That’s How They Became Villains


Legal Defense Trial -3-


It was the day of the trial and a large crowd gathered at the court.

The truth about the first enhanced human experiment, shrouded in mystery until now, and the identity of the first-generation enhanced humans, was to be revealed today at the Cheongang Supreme Court.

Although the actual trial was about whether to punish an unregistered enhanced human in the city, the media, always sensitive to public interest, had caught wind of it and showed up.

“Step back! You’re blocking the entrance!”

After a long wait, a vehicle finally approached, and the controversial enhanced human stepped out.

Reporters from various broadcasting stations immediately swarmed like ants with their cameras, but due to the heavy security, few managed to get anything worthwhile.

Security inside the Supreme Court was equally tight.

All other trials scheduled for the day had been canceled for this case.

Even the usually lazy security guards were on high alert today, guarding their positions tensely.

“The defendant is entering. Spectators and administrators, please be seated and remain quiet.”


The massive door, too large for a person to pass through, opened with a brief noise.

Inside, awaiting Jin-hyun were visibly tense spectators and stern-faced security guards.

“The judge is entering.”

And there was ENIAC, the super AI that manages all security in Minos.

Jin-hyun was forced to sit in the defendant’s seat, which was too wide for one person.

Looking toward the gallery, he could see Han Cheol-ho and Han Yu-jin watching him with tense expressions.

‘So it has come to this.’

Jin-hyun closed his eyes gently.

Looking back, it had been like a dream.

From birth, he didn’t know who he was. No one told him.

But that doesn’t mean he was lonely. There were five other children in the same situation as him.

Having someone to share your pain with during difficult times was a great blessing.

Jin-hyun has always been blessed by the world.

Even when his five family members suddenly disappeared one day, someone new reached out their hand to him.

So he had to return that blessing to the world.

Although in the end, he betrayed their trust, they were still alive and over there.

That was enough.

If there was one regret, it was this: Chae Yu-ha.

The woman he had saved last was nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps that wish had been too great.

“Defendant, please state your date of birth and name.”

Opening his eyes, he was back in reality.

At ENIAC’s cold question, Jin Hyun began to calmly give the answer he had prepared in advance.

As the questions continued one by one, an undeniable murmur arose from the spectators.

Most of it stemmed from fear and terror, but as ENIAC’s questions gradually became more purposeful, those emotions soon turned to relief and joy.

Thus, the predetermined fate tightened its grip around Jin Hyun’s neck.

“I will now deliver the verdict.”

And then.

“Wait a moment, please!”

The worst villain who would twist all this fate finally appeared.

“Witness, please state your date of birth and name.”

“30430602, Chae Yu-ha.”

The woman with the charming smile captivated the atmosphere of the room upon entering.

Everyone in the gallery implicitly recognized her face thanks to the videos she had spread on the internet beforehand.

“Isn’t that the person from the video?”

“If you mean the hostage, I think so.”

“That face is unforgettable.”

-Thump thump.


With ENIAC’s rebuke, solemnity returned to the courtroom but the people in the gallery couldn’t help but be curious.

What would this woman, Chae Yu-ha, say?

Installing safety nanomachines in the dissident’s head and closing the case—what could be a clearer answer than this? Why hadn’t ENIAC declared the trial over?

“I think there are people who recognize my face.”

And finally, witness Chae Yu-ha opened her tightly closed mouth.

“I was present during the department store hostage incident. I was held hostage by an out-of-control Anti-Origin and felt my life was in danger.”

Chae Yu-ha, trying to hide her nervous feelings, clenched her trembling hands and pointed toward the defendant’s seat.

“He saved me. An enhanced human subdued another enhanced human.”

As Chae Yu-ha pointed to the defendant’s seat, Jin Hyun, who had been facing away, turned his head.

Jin Hyun’s pupils dilated.

“I have something to tell everyone. What do you think caused this incident? A simple device malfunction? The inherent evil of the enhanced human who caused the problem?”

Chae Yu-ha shook her head and continued.

“I think the cause lies within ourselves.”

“What the hell?”

Voices of near-angry criticism came from the gallery.

Despite such criticism, Chae Yu-ha tried to maintain her composure and continued, fixing her crumbling expression.

“There are various reasons why humans want to become enhanced humans. Because their lives are so precarious that they can’t survive otherwise, for the dream of extending their lifespan, to protect themselves, and sometimes there are those who became enhanced humans because they wanted to help people.”

Then she projected a video stored in her internal device into the air.

“But how are we treating them?”

The video vividly showed a loud-mouthed woman among civilians berating enhanced humans, telling them to go out and fight.

It even showed her punching an enhanced human in the cheek, making them cry pathetically.

“This is just one example. Our behavior today is surely worse, not less.”

Chae Yu-ha bowed her head and said.

“Everyone, they are people.”

Her voice was much more subdued than before, as if she was trying to hold back tears.

“They could be your neighbors, your friends, your family, your children.”

Chae Yu-ha shed thin tears dripping down her head, not daring to lift her face.

“They might be villains who destroy your daily lives. But they could also be heroes who protect your daily lives.”


By now, the murmuring of the spectators had quieted.

“Please, don’t deny their potential. Don’t try to put a leash around the neck of the one who saved our lives.”


With those final words, Chae Yu-ha could no longer continue her testimony.

No one objected to this.

All that existed was the long lingering effect and silence brought by the witness’s plea.

Just a few minutes earlier.

“You want me to put this on my chest?”

“Yes, please.”

I said as I inserted a pen with a small camcorder attached into Han Yu-jin’s chest.

It’s an original digital cam.

The court security guards, born and raised in Minos, would never imagine this was a camera.

It’s practically an artifact, an ancient relic.

[Evil deed point shop has been temporarily deactivated]

[Current evil deed points: 95/100,000]

I bought the pen from the point shop.

My precious evil deed points…

They’re so damn hard to earn.

I think I mentioned this once before, but I really wanted to see the face of the bastard who made this.

I bought a 10-point mini-cam and dropped below 100 points, so the shop function was deactivated.

It clearly lacked flexibility.

“What…is this used for?”

Han Yu-jin asked while fiddling with the mini-cam that only looked like a pen.

What is it used for? Good things, of course. Like secret filming or eavesdropping.

However, since I couldn’t say that directly, I gave a vague answer.

“It will be used for peace.”

The storm had passed.

The atmosphere inside the courtroom had changed due to Chae Yu-ha’s passionate speech, which was like a strong current.

Some still thought nanomachines should be implanted in Last’s head but some had begun to question the very existence of safety nanomachines.

Whether they had always thought this way, or changed their minds after being moved by Chae Yu-ha’s statement, was unknown.

What was certain was that the direction of the trial had become unpredictable.

“I will now deliver the verdict.”

Now everything depended on ENIAC.

Everyone was tense.

ENIAC, who had been conducting a formal trial all along, put down the gavel and asked.

“Before the verdict, I have one question for the defendant.”

The subject of the question was, of course, Jin Hyun.

“There is an old saying passed down among Origins. ‘Position makes the person.’ You have power. That can be considered a kind of status or authority.”

Having put down the gavel, ENIAC was speaking as a thinking, reasoning entity, rather than just an AI managing the city’s security.

“You used that power to help others. Even knowing you would be in danger if it was discovered you were not a civilian.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m contemplating. In my hands, there is a scale now. If I install nanomachines in your head, the immediate danger will be eliminated. However, future lives that might have been saved will meet death at the end of a twisted fate. Conversely, if I don’t install nanomachines in your head, there’s a risk that many people could die because of you.”

ENIAC said.

“Can I trust you?”


In response to that question, Jin Hyun destroyed the meaningless restraints binding him.

The people in the gallery were startled by Jin Hyun’s action. The security guards also aimed their guns at Jin Hyun with their fingers on the triggers.

“Be quiet.”

At ENIAC’s words, the guards lowered their guns.

“Defendant, how should I interpret this action?”

“…I’m sorry. It seems I didn’t convey my message clearly.”

Jin Hyun cleared his throat, placed his right hand on his left chest, and made a pledge.

“I promise. Until the day comes when all people can live in peace, I, Jin Hyun, will repay the kindness I’ve received from the world until the very end.”

At the same time, a golden aura began to radiate from behind Jin Hyun.

Even the spectators, who had been confused by Jin Hyun’s sudden action, felt something sublime upon seeing that light and bowed their heads.

“Is that so?”

ENIAC picked up the gavel again.

And the sound of the hammer signaling the final verdict echoed throughout the courtroom.

“I will now deliver the verdict. I sentence the defendant Jin Hyun to an indefinite suspended sentence.”


I shouted it ten, even a hundred times in my mind.

I was wondering how it would turn out for a while, but as expected, Last never disappoints me.

Isn’t a suspended sentence a bad thing? In general cases, of course it is.

But that only applies to those whose heads are full of criminal thoughts.

Since Last would never be involved in crime, it was effectively a not guilty verdict.

I cast my gaze at the people in the gallery.

ENIAC had given Last a suspended sentence, but not a single person voiced any objection.

They must have been somewhat moved by Last’s resolution too.

The power to spread hope, the power to protect the weak from fear, Heroic force, in some ways, seemed more like a brainwashing ability than my power.

“Defendant Jin Hyun, as soon as the deliberation ends, take an aptitude test at the Hero Corporation and do something that helps people. Whether it’s exploring the surface, exterminating monsters, or beating up criminals, anything is fine.”

ENIAC continued.

“However, if you appear before me again, I will sentence you not to nanomachines, but to brain washing.”

Brain washing.

In simple terms, it meant washing away the memories stored in the brain and turning him into a different person.

“Make sure I don’t regret my choice today. Prove to the city that enhanced humans are not something to be feared.”

“I will do my best.”

With that the preparation for Hero Last’s debut, which was long if you consider it long, and short if you consider it short, had ended.

After ENIAC left, Jin Hyun, who remained in his seat, looked around toward the gallery as if searching for someone.

It wasn’t Han Yu-jin or Han Cheol-ho he was looking for but Chae Yu-ha.

He was looking for the woman who had appeared at the critical moment and saved him from the crisis.

She was easy to find at the edge of the gallery.

She had a distinctive appearance, and she was always smiling, revealing her thoughts, which made her relatively easy to find.

She was arguing with Yu-jin, trying to get something like a pen from her.

‘What is she really thinking?’

Jin Hyun felt extremely conflicted.

Clearly, their first meeting had been at the restaurant last time.

Why did it feel like they had helped each other like this before?

Jin Hyun pondered this as he was led out of the court by the security guards.

Meanwhile, Chae Yu-ha, who was arguing to get the pen (mini camcorder) back:

“You didn’t say it was a camera!!”

“Stop talking and give it to me!! I need to hand over the recorded video before the reporters outside leave!!”

Perhaps she was facing a mountain greater than any obstacle she had overcome so far.

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