the author killed and got reincarnated as ash ketchum

Chapter 3: chapter 3 10 pull and spearow part 2

ash when he sees the spearow he smiles "there you are" the spearow fly's up letting out a cry he smiles "hey there can you understand me" the spearow slowly nodes its head when ash saw this his smile grows "then let's make a deal" he pulls out a bag of Pokémon food" if you win I'll give you 5 bags of this but if i win you be my new Pokémon" spearow eyes widen with hungry and greed she nodes her head accepting his challenge spearow eyes move to Pikachu but she hears a laugh looking at ash his smile grows "to earn your respect the one you'll be fighting" ash takes his backpack off "is me" when spearow hears this the respect she had for this human grow a lot more then any other human she was thinking that even if she won she would join him but first she had to see what her new master was made of her wings glow using steel wing she used that to make her wings stronger then using quick attack with her stronger wings because of steel wing making her go even faster then a regular quick attack ash was baler able to doge her attack using this as a opportunity to kick up dust then he use arura the make his body stronger to punch spearow but spearow uses steel wing to make her wings stronger then she uses gust to lift herself into the air baler able to move out the way ash smiles when she was able to move out the way he put both his hands on the floor then bent his body kicking up able to hit spearow she fly's up then he bent his knees jumping up when spearow sees this she closed her eyes thinking he's going to hit het instead he caught her and hugged her then landed on the ground spearow looks at ash spearow head falls admitting her defeat she looks up her eyes shining with this witch caught him off-guard he was thinking that she would be angry for losing to him but she was a lot more happy then he thought but he smiles and pats her head with this spearow smiles she jumped on his other shoulder her head rubs against his cheek he couldn't help but let out a laugh your adorable with this he thought that spearow was blushing but he didn't think about it he opened his system to the storage grabbing potion out and use it on spearow this healing the damage she has taken from the fight they had he opened the system once more with this fight he saw that he got 35 more stat points so he put those point 20 into luck and 16 into charm *luck 70>90 charm 40>56* "hey eve" "ding yes master?" "could you tell me the average states of a regular human"

*ding here the average states of a normal human





energy control-0


"hey eve why is the energy control at 0?" "ding well master at a energy control at 1 would let someone use arura or psychic powers even though it might not look like it the highest anyone in this world at energy control was at 10" when ash saw this his eyes wined "huh what how was the highest 10?!" "ding well master most people who get arura or psychic powers focus on how much energy they have then the amount of there control over it the fact is that people just want more energy to do more even if energy control would let them do the thing they do for less energy and have more power in it" with this ash lets out a great smile knowing that he'll be better then everyone else who dose it with this he ask "even give me another 10 pull"

*ding master has done a ten pull rewards are

1x white card 

2x green cards 

2x blue cards 

2x red

2x crimson

1x black*

ash eyes widen "another black?" "ding well master your luck stat is at 90 so it's very easy to get higher grades of reward" "okay show the white card" *ding the blue box once again apar the card spins and then 

reward 50x poke balls*

ash eyes light up with this he remembered his spearow so he pick a poke ball up and gently taped her head with this the ball opens up and spearow glowed in a red light then went into the poke ball and one two three ding spearow was caught then he open the ball spearow came out and full onto his shoulder once more and nuzzled there cheeks together ash lets out a laugh then he says okay eve can you give spearow the info of the system and everything that she needs to know" *ding once ash said this spearow lights up in a white light then after it calms down speaow looks at his eyes with shook but even with a bird beak she was able to smile holding up her wing to give a thumbs up even with wings after this ash said "show the green" *ding you have gotten 2x legendary compass" ash seeing this smiles knowing that he can find two more legendary Pokémon meaning that he has 3 legendary compasses "okay eve now the blue cards" *ding 2x skill cards swordsmanship* when this is pops up ash eyes worry "eve what happen to skill cards if i already have the skill" "ding don't worry master each skill has there own level so if you get a skill card you can either use it to level up or since you got it from a basic card you can sell it for ten stat point letting you re roll if you want but if you get a skill card for the first time then it will be used automatically so you get the skill" "ohh okay then use both of them to level up swordsmanship" *ding swordsmanship has level up to level 3" with this ash get more info on swordsmanship and with this he also gets more info on the swords themself so that if he gets a skill for blacksmithing he could make the swords more easily then ash laughs "good now show the red" *ding you have gotten skill blacksmithing and tent upgrade smithing room* "hey eve what is this tent upgrade" "ding master a tent upgrade is how it sounds the tent you have gotten from the gacha will now have a room for blacksmithing" "oh okay so what happens if i lose it" "ding master each item you get it is soul bound witch is why you should use the poke balls from the system so no one can steal your Pokémon and if you lose something just think about it and it go back into your inventory for you to pull out" "oh that's great anyways use the two crimson cards" the crimson cards start to spin and then *ding you have gotten 1x water stone 1x fire stone* ash eyes light grow even more his happiness "yes that's great okay eve my amazing and beautiful system show me the black card" *d-ding the black card pops up and with the spin the color of the card change from black to rainbow then boom with a video of ho-oh and lugia appear and have a clash of fire and water then boom it turns around and shows you have gotten 1x master ball*


yes ladies and gentlemen and of cores i can't forget about potato's

this is the end of the chapter and if you read my other book you should know this is weird for me to make a chapter 3 days in a row anyways yes a master ball try to guess the Pokémon he is going for and i know i didn't say it in the chapter but the legendary compass isn't just for legendary Pokémon it can find any Pokémon from pseudo legendary mythical Pokémon or even normal Pokémon yes also ultra best but that might be impossible since ultra best are from different universes it will still point to the universe but he doesn't have a way to get to them as of yet but don't worry he will get ultra best anyways after all this JJfireborn is out 

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