The App Called Random A My Hero Academia Horror/Fanfic

Chapter 70: Chapter 70 The Deal

*Dark clouds rolled in, signaling that a storm was coming. Rain begins to pour as the man in the goat mask stands there looking at Overhaul. One of Overhaul's eyes went back to normal.*

Overhaul: You're the guy who fucked up my life.

*Looks at him calmly yet dead inside since he has nothing left.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: The first person who ruined your life was Random. The demon from the app.

*Stepping closer to Overhaul, he kept his distance.*

Overhaul: You're the one who created the demon in the first place so everything is your fault!

*Growls at the man who's wearing the goat mask as he clutches his fists tightly and blood begins to form.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: Last time I checked a young woman with pinkish and purple hair is the one who made all of you use the app. So meaning you brought this upon yourselves.

*Shows him the memory of what happened back then. A small flashback of Overhaul and his friends using the app.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: We were watching you I never expected someone that looks like the ones from the past. The book chooses Kaien, an ancestor of yours, and now the book has chosen you. You should be honored to be chosen for this great cause.

*Looks at Overhaul for a moment before looking at the portal to the other world. One of his members showed up standing right beside him.*

Overhaul: Great cause? Mass destruction is a great cause. You already destroyed this world. There's nobody left...

*Looking up slightly just to see the Man In The Goat Mask is standing near someone who's also wearing a Goat Mask.*

Overhaul: If my ancestor was chosen so this means there was no escaping the book anyway... If that's what you're saying to me. My life would've been screwed either way... But why me? I'm nothing like Kaien. We just look alike...

*Tearing up as he trembles uncontrollably due to his life being upside down and also the demon inside of him wanting to take control again.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: The book chosen you remember I just want what's best for the book, but enough of that, it's time for real business. I want you to join me Kai Chisaki.

*Looks at him calmly while moving his hand slightly telling the other member to enter the portal.*

Cupiditas: Of course.

*Runs towards the portal and goes inside.*

Overhaul: Why would I join you? It doesn't make sense for me to join you, especially after everything you have done!

*Growls at him as the rainwater changes to fresh blood.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: I'll bring your boss if you join me and maybe all of your friends who were killed by random.

*Showing him images of Overhaul's boss including the ones who were killed by Random.*

Overhaul: Boss...

*His eyes widen in shock after hearing the certain word. Besides hearing about his friends coming back to life, he is mostly interested in the words of his boss. Looking down at the bloody ground, thinking about the offer, but the cost is being someone's puppet meant for destruction.*

Overhaul: Fine, I'll join you, but I also want to learn how to control this demon that's inside of me. If I learn more then maybe I could have better control.

*Stepping closer to the Man In The Goat Mask, wondering if he made the right decision or not, but wasn't sure at the moment.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: I can't trust you just yet but you have to prove yourself. Let's start with someone in your group. Tomura Shigaraki I want you to kill him.

*Showing Overhaul a flashback of Shigaraki who's currently fighting against Irae.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: Kill him. If you do that, the trust will strengthen between us. I'll grant your wishes and show you how to control the book.

*Looks at Overhaul, wondering how he would react when he said that. The words of killing someone, especially someone that Overhaul knows.*

Overhaul: Kill Shigaraki?

*Thinking about it for a moment about the thought of killing someone, especially if Shigaraki is the person who helped him get this far. Even though he wanted to die early on.*

The Man In The Goat Mask: Of course since they're a threat to us. Kai Chisaki I'm counting on you to kill him.

*Opening a portal to the location where Shigaraki and Ira are located. The clouds disappear as the rain has stopped. The sky was pitched black with the blood moon.*

Overhaul: ...

*Staying quiet for a moment before speaking once again.*

Overhaul: I'll kill him.

(Meanwhile at the location where Shigaraki and Ira are located).

Shigaraki: Fuck, why does this dude have to appear?

*Remembering when a person in a goat mask appears right in front of him. Trying to kill him with his fists. Running throughout the forest, holding on to Eri, using his multiple quirks to try to slow down the dude in the goat mask.*

Ira: No hay escapatoria.

*Appears right in front of him and immediately punches both Shigaraki and Eri in the chest, sending them flying across the forest.*

Shigaraki: Damnit.

*Coughing up blood as he uses his quirk to regenerate himself after that powerful punch. Looking down at Eri who's severely injured due to that one punch.*

Shigaraki: You okay?

*Helping Eri up but noticing that the dude in the goat mask is leaving the scene.*

(In his mind).

"He's leaving? I thought he was going to finish the job. Or he's just messing with me?"

*Hearing footsteps coming from right behind him just to see a familiar face*


*About to step closer but stopped thinking that it's the book taking control. Since Dabi isn't with him.*

"Wait where's Dabi?"

(Out of his mind).

Overhaul: Shigaraki...

*Slowly walking towards Shigaraki, he noticed that his father's granddaughter was injured. Which made him hesitate.*

Shigaraki: Stop moving forward I don't know if it's you or the book that is taking over you.

*Going in front of Eri making sure that she's safe*

Overhaul: It's me moron.

*Looks at him, annoyed, but makes a close distance to Shigaraki.*

Shigaraki: Keep your distance... I don't know if you're Overhaul or just the book messing with me!

*Keeping his distance away from Overhaul*

Overhaul: ...

*Hearing the voices in his head telling him to kill Shigaraki, the images of his friends and especially his boss appear in his mind.*

Overhaul: Boss...

*Mumbles it to himself while touching the ground to create spikes aiming it straight toward Shigaraki and Eri*

Shigaraki: The fuck?

*Dodging the spikes barely while pulling Eri out of the way in the process. The spikes were black like it's been dipped in poison. Looking over to Overhaul just to see a twisted smile on his face.*

(In his mind).

"It's the fucking book so what should I do?"

(Out of his mind).

(Meanwhile in the other world).

Dabi: So my only goal is to find the other me and tell him the situation. Easy I think.

*Walking towards the cabin, he noticed rain falling from the sky.*

(In his mind).

Random: Someone is coming.

"What who's coming?"

*Looks back just to see someone in a goat mask standing right behind him in the rain.*

(Out of his mind).

Cupiditas: You're not going anywhere.

*Looks at him calmly while standing in the rain as the black liquid goes around his body.*

This will continue in the next chapter.

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