The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 23: Climax

Delvin looked at the faces of everyone sitting around the dining table, they were yearning to grasp his point of view, 'Yes!' Delvin stood firm to his earlier words and continued, 'What life has taught me is risk it all, or play it safe. When you play it safe, you live a comfortable life, and you might die comfortable. But if you risk it all, you may lose over and over. You only need one win. And that's all you require to live an extraordinary life. With one win, suddenly you are living the life of your dreams. Anyway, what is the point of living if we don't take risks? If we don't strive to be better and great?'

Delvin left a question hanging in the thin air.

The whole dining hall went silent, as if music was not playing in the background. They were all lost in Delvin's words. Grandma Beatrice broke the silence when she started clapping, and the rest followed suit, 'Great speech! Delvin, you keep surprising me, you are like a wonder and keep on opening up more floodgates of inspiration. The more I listen to you, the more I get attached to you. Stay on that lane dear.'

Grandma Beatrice commented, excitedly, and looked like she was about to hug Delvin and presumably kiss him.

Brenda's face and eyes lit up, she was glittering with beaming euphoria.

He is definitely not the same Delvin I know. This version of him is confident, charming, knowledgeable and very muscular and admirable. Brenda was inspired to her innermost core.

I did not know this side of Delvin. It's obvious he knows every step of the way. He is so selfless, intelligent and wise. Undoubtedly, I will follow and listen to his advice for the rest of my life. George considered upon listening to Delvin's speech.


The group started enjoying the second bottle of wine. It was shared among the group. They continued drinking and chatting. A beautiful song came on the sound system and Grandma Beatrice became extremely excited, she must have long roots attached to the song. By this time she was very happy and cheerful, 'let us dance and enjoy life because we do not know what tomorrow brings?'

Grandma Beatrice extended her invitation to everyone. She went to the sound system, increased the volume and now the living room had transformed into a nightclub. At the beginning, the young stars were shy. Grandma Beatrice dragged Delvin onto the stage, and they began dancing. George joined the dance floor. After a few minutes of dilly-dallying, Brenda had to let go of all her restraining emotions, her willpower and finally joined.

Different dances were introduced; free styles, tangle, salsa, sex dance and they exchanged partners. Interesting moments increased gradually. The first cut is the deepest. Delvin would cherish this moment for the rest of his life.

The dinner party soon reached its climax. About an hour later, the energy decreased. One by one, they started sitting down. The audience were in a happy chatting mood, the music was reduced. 

'Brenda, can you come with me to the kitchen?' Grandma Beatrice demanded in a soft tone.

'Do you need help with cleaning the dishes?' Delvin asked, after partially perceiving Grandma Beatrice's intentions.

Grandma Beatrice gazed at Delvin with admiration, she smiled, 'No, dear, but thanks for your consideration.'

Grandma Beatrice added, 'we use a Dishwasher to clean dishes.'

The sitting room was left to Delvin and George. George dragged his tired body next to Delvin. At the same moment, cast a strong look directed in Delvin's eyes.

'Delvin?' George said softly.

'Yes?' Delvin locked eyes with George with a questioning facial expression.

'The other day at Lusaka Blue Hotel you were flirting with Jasmine. After listening to your speech, I support you. Go for her brother. She is into you as much as you are into her. You two have chemistry.'

'Are you serious about that?' Delvin gave George a disapproving look even though he was a bit tipsy.

'I mean every word brother from the bottom of my heart. Actually, I have decided to follow you for the rest of my life.' George released his deepest heartfelt emotions through words.

The cause is unknown. Where did this new development come from? Delvin thought as puzzlement engulfed him.

'Alright, I hear you brother.' Delvin accepted George's plea of royalty.

 In the kitchen, a heated conversation went on. 'Brenda, tell me honestly, what do you think of Delvin?' 

Grandma Beatrice wanted to know what Brenda's thoughts were on Delvin.

 'Granny, I like him, but he is too much for me. I can't keep up with his depth of knowledge and understanding?' Brenda replied after a long moment which seemed like ages for Grandma Beatrice.

'Nonsense Brenda, in life, no matter how strong a man is, or capable, a woman will always be his pillar, strength or his weakness, only a woman is able to tame a beast known as a man. The rise of any kingdom begins with a woman at its foundation, the fall is equally the same. You will find a woman at the top. There exists a certain kind of energy that a man will always want or need from a woman. So don't ever think of yourself so low, nor disrespect yourself again. Do you hear me?'

Grandma Beatrice was extremely upset with Brenda to the point of shivering. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. 

Brenda lagged in processing the new information. Grandma Beatrice just spilled on her, it took her some time to grasp all of it, 'Yes, grandma.'

Brenda agreed and nodded her head at the same instant, but looked very disoriented. Grandma Beatrice noticed the state Brenda was in.

I could not straighten her path right away. Therefore, I can't rush to assist her. It's a must for Brenda to grow up and very fast. I understand perfectly. Giving her bones to chew is the only way. Grandma Beatrice thought.

Later on, Brenda and Grandma Beatrice rejoined Delvin and George. The chatting grew hot and hotter, they were on fire, laughter, fun was continuously in play.

I need to talk to Brenda, but I feel a bit shy and timid. How can i ask her with Grandma Beatrice available? Delvin reasoned thoroughly.

'Really? Is this your first time to do this?' Probed Zauzo teasingly.

Of course, why would I want assistance? Delvin riposted in fury, though his facial expression did not change at all.

'Relax! And calm down, we are not enemies?'

'Look, I will tell you this, if you give me a chance to propose to Brenda, I can help you win Jasmine's heart?'

'So, what do you think?'

'Deal?' Zauzo pressed on.

Forget it, that won't do. Find another body? Delvin sarcastically suggested.

Looking at our previous conversations with Grandma Beatrice, she has an open mind. I guess she will accept my request. I hope she won't take my intentions the wrong way, anyway, if she does? It's one risk I am willing to take. Delvin was in deep thoughts.

'Just go ahead and ask her? It's not like you are asking for a hand in marriage?' Zauzo attacked Delvin in a scornful tone.

If I can be honest, I like you when you are quiet. Delvin flung back, no emotions attached to his words.

The trap was set while Delvin waited like a prey trying to capture the cleverest animal in the forest. When the timing was right. Delvin released the trigger, he wore a fake smile appearing real, coughed lightly, to gain everyone's attention. On receiving the joyful glittering eyes, the game went on, 'Grandma Beatrice, I would like to have a talk with Brenda in private, is that okay with you?'









































































































































































































































































































































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