the author killed and got reincarnated as ash ketchum

Chapter 5: chapter 5 poke girls

ash opening the system to the quest *ding hidden quest complete one of your Pokémon has gotten to friendship to 100 unlocking the function poke girl the way to us is one a Pokémon must have a friendship level at 100 second the Pokémon has to be the last evolved stage or if the requirements for it to evolve is by a stone or a item or other events that isn't by leveling if the Pokémon has to evolve by something else from leveling it can turn into a poke girl* he looks at the system "hey eve what is a poke girl?" "ding a poke girl is a Pokémon that is a female into a human woman that's going to help you with your problem with reshiam" ash looking at this he blinks "not very funny eve" *ding you have one Pokémon that can turn into a poke girl Pokémon: reshiam gender: female level: 100 friendship level: 100 do you wish to use yes/no* ash looks at this he smiles but before he click anything he ask "hey eve" "ding yes master" "if i use this could reshiam go back to Pokémon form" "ding yes master you can turn Pokémon into poke girls and back so no need to worry" ash seeing this he looked down for the light that teleport him there was back he smiles knowing that he was going back when he open his eyes he sees that he was back in the place he once was were then he heard two cries when he looked up it was spearow and Pikachu he stopped in place "eve did you leave these to" "ding oh my bad master i must have forgotten"... "how did you forget about my Pokémon that could have saved my life" "ding master if your life would have been at risk the teleport ticket would have sent you right back here you had no need to worry" ash sighs "okay eve" ash looks down and pats both of there heads "I'm sorry i didn't mean to scary you like that i promises i won't do it eve again" both Pikachu and spearow give ash a smile "hey eve how many free stat points do i havee [free just meaning how man stat points he has that he hasn't put into his stats] "ding master you have 200 points" "okay lets get charm to max put 44 stat points into charm then 10 stat points into luck 40 stat points into str 65 points into speed and 20 points into energy and energy control" 

*ding master has upgraded his stats 




energy- 25>45

energy control- 20>40

charm- 56/100 >100/100

free stat points-1*

ash seeing this couldn't help but smile but he was thinking about something his poke dex it surly updated by now and oak must have seen that he now has "shit" ash doesn't know what to tell him but he pulled out his rotom phone "rotom call oak" ash had a way to explain the rotom phone but anyways oak answers the phone not even before the first ring "ash how did you get-... how are you calling me from outsaid" ash smiles "i have a rotom phone" oak hearing this falls to the ground "what how!" ash smiles "well it was a gift" oak eyes open "a gift a gift from who ash" ash face goes a little sad still trying to act like the old ash "a gift from my dad" oak hearing this his hart stopped "ash my boy did you met your dad" ash shakes his head "no he had one of his workers give it to me he told me that he was to busy with all the work he had to do but he did say that he was proud of the man i was growing up to be" when ash was done oak started to think about ashes father and even though he wasn't really there for ashes life and that he and ash mom had a break up ashes dad still loved ash so this made since for his father to do this then the main reason why oak almost had a hart attack came back "ash my boy how were you able to get reshiam" this was the part ash didn't know what to say for it "well it flew down at me so i panic and tossed a poke ball and it work now i have a reshiam" oak hearing this look serious "ash please I've been old enough to know that you are lying now tell me the truth" ash was thinking and then it hit him "I'll tell you the truth but it be harder to believe then what i told you" oak smiles "the truth doesn't have to make since ash my boy I've known you since you were just a baby i can tell if your lying or not you could say you beat it in a battle and as long as i don't see you lying I'll believe you no matter what" hearing this ash smiles "well okay are you sure you want to know" oak nodes his head "yes tell me" ash sighs "i promised her that i would marry her if she joined" oak hearing this was thinking that ash was right this is hard to believe the worst part is that oak can tell ash wasn't lying to him witch fucked with him even more knowing that ash was telling the truth oak knows ash so well that if doesn't believe him he would know that he was lying his trust in his skill on how much he knows ash makes it to were no matter what ash says if oak can't tell if he was lying then he would believe him 100% so even though it sounded fake oak knew that ash wasn't lying to him about this


ladies and gentleman and the lovely potatoes that's all I'm very tired right now so I'm ending the chapter here bye JJfireboen out

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