The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 26: Back In The Real World

***POV of Doctor Lockhart and his nurse Rose***

After Dahlia fell asleep, the predictable Lockhart started to pace back and forth. Rose sat quietly as she still had Dahlia's hand in hers. Rose sits and stares at this young girl who is their leader, a selfless one at that. To Rose. Dahlia still looked like a child, life seems so unfair. Rose links Dahlia's hand in her father's and stands up to stretch.

"Pacing back and forth like that makes the most controlled situations seem like everything will go bad" Rose said scolding Lockhart. "I can't help it, it's such an unknown potential risky situation" Lockhart states with a hint of anger. "Luna, I mean Dahlia said she can handle it" Rose replies. Lockhart's anger grows. "I don't care if she thinks she can handle it!" Lockhart snaps back. Unknowingly taking his anger out of his aid. "Look here, I know you're worried and scared but that doesn't give you a right to take it out on me and be shitty!" Rose yells back.

Lockhart let's out a sign. "I'm sorry Rose" He states. "I'll forgive you, but you need to be more positive. You've planned for all medical emergencies" Rose states. Her comment actually gave Lockhart some reassurance. "Thank you for that and I'm sorry I lashed out. Dahlia and I have been through a lot of scary situations together" Lockhart replied. "Not every situation has to be bad, you know" Rose says. "I know, there's just so much left to accomplish and we don't stand a chance without our Luna" Lockhart replies. "You care for her" Rose stated. "Yes, and everyone else our pack" Lockhart replied.

"Keep an eye on her monitors, I'll be right back" Lockhart stated. Lockhart left the room to go out and meet Dahlia's body guard Jackson. "How is she?" Jackson asks. "So far she is stable and we have no indication things will make a turn for the worst" Lockhart answers. "How long has she been asleep?" Jackson asks. "Almost an hour" Lockhart answers back. "Is that a long time?" Jackson asks with concern. "In a surgery, it's basically a blink of an eye, but an unknown situation, I really have no way to tell" Lockhart replies. "Okay, well minlink me, if anything changes" Jackson replies. "You will be the 1st I contact" Lockhart replies. Jackson nods his head and leaves the ward. With the Luna in her state Jackson has been placed in charge in her stead, until she wakes up. Lockhart definitely noticed Jackson seemed on edge. Lockhart makes his way back into the hospital room.

"There was no change Doctor" Rose stated. "Thank you" Lockhart replied. "What was that about?" Rose asked with curiosity. "The royal guard came to check on her status" Lockhart answered. "He seemed on edge more than usual" Lockhart replied. "With the circumstances, I could see why" Rose stated. "You could be right, but he just gave off a different kind of vibe" Lockhart said. Lockhart took a seat on the waiting chair, and placed his chin on his balled up fist. Jackson's demeanor just seemed so off. I wonder what's going on with him, Lockhart thought to himself.

"Doctor!" Rose yells. Breaking Lockhart from his thoughts. "What is it Rose?!" Lockhart replied back anxiously. "Look at her arm, it's.... it's bleeding!" Rose said with worry. "Whay the hell!" Lockhart exclaimed. Lockhart rushed over to examine her arm and to check her vitals. "Dahlia had a slight increase to her heart rate, but her bleeding from what looks like a wolf bite?" Lockhart said with confusion. "A wolf bite?" Rose said puzzled. "Yes, look, the imprint is identical to a wolf bite" Lockhart said and gestured for Rose to look for herself. "How can she get a wolf bite while she's asleep?" Rose asked worried. "Do we wake her?" Rose asked growing more concerned. Lockhart let out another sign. "Her vitals are stable, we can't wake her yet" Lockhart answered. "Can Dahlia be harmed in a dream world?" Rose asked with great concern a tear leaving her eye. "Unfortunately, she can be hurt or killed in the dream world" Lockhart replied coldly. "Oh my god!" Rose exclaimed. "I didn't know, I'm so sorry to have scolded you" Rose said choking back tears. "Rose calm down, she's been through worst trust me. We have to stick to the plan and wait it out" Lockhart said.

Lockhart placed a chair next to Dahlia's side. "You have to be okay, you promised me" Lockhart said to her. Lockhart started to treat open wolf bite. Rose started to pace back and forth in Lockhart's stead. "Rose, sit down and calm down, you're no help if you can't remain calm" Lockhart stated with a sly grin. Lockhart's comment made her chuckle. "Thanks I needed to hear my own advice" Rose said with another laugh. "Doctor, Dahlia's vitals had a huge spike a second ago and then returned to normal" Rose stated. Lockhart walked over to the monitor to check her status. "The recordings look like she's doing some kind of physical activity" Lockhart exclaimed. "The dream world sounds so intense" Rose exclaimed. "From what I've read and heard, it's practically like the real world" Lockhart stated. "That's amazing" Rose stated. "It certainly can be, but it can also be living hell" Lockhart replied.

Lockhart and Rose, sat keeping an eye on everything. Dahlia has only been asleep for almost two hours now, but in this situation time seems to be frozen. It's like hell you can't escape from. Ethan's monitors grabs Rose's attention. "Lockhart, sprry I mean Doctor, look at Ethan's monitors" Rose said pointing in the direction of his monitor. Lockhart looked at the monitor confused. Ethan's vitals are growing stronger. "Doctor look at the Lunas monitor!" Rose exclaimed. Lockhart looked at Dahlia's vitals. Her vitals started to grow weak. "What the hell is going on?!" Lockhart yells. "How could everything change so suddenly without notice!" Lockhart added. As Lockhart is trying to figure out the situation, he can hear the alarm calls of the royal guards and other foot soldier's alerting of a trespasser. "Oh my god, what is happening, are we under attack!" Rose yelped. "I have no idea what is going on" Lockhart answered.

Dahlia's monitor alarms start to go off, Dahlia vitals have plummeted into a dangerous area. "Nurse, we need to prepare" Lockhart exclaimed. "Push the medicine to wake her up" Lockhart orders. Nurse Rose pushes the medicine through Dahlia's IV and they both stand back to see what the results are. Nothing changes and Dahlia is in serious danger at this point. "We need to wake her up!" Lockhart exclaimed. "We gave her the maximum dose" Rose exclaimed. Lockhart's head lands into his palm as he is hovered over Dahlia's non responsive body. "What the hell am I supposed to do!" Lockhart yells. As soon as Lockhart yells a knock sounds off the door and the door is flung open.

Nurse Rose and Lockhart stare at an unknown person standing before them as their precious Luna, seems to be headed to certain death. "Who the hell are you?!" Lockhart yells. The unknown figure grins at Lockhart's statement and replied. "Hello, I'm Amelia, need a hand?" She asks.

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