The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 4: Mister James Parker

In about three hours, Delvin and George reached Lusaka Blue Hotel.

George walked to the security guardroom. In a gentle, humbly manner, after reaching, he was the first one to speak, 'Hello!'

The security guard looked at George in a weird way. After he had examined him, an awful tonality followed next, 'Hello.'

Definitely expressing disdain, George didn't care about his bad attitude. He was here for business. Therefore, with his calm demeanor, he inquired, 'Is Mr Parker around?'

The security guard seemed irritated by George. In order to get rid of this bugged insect he responded, 'Yes, he is in a meeting. Do you have an appointment with him?'

George was put in a corner by that question. He exhaled slowly, 'No, but we would like to meet him. I know him in person.'

The security guard looked at George pitifully for a good ten seconds, 'You can take a seat outside there and wait for him. As he comes out of the hotel you can meet him.'

George excitedly voiced, 'OK, thank you.'

The guard commented nothing and continued doing his business.

George and Delvin went and sat down where he had directed them to sit. Dalvin brought out his opinion.

'It looks like he never wanted to give us any information.'

George listened to his friend attentively with respect, he then commented, 'It doesn't matter, the big man will come out, meet us and this guy will feel ashamed. Don't worry Brother. It's a good thing he is available because he is a very busy man.'

They waited about forty-five minutes. Finally, the gate opened, a white Range Rover drove slowly. In a flash, George moved forward to the vehicle. When the man on the left side saw George he was filled with an explicable joy. George broke the serenity moment.

'How are you sir?'

The man ignored him, still flashing an all-smiley face. With his own question in a curious way, 'Where have you been, young man?'

George fidgeted, and in a shy, but calm voice riposted, 'Boss, I have been very sick for the past three months.'

Without doubt, he lied. The man could not dwell on his words, but knew why he was here and what he really wanted.

'I have work for you, come over tomorrow. Ben will take you to my new house and show you what you have to do.'

This ignited excitement in Georges' heart, plainly seen in his face and body posture, and he instantly expressed his joy.

'Thank you sir. I also came with a friend who has multiple skills. He could be a great asset to you sir.'

When Delvin heard that remark, he right away moved close to the car. Mister Parker gave a mischievous grin, 'Is that right?'

As he twisted his head and eyes to behold Delvin. By this time, Delvin had figured out that this was Mister Parker. Mister Parker assessed Delvin with calm, fierce eyes. Delvin fiddled, but held himself in order not to lose his composure. Mister Parker looked amused, was it Delvin or the introduction, 'What are your qualifications young man?'

Delvin put himself together, swallowed the saliva, in his assertive tone, 'I can do any job, sir, but I am a qualified electrical and electronics engineer.'

Mister Parker followed up with another question, 'Did you come with your documents?'

Delvin was not prepared for this. He did not remember to carry his documents because, with the state he was in, all he wanted was to get a job that could put food on his table, in a melancholic voice, 'No sir, can I bring them tomorrow?'

Mister Parker smiled ridiculously, 'How do you come to seek a job without documents?'

Delvin felt stupid, foolish, shyness grabbed him and did not know what to say next, he crossed his fingers hoping things turns his way why he fidgeted. In a hurried tone to secure a job, 'I will come with them tomorrow sir, my apologies.'

There was silence, Mister Parker thought for quite some seconds.

'Come back tomorrow with him.'

Pointing at George. He paused and resumed after a short glance at George, 'Ben will take you both to my new house in Emasdale, you can check it out and tell me what problem it has. Only then will we pick up from there.'

With immediate effect, Delvin became overwhelmed with happiness, his facial expression changed to brightness and body language spoke volumes.

'Thank you so much sir for the opportunity. You will not regret it.'

The Range Rover engine ignited, and the car slowly started moving, as it turned onto the main road. Mr Parker just waved his hand to indicate it was fine. He gazed at George, 'See you around, young man, and don't disappoint me this time.'

George smiled shyly, it seemed like George must have been a character and, right away, he made an audible sound, 'Yes sir.' They watched the car leave. The gentlemen breathed in and out at the same instant a sigh of relief. Delvin tilted his eyes over to the hotel, for it was a great luxury. He had never seen such a luxurious building in his entire life. He couldn't believe that such a facility was owned by one person.

His mind raced with a thousand thoughts. My goodness, this man is loaded. Certain people just make you believe that anything is possible. Wow! I hope to be like him one day and even much more. The two creatures were filled with so much inexplicable joy. Delvin once again dived into his mind.

Sometimes, when things are so hard, we forget that there must be an opposite somewhere outside our thinking sphere. Well, I am really inspired by Mister Parker.

The security guard just looked at the two beings with jealous eyes. George shouted with so much strength and power, 'We have done it Brother, let's go home!'

If there were people ten miles away, undoubtedly they heard him. Delvin looked at George once more with eyes of gratitude.

He had a beaming smiley face, 'Yes, yes, my friend. Let's go.'

Their faces were merry, and glittering with euphoria. The two were about to start off when an idea dawned on Delvin's mind.

Abruptly, words piled up in his mouth, 'Wait a minute George! I know someone in town. I suppose he could help us with the transport money for tomorrow. Therefore, let's pass through town?'

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