can get more, it can even increase our overall strength."

Kagali continues hearing Yuuki Goblin Elixir "This is it's another variant it is what we have the most now Clayman managed to get a Goblin Lord to cooperate with him in exchange for getting named, this increases speed, agility, greed, cunning and grants temporary stealth but overuse of it can turn one into a Goblin."

Yuuki looked at the vials with fascination. If he could obtain an Elixir, then he could use it to strengthen the weak, his friends making it a good tool that would help him make an equal world.

"But the Elixir didn't seem to have any side effects, at least till now." Kagali finishes.

"How is Elixir maintained? I don't think such an important thing would be left available for everyone." Yuuki asked. With his common experience, good things were a luxury for common people, and this Elixir was even more so that even full potions couldn't compare with it in the long run.

Kagali chuckled in his mind. "You are wrong, Yuuki. While Elixir is a very unique thing, it is not that rare. It is as common as gold, and if you join the army, you get Elixir as a salary with coins." She was surprised to find it a foolish move. If it was her, she would try to maintain a monopoly over it.

"The reason we have so little of it is because the Goblin Lord did not have much since they used their variant of it, and the Elixir production is low. The vial we have is for a week's consumption."

Yuuki's eyes widened, but he hid his surprise. He then nodded if only this much Elixir could sustain a person. It was reasonable, but he noted one would need to join the army there to get access to it.

(Their Knowledge about Clash Continent is limited)

He then shifts the topic to "You said something about bloodlines?"

"Yes, the Clash Continent is divided into several states each having its bloodlines or monsters, Ragnarok the majority of its population being of Barbarian lineage, note that every trained individual of Barbarian lineage is a D rank, and most of them are (99.99%) male their female counterparts are Valkyries most of them lives inside Valhalla the capital of Ragnarok."

Kagali feeling Yuuki's disbelief "Are you serious?" Both due to the strength of Barbarians and because who the hell calls themselves "Barbarian"?

Kagali in his mind chuckles and says, "Don't worry, there are plenty of absurd things inside the Clash Continent."

By the end, Yuuki thought Veladanava/God created a joke and named it Clash Continent.

"A lineage that is named Archer, most of them are females and lives in Moon City a female dominant country."

"A complete wasteland where only the dead can live, literally."

"Royal Empire where almost everyone was Royal and divided into two factions, Red and Blue, and the reason for their fight is unknown."

What are you fighting for whether the mixing Red and Blue gives Violet color or Purple?

Yuuki had no idea how correct he was. If he had, he would have coughed blood.

"Not to mention the Goblins and Hog Riders what the heck with their fetish of stealing and smashing."

"Then there is an absurdly advanced nation that is named M.E.C.H.A known for its technology something Yuuki is interested in.

However, he thought that Grand Valley of Magic and Spells would be a problem, considering they were similar to a citadel or Church.

"How they have not discovered that naming monsters can strengthen them, I don't understand." Yuuki was baffled. Are these people living under the rock? Clayman fooled a goblin lord with this, who is a Hazard class threat.

But he decided to focus on his current plans he is planning to go to western nations planning to establish his base there and form connections.

Maybe he could become student of the Conqueror of Flames acting as a Stray Otherworldler with his physique and acting skills he should be able to fool them.

(Back to Leo)

I have detected movements from the bandits through my wood clones it looks like they are planning an attack they are heading toward my village, I want to test my village how will they fair without me I am pretty much confident that I will be able to single-handedly stop them but I will wait for their leaders to show up.

I am already planning how to integrate the Bandits into my village, and sure, they must have treasures lying in their vault, right? It was not like I lacked resources after the Builders upgraded Leaf (Aika's village) village's resource buildings my storages inside the Town Hall are filling up.

[50,000- Gold], [40,000-Elixir] [Gems- 750]

Not to mention Elixir Ore, now that most of the troops have equipment it now my army can trample small towns easily, EBs becoming B rank with equipment alone.

The troops with special abilities like Raged Barbarians (RB) and Sneaky Archers (SA) felt an increase in the duration of their abilities, which was another bonus; I am confident that even Goblin Invasion, a Hazard class threat, is nothing to fear now.

I also gave a staff made from Sephiroth's wood (The World Tree) mixed with Elixir Ore to Aika increasing her overall strength to A+ still weaker than me though, she lacks experience and is a good teacher, she could only perform explosions capable of destroying villages for now and some astrology and it is something she learned in her previous world!

"So much wasted potential. I would have made her Agni's disciple, but those guys are holed up in the Lab, doing research, and there is no other Magic user other than me; maybe I should give it a try?" Leo asks himself contemplating whether to try teaching Aika or not.

The only time the wizards came out was to set traps Gran had to drag them out of the Lab.

"Hmm, I will just give her books of common spells,"

Akali also received daggers made of Elixir Ore capable of generating barriers and poisons.

Sebast already had Magisteel equipment and had a strong bond with it, so Leo gave it an enchantment [Attack X], increasing its attack capacity by 100%. It was the only enchantment he focused till now.

Joseph, that old coot, had seriously retired, leaving all the matters to him, so Leo left them a man with his retirement.


Hehe, I also have a powerful army now. To think evolving troops was so easy that Leo! He tricked me and Akali, and even Sebast was shocked when he learned that, but it was understandable why not many people knew about it.

Our Barbarians only evolved because they were from a system, meaning if I go and recruit Barbarians from Ragnarok and name them, nothing would happen. Though it only applies to 'human' troops, it has the same effect on 'monster' troops whether they are from the system or this world.

Honestly, when I learned that my friends were actual devils I thought it would be interesting but who would thought I would be transmigrated like novels I didn't meet any God who would give me OP cheats but the voice of a cold mean lady thought it vanished just after announcing [Succubus-]

And I found myself with another girl, Akali, now my best friend.

We talked eventually, we decided to make a temporary shelter, and then it happened.


[Clash of Clans System Binded Successfully] I heard, and judging by Akali's reaction, she heard the same.

""Did you hear that?""

[Quest issued- Survive the Night in Forbidden Forest.

Rewards - A town hall 1 village, 20 X Barbarians.]

""Are you seeing what I am seeing?""

The next few moments were passed in bewilderment.

We realized that we had one system divided into two; Akali got a quest that told her to make a shelter that would grant her a builder, and just like that, we spent our first night in this world.

(Flashback end)

I discovered I had a very high magic capacity much more than my previous self though I could only use it to spam explosions as I don't know anything else and make some random predictions, the good thing is I don't need to chant which perhaps due to System as when I look or use system interface the time seems to stop for some time but I know it is just that my thoughts become very fast.

"Should I ask Leo to, teach me? He seemed d skilled in magic and had. A lot of spells.

He doesn't look like he will reject me. After all, my looks have improved a lot. I am no longer the average girl from before.

Just kidding, he is a generous guy. He even gave me and Akali super Op tools.

Not to mention, with his people and builders' help, my village has become better; Akali is training with Sebast, so I should ask Leo to train me, too.

He looks wary of me though probably due to our first meeting, I lost control.

I knew that something was wrong with my body, occasionally feeling horny and all that, but I controlled myself, looking for my Male lead, and when I met Leo, I lost it.

He thought having a girlfriend would deter me as if I know even those weak nobles can have a harem, so for Leo, it is a must; he is also noble, so it should be fine for him to have a harem, no?

I should also include Akali in this plan too can't leave my best friend out after all.

[Hey, Aika, would you like to learn new spells? I will be the one teaching you.] I received a [Thought Communication] from Leo.

'Ahhn, his voice.' I could feel my legs weaken.

[Yes, Leo, please teach me!] Is this the student-teacher plot, the taboo?

I couldn't help but moan imagining Leo-sensei devouring little me.



I cut the thought communication before my mind makes an image of it having a godly mind can be a problem sometimes.

"Maybe this idea is going to bite my ass in the future." Aika wouldn't pull something like that, would she?

But thinking about it "It is not that bad."

Whatever happens will be seen.

Leo then started looking out for the decoys he set up for the Riders.

[Freeze Trap: Freezes troops for 5 seconds.]

Radius- 5metres] more than enough to capture them.

[Tornado Trap], [Zap Trap], and many more.

These traps were not lethal as Leo didn't intend to kill them.

[Boss, the Bandits have started to make moves Shadowhands and the footsoldiers are approaching from different directions.] It was thought a communication from one of his wood clones he hid inside the trees.

"Monitor them closely." Leo orders.

At this rate, they would reach his village in two days, though he didn't know when the Riders would come and their leaders; they wouldn't dare to underestimate his village, right?

They know that the Survivors, now named Leaf, have at least an A rank, right, and there are chances of another appearing, so they should at least send two of their leaders.

"Terry should be coming with the Riders but what about the other two?" Leo ponders.

(Goblin Forest)

"Aargh!" A painful scream is heard from a human who is now lying on the ground. He appears to have clothes similar to that of prisoners from the earth, and in front of him was standing a man wearing an overwhelming amount of gold; he was the Goblin Lord, Gred.

And what he is doing now is that he has 'stolen' this prisoner's strength though it didn't affect the goblin lord and he also knew he was just using this Otherworldler (they are quite common in Tensura) to sate his sadistic tendencies and to check if he could get anything else from these 'outsiders'.

After getting named by Gelmud which Gred thought was his right as the next 'ruler of the world' though he was nothing more than a puppet for the Majin, Gred (after being named) evolved into Hobgoblin a strong one due to his consumption of Goblin Elixir, and not only that he also awakened an intrinsic skill [Steal] (not even close to Mammon) and a class [Goblin Thief] allowing him to steal from other people the requirement is the person should be at least 2 rank weaker him is he wants to steal something valuable.

From anyone above that he would gain nothing.

He used it on goblins, killing hundreds of goblins and increasing his strength by 5%, and it started decreasing later, so he stopped his idiotic ideas.

Noticing the prisoner is still alive, the goblin lord once again uses his skill "Steal, become my strength outsider." The man groans in pain as he feels as if his very being is taken away from him and after a few minutes of torture, he deserves a red fragment to come out of his now shriveled body and enter the Goblin Lord.

The Goblin Lord felt the power similar to when he was given his right (note: Gelmud fooled him by naming him.)

It was because the Goblin Lord's torcher broke a fragment of the human's soul when he used his skill and absorbed it. It was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and Gred used it, and he immediately felt drowsy. "Take me to my room." He ordered nearby goblins who had red eyes.

Gred was covered in a greenish-red cocoon.

After some time, Gred finished his evolution, and he gained more skills because his soul was nourished by a human.

He was not officially a Goblin Lord previously. It was only a title, but now he is a 'true' Goblin Lord, a being with the power to wipe out cities or A rank simply.

"Hahahaha, now I will be able to dominate those bastards. They thought they would leave my territory, and I wouldn't notice," He starts laughing like a maniac.

The reason was he gained a new skill intrinsic to Goblin Lord.

The [Goblin's Greed].

Goblin's Greed has the power to dominate Goblin's desire for gold and bend subjects to the user's own will. The greater their greed for gold, the easier they could be manipulated.

This skill forcefully dominates and brainwashes the goblins. It's even possible to destroy the goblin's will turning them into a walking puppet.

It can also strengthen the Goblins by using their souls as a source, similar to a Barbarian's rage but weaker.

He immediately used this skill to brainwash almost all goblins in his army, taking around tens of thousands of goblins under his control, though it was a lot easier since they were loyal to him.

He would have captured the 'traitors' who left his territory and would have controlled them but-

"Lord we have found that those bandits are about to make a move on those villages." Said his general, he was the second strongest in the tribe after Gred.

Gred's red eyes gleamed with malice and endless greed as he thought about how to benefit from the situation.

"Prepare the army and monitor those bastards; we will attack them after their battle with those villages; we will finish them for once and all."

(Leo's village I have decided to name Leo's village Aryavarta- Land of Nobles, because Monarch's Nest is not a good name for a country.)


Completely unaware of the upcoming surprise, Leo was about to go to train in the forest when he saw a note in his hand that appeared out of nowhere. Thinking it was another prank from his Dad, Leo opened it. "Open the Legendary Wild Card, idiot stop destroying the forest!" Somehow he could feel his father's annoyance even though he was in another universe.

Looking at the forgotten Wild Legendary Card and decided to draw it.

The card burst into a rainbow color and Leo felt some connection forming.

[Flat World (Minecraft): Gives you access to a dimension of a limited space.]

"Well, I guess now I don't have to destroy the forest?" Leo awkwardly says.

He tries to open a portal to the dimension, which consumes 5% of his total magicules.

The portal to the dimension shimmered with a mesmerizing display of energy. It appeared as an indigo translucent, glowing curtain, similar to the Minecraft Nether Portal. The portal's borders flickered with a tiny, blocky structure. Soft pinkish particles emanated from it, accompanied by a sound similar to the game.

Informing Venelana, Gran, and other elders about his departure he went inside the curtain.

Entering, Leo saw an expanse of plane land; the sky was bright as day due to the sun, though Leo was disappointed to realize that it was not a real one; the area of the land was limited but large enough to cover the whole Goblin Forest.

Beyond it was nothing but void, though it gave Leo a feeling similar to his father's power. To test something, he threw a rock into the void, and after some time, he lost sight of it despite his superior senses.

"..." Then he felt something in his hand, and he was astonished to see that the rock had appeared in his hand.

"Damn, just like a horror movie,"

He then teleported back to the center and "Fireball" while he didn't need to chant, Leo did it because he wanted to.


A crater of a 5-meter radius appeared on the flat land. It was 3 meters deep and would have been deeper if not for the black rock or the fucking bedrock at the bottom.

Leo went near to inspect it and found that it didn't even have a scratch from the blast; feeling challenged, Leo used another fireball, charging it with a hefty amount of magicules.


The crater was much larger than the previous one appeared, but the bedrock didn't appear damaged in the slightest.

Not wanting to give up, Leo used [Void], one of the most dangerous spells; two black portals appeared above each other; they looked similar to the Void of the world, and from it, red energy started raining on the bedrock.



After ten seconds of continuous rain of the Void spell, Leo took a look and found some scratches on the Bedrock, though he felt no joy.

Void was no ordinary spell, not after he leveled it up. He was confident that this spell could kill demon lord seeds like Clayman and Frey, and it was even capable of harming true demon lords like Luminous.

Leo then decided to train his Avatar: Tengoku (Heavenly Giant or Warrior).

This time a colossal golden warrior around 10 meters tall around Leo. This time, it didn't cost much magical due to its size and Leo's improved mastery.

Leo created a gigantic spear; he threw the spear with his full power toward another area, losing his interest in the bedrock; the spear-like lightning breaking the sound barrier went towards Leo's intended target.

As the spear vanished into the distance, a massive shockwave rippled through the air, shattering rocks and sending debris flying. The sound of its impact echoed through the landscape, a deafening *KABOOM that shook the earth.

Leo's colossal golden warrior stood tall, its gleaming surface reflecting the sunlight.

The landscape before them showed a ravaged land. Smoldering craters and shattered boulders marked the spear's trail.

The spear, made with Leo's magicules, stuck to the ground with unyielding force. The impact of the spear created a massive crater, but what shocked him was that the spear managed to damage the bedrock, similar to the effects of [Void]. Making him satisfied, he understood the significance of it.

For some Leo practiced with various other weapons created by his magicules with and without Avatar.

Later he exited the [Flat World] leaving the dimension as if it was hit by an apocalypse Leo even tried to pull 5:1 with his wood clones but failed due to high magicule cost.

His magicule reserves have been growing exponentially and they improve even faster when he exhausts himself.

The time was the same as the outside world, so there were no issues.

Just when he exited he heard-

"HOWG RIDERS!" Echoing, followed by a horn sound similar to a Minecraft raid.


"Talk about dramatic entrance and originality." Leo joked.


3.7+ words bros, gimme power stones if we reach 100+ I will try writing a extra chapter.

How was this chapter?

I think I was able to portray Yuuki's and Kagali's personalities well, sorry for that.

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