The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 32: Amazing Young Man


These thoughts ran through Grandma Beatrice's mind.

Grandma Beatrice needed answers and now, 'Delvin, do you care to elaborate what was wrong with me? I feel full of power and vigor?' She commented, questioningly.

Delvin tried to come up with a convincing possible answer. This is really hard for him, but he has to come up with a possible reasonable explanation. Where will he start from?

'When I touched you, Grandma, I realized blood was not flowing, and you were cold like a dead corpse. So I remember a technique I read in a book about ancient medicine some time back, at Apex University Library. It's called, "Healing by Steaming." I thought of performing it, and luckily it worked, though it took a lot of my energy, so after completing the process I did pass out.' Delvin simplified his life without flinching.

This was not expected. Everyone was stricken by a huge surprise, they had different questions running in their heads. Grandma Beatrice, as usual, came out first, 'Delvin, do you know about ancient medicine as well?'

After looking at the reactions of Grandma Beatrice, George and Brenda, Delvin felt free and liberated, it looked like they bought his lie. Because their faces were full of astonishment, looking at him in the new light, especially George and Brenda, who heard the verdict of the doctors, who really saw and experienced the full extent of the dilemma. Delvin had to be modest, to keep up with his lie, with his charming engulfing smile, 'No Grandma Beatrice, I was just lucky this time. It's best you call the doctor to come and examine you. Now I have to take my leave, I have some errands I have to run. Take care, Grandma Beatrice.'

Delvin still continued putting up his charming, engulfing smile. Grandma Beatrice was entirely grateful to Delvin, 'thank you Delvin for saving my life, I am eternally grateful, and I wish I had a way to pay back for what you have done for me.'

Delvin could see tears welling up in the eyes of the three people in front of him.

'Grandma, you don't need to thank me, actually it was my pleasure, knowing that what I read some time back has saved a life. Now I have to go, bye.' As he was about to go, George got up as well, looking in high spirits. He must be back to his usual self, Delvin thought.

'Let me walk you out.' George volunteered. Delvin, of course, nodded his head and followed after George's lead. When they were outside, George was, of course, holding something in his heart, the situation Grandma Beatrice was in, it could be said, was so deadly, he knew it took something unique and special to revive her.

'Delvin, I am not sure how you did it and I don't want to know. All I can take out from my heart is I am grateful, if it were not for you, I don't know what would have happened to my Grandmother. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart. I owe you this time and I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life.'

Delvin expressed a dim grin. He did not want to talk further about what had happened, he preferred something else, 'Hey, no need for that Brother, she is my Grandmother too. That is what families do for each other. Isn't that right?'

George was again filled with so many emotions, he felt their solidarity grow stronger each day.

'Yes, I suppose you are right.' George continued, escorting Delvin and changed the topic as they walked.

Back in Grandma Beatrice's room, Brenda sat next to Grandma Beatrice, 'Gran, I was so worried that you were not going to make it, we really owe Delvin a great deal.' Brenda expressed thought in an emotional way.

Grandma Beatrice gave extra attention to Brenda's testimony and thought how wonderful the miracle Delvin had pulled up. She brought out her heart and Grandma Beatrice wouldn't take it lightly.

'He is an amazing young man, a wonder, full of interesting things up his sleeves and the woman he does marry will indeed be lucky.' This time she wasn't going to push Brenda onto marrying him. Her greedy and plans she had formulated earlier on were broken by Delvin's act of kindness. She now considered and counted him as a member of her family.

In an isolated place, sat an old veteran, Fabrice Targan, recalling his time with that peculiar strange boy he found lying half dead on the sand. He was wondering how he was. When his emergency phone rang, he picked it up, pressed the answering button, as he swung the phone to his ear, 'Hello!' His countenance put on the face of curiosity. He only received calls on this phone from the high up of the military when there was indeed something important and his services were needed. At the other end of the line, a mature voice could be heard, 'It's General Martins, calling from ZamCorp Base One, how are you sir?'

Without doubt the old veteran remembered General Martins. He just didn't like entertaining people, he also just wanted to go to the main point of this call.

'Yes, Martins, how may I help you?' He is the only one with the audacity of addressing General Martins as Martins. Well, General Martins knew his place and knew quite well that the big man had a short-temper. Therefore, he rightly chose the words to use carefully.

'Sir, I have researched that you are the person who has been sponsoring Delvin Dred from the time he was fifteen years old. I don't mean to disrespect you in any way, but I would like to know about the relationship between you and him. I have seen from the files that you both have different names and there is no record of you having any relative beside your wife who passed away. I am sorry if I have crossed the line. Once again, I don't mean to offend you, I ask in good faith, if it's alright with you, would you please highlight the nature of your relationship?' Fabrice Targan frowned, as he tried to figure out where all this was coming from.

'Why are you digging into someone's past? Has he done something wrong?' Fabrice Targan inquired, in an interrogating manner.

General Martins felt a bit fixed, 'No sir, quite to the contrary. He had just recently been hired at ZamCorp Base One, when I discovered his extraordinary talent, I thought of finding out more about his past which traces to you. Therefore, I am doing all this because I am fascinated by his brilliance.'

The old veteran relaxed, upon hearing that, amazed at the news that he had just received. 'Is that right? I always knew that he was special. He is family, that is all I can tell you. You don't need to have the same name to be a family. Just take good care of him and don't take advantage of him. If there is nothing else you need from me, I have to go.'

General Martins quickly jumped in before the call could cut, 'No, no sir, thank you very much for your time and service.' Right away the line dropped, that was Fabrice Targan's character anyway.
















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