The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 19: Call Of The Raven

Dahlia felt revitalized after her hot bath. After talking to Tobias, she was suprised to hear about Amelia and Belladonna are mother and daughter. Deep down, Dahlia felt bad that they too, were pawns in someone else's game of death and destruction. Could she forgive Belladonna? Only time will tell and most importantly, Belladonna's character. After having her bath, she thought about sleep, but even in bed tucked away from the devious world around her, her mind wouldn't get off her back about sending a message to Amelia as soon as possible. The sooner they meet the better. Time waits for no one and they are just over 6 months time when the suitors ball will happen. As the sun drifted off to sleep and was replaced by the moons glow, Dahlia sat at her vanity writing a message to Amelia. Dahlia took her time to make sure the words were perfect and the message was clear. Dahlia called upon the Ravens to see which lucky one, got to take a trip to Rome. "Ah, Balthazar, so good to see you again. Looks like you're the lucky winner again. Please take this message to Amelia, the council's witch in Rome. Be careful and cautious. The letter contains sensitive information, for her eyes only" Dahila said as she tied the letter to the birds ankle and petting him along his head. "Be safe and hurry back" Dahlia said. ''Caw Caw" the bird said back before it took flight. Dahlia watch as the Raven disappeared into the night sky like camouflage. Dahlia yawned loudly and stood from her vanity chair stretched. Dahlia was really tired now. It must have been because she got all of her plauging thoughts out if her head. Dahlia walked over to her bed and flopped onto the mattress. Grabbing the comforter, she rolled up in her comfy burrito and drifted off to sleep.

***Balthazar, The Raven***

Balthazar is on his way to make the the long journey to Rome. Being infused with Supernatural properties, the delivery of the message, was an easy task. He may have to stop and rest, but he is the best messenger, that's ever to have existed. Balthazar, has served the Ravenwood lineage for more than 4 decades. Balthazar, was the biggest and strongest in his pack of unkindness. He stood nearly 3 feet tall and has since, provided plenty of chick's to strengthen the messaging system. Though, he couldn't speak human words, he could easily understand them. Serving Dahlia, has been one of his greatest honors. Protecting the message with his life, he made sure to steady his pace, so that way he didn't have to stop as much. Balthazar, flew against the wind, so that he could generate a higher altitude faster. Reaching his desired height, he let the wind push him forward. He chose this technique, so that he could essentially glide, without having to use maximum effort. Rome, with his experience was maybe a 12 hour journey. Reaching about halfway, Balthazar felt some fatigue, he found the forest and landed at the top of the tree. A bird being caught on the ground is the last thing he needed. The sun was starting to wake up, so Balthazar decided to take a rest. He always preferred flying at night, he's not seen that way. Unsure with how much time has passed, Balthazar was startled awake by some commotion on the ground. He watched as hunters, with hunting dogs, were running through the forest, chasing after wild boars. Loud gun shots echoed through the forest. He made the decision to stay still and not draw attention to himself. He never liked hunters much. He's seen first hand how hunters can be more wild, than the animals they chase after. Carelessly, sending hot lead balls in whatever directions they choose. Not caring what they hurt, as long as they bag their trophy for their sport. Balthazar, has lost some family, to careless hunters. Keeping a close eye on the commotion of the forest floor, he watches as carcasses of boars are tied with rope and dragged behind the hunters. Those poor animals. As the forest becomes a ghost town, without any reminisce of the events that just passed, Balthazar decides it's safe to leave. It couldn't have been at a better time. The sun has started to set. Balthazar, takes off out of the tree and back on his flight path to Rome. Deciding, not to stop again until he makes it to Rome, he works hard to make up lost time, he's already wasted a day. Balthazar, must have been in the air for at least 5 hours. He can feel the strain with every flap of his wings. Getting more and more tired, he feels he's about to give up. Balthazar, reaches a point where he feels he could give up, but the city of Rome, comes into view at the perfect moment, for an extra kick of adrenaline, to motivate him further. Complete darkness has fallen onto the world as the night sky has clocked in for its shift. The council's manor can now be seen. Unsure which is the witches window, Balthazar circles the manor until he is sure of Amelia's location. Balthazar, located the witches window, and dives straight for the windowsill. Landing gracefully and without a sound. Balthazar, knocks on the window with his beak. 'Tap, tap' a few seconds go by before he tries again. 'Tap, tap, tap, tap' The window is swung open but Balthazar reacts in time and Caws at Amelia. 'Caw, Caw' Balthazar sounds off. "Who are you?" Amelia says with curiosity. Balthazar lands back on the windowsill and pecks at the letter tied to his ankle. "Oh I see, I have a message?" Amelia says confused. Balthazar nods his head yes. Amelia was suprised to see, that the bird before her seemed to understand every word she was saying. "Come in and rest" Amelia says gesturing the bird to come in. Balthazar, doesn't refuse her request and lands on what he thinks is her desk. Amelia, is entertained by this well trained bird. "Here, have some food and water. I'm sure you traveled a long way" Amelia says as she waves her hand and a bowl of seed and water appear in front of the very large bird. Balthazar walks over to Amelia and sticks out his foot. Understanding the birds gesture, she unties the letter and Balthazar walks back to the food and water and helps himself. "I wonder who could be trying to contact me?" Amelia said out loud. Balthazar, couldn't be bothered to budge from his gluttonous nature. Amelia unrolled the letter and saw the wax seal of Ravenwood. "The royal heir?!" Amelia exclaimed with anxiety and excitement. Balthazar, turned towards the witch and nodded his head yes. He made his way over to a burning candle and laid down to rest. Before he could get comfortable, Amelia had grabbed a pillow off a recliner that was near by and offered it to the bird. Balthazar accepted and nestled into the pillow and fell fast asleep. Amelia went back to her desk chair and anxiously picked up the letter from The royal Ravenwood heir; Dahlia.

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