The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 8: At Lusaka Blue Hotel

Delvin started fidgeting, he got up, began to roam within the room. He did that to conceal his fidgeting. Delvin looked back at George in the eyes piercing him strongly with his deep dark brown eyes.

He then contended, 'What do you mean?'

George ignited his earlier mischievous grin.

'I know you, Delvin, I am certain, you are hiding something from me?'

Delvin knew he would not win this game, he relentlessly gave up at the same time devising his escape route.

'Oh, right, you got me. I am absolutely concealing something from you. Can you guess what that could be?'

George jumped up from the chair, and exclaimed, 'I knew it! My gut told me that you were covering up something. I think I have grown to know you well, Sir Delvin. Hold on.'

George held his chin, 'You got married dude?'

George burst out with laughter uncontrollably. With a deep sigh Delvin smiled, a curious face still flashed over George, who later brought out what was on his mind, 'Sorry dude, it was a joke. Let me think?'

By this moment Delvin was now stable, he had figured out the answer to his troublesome puzzle. After all, his life was full of interesting things.

George, scratched his hair a number of times, dived deep into his search engine, his face suddenly brightened up, it seemed he had found the thing Delvin was camouflaging.

Without delay, he expressed his thoughts, 'You got accepted at ZamCorp Base One?'

Delvin's eyes sparkled, you could see them shining, the beautiful smile came naturally without effort, he gave a nod.

George put on an inquiring face, paused and asked, his eyes in search for confirmation, 'are you serious brother?'

Delvin gazed at George with convincing eyes, nodding for the second time. That's all George needed.

'Wow! Congratulations, you did it Brother. I am super excited for you.'

George got up and gave Delvin a big warm hug. Both friends expressed deep, inexplicable emotions, smiling faces summarized it all.

Delvin broke the brotherly spell hug, 'Enough brother, you can make me suffocate with your strong warm hug.'

A graceful laugh followed hysterically. George let go of Delvin.

'It's all coming up together for you. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.'

He jumped up and down, danced to release the erupted energy from within him. If there was music, Delvin wondered what dances he was watching right now. He could only laugh all the way through at the drama unfolding, causing chills all over his body, this moment he will remember for a long time.

A sense of mutual respect, love, overwhelmed him, 'Thank you, Brother, for everything, thank you for being there in my most wasteful state. I owe you one. I guess I made the right choice coming to this city after all.'

Delvin commented, on observing the joy that sprung from George.

George stopped his act of dancing, moved closer to Delvin, his eyes fixed on him, 'You are welcome brother. Though there is no need to do that, when do you start?'

Delvin experienced warm comradely love after listening to George. 'The third of March.'

George was now calm, and his composure restored. In a low pitch he inquired, 'Five days from now?'

Delvin positioned his eyes straight at George, a genuine smile flashed out as he opened his mouth, 'That's right.'

George looked up to the roof, stretched his neck by twisting it in the sideways two times, 'I am rooting for you Brother. I can smell the coins on your vcard. I suppose that's goodbye to poverty?'

Delvin, too, stretched his back sideways. Then, a gentle, loving atmosphere occupied the room, 'Yes, brother, I suppose its bye.'

They both exhausted all their energy. George got up. Intuitively, Delvin knew what was going to come next.

'I have to go. See you later.'

Delvin reproduced a similar vibe to George, 'Alright, good day, and please do greet your sister for me.'

George effortless smiled, 'Sure.'

He slipped away from the house and Delvin was left all alone.

Later that evening, Delvin sat next to George inside the wall-fence of Lusaka Blue Hotel when Mister Parker came out of the hotel entrance. He walked toward George and Delvin.

Impulsively, Delvin and George got up to meet him. An elegant, charming, mature tone resounded, 'Hello! What is your name?'

Straight away Delvin noticed that this question was directed at him. He swallowed his saliva, to clear the throat, 'Delvin, Dred.'

Mister Parker went on, 'I have an electrical fault in one of the rooms. Could you sort out that problem for me, then you can come and check the house later on? It's more money for you, right?'

Delvin didn't dare delay, he was filled with excitement, 'Yes, sir.'

Mister Parker called out Ben, who came running. In less than a minute, Ben stood before Mister Parker, looking at him with inquiring eyes.

Mister Parker gave an instruction to Mister Ben, 'Show Delvin the room with an electrical fault. He is an electrician.'

'Yes sir, follow me, Mister Delvin.'

Mister Ben said, swiftly turned and was on his way heading toward the direction of an hostel. Delvin followed right behind him to room fourteen.

In two minutes Mister Ben was thoroughly explaining how there had been no power for the past five days. Delvin listened attentively.

The moment Mister Ben was done explaining, Delvin began assessing the room for the fault.

He stuck his neon tester into the socket to check if there was electrical current. It gave no reading. He took his mult meter, turned it on, adjusted the knob to set it on the AC voltage reading, slotted the red lead in a socket, and did the same for the black lead. There was no reading either.

On the other hand, Delvin couldn't help it but observe every detail of the hotel room. It was well furnished. On the west side of the wall hangs a painting by Pablo Picasso, The Old Guitarist. Delvin gazed at the painting admirably several times. Art was one of his passions, appreciating is vital when seeing a masterpiece. He does paint at times, Mister Parker has a good taste of finer things. Quite interesting and intriguing. I am getting to like him even more.

Ben kept watching what Delvin was doing. When a most spontaneous, smooth, yet enchanting voice came from outside, 'Mister Ben?'

The most spontaneous, smooth, enchanting voice struck Delvin's heart, it penetrated his entire body up to the core of his soul. It gave him goosebumps. It was the sweetest voice ever in Delvin's world, instantly it created a pattern, and now it was on replay in his mind.

'I am right here, in room fourteen D.'

Mister Ben replied nonchalantly. The Lusaka Blue Hotel had a combination of numbers and letters. That shows you how big the hotel was.

In a short while, the door was covered, a shadow came through the room, thereafter a sweet smell weft the room. It sent chills all over Delvin's body. He tilted his head in order to see who it was. To his surprise, a most infectious dark, slim, blown beautiful figure stood at the door. Right away his blood started boiling, his heart thumping fast, he could feel infernal fire consuming him, plundering all his lustful desires, purging out all the filthy and unworthy inside him, definitely her presence had electrocuted him.

Delvin became a statue, motionless, everything stood still, his heartbeat beating fast and fast. He couldn't breathe, nor think at that moment.

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