The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 28: Battle Of Light and Dark

Lockhart was so confused by what took place. Jackson was on edge and guarded as usually. Poor Rose, a casualty of circumstance and has no idea what she's supposed to do. "Dahlia what happened to you?" Lockhart asked. "I'm not sure, when I fell asleep, I thought I'd go to some spirit realm or a dream realm" Dahlia said weakly. "Where did you go?" Lockhart asked. "I entered a black ominous place, come to find out I went and paid a visit to my father's mind" Dahlia answered. "You entered Ethan's mind?" Lockhart asked shocked. "But how?" Lockhart added. "I'm not really sure. When I got there, his spirit wolf wouldn't reveal itself to me. He attacked and bit me" Dahlia answered. Lockhart, Jackson and Rose stood I'm shock at her accounts of what took place. "Yes, we recall a bite mark appearing on your arm out of no where" Lockhart stated. Rose nodded her head in agreement.

"What happened next?" Jackson finally asked. "Well, my father's spirit wolf was really upset and wouldn't take me at my word and he kept trying to attack me" Dahlia said sadly. They remained silent waiting for Dahlia to continue. "I decided in that moment that neither of us could be harmed, so I caught my dad's spirit and held him and tried to reason with him.... it worked and then to make him trust me, I transformed into my celestial wolf" Dahlia said. "You transformed into your wolf, inside your father's head?!" Lockhart exclaimed. "Hey, don't yell, my head is killing me" Dahlia stated. "Oh I'm sorry" Lockhart said back. "What happened next?!" Rose blurted out. Dahlia chuckled at her enthusiasm as Rose blushed and sat back with a pout as Lockhart and Jackson glared at her.

"Well, I figured since I had the power to walk and talk and absorb wolf spirits, I figured I could relate them too" Dahlia said with a chuckle. "Wait... what do you mean?" Lockhart asked with concern. "Well, you see, I came up with the idea that, I could save my father by releasing my mother's spirit wolf into his head?" Dahlia said sheepishly. "You did what?!" Lockhart yelled. "I released my mother's spirit, she was so beautiful, and she calmed my father's wolf spirit" Dahlia said. Lockhart's initially reaction softened. "Can you really do that?" Lockhart asked. "I'm not sure, but I did it" Dahlia said sadly. "Why did you become unresponsive to my treatment?" Lockhart asked. Dahlia thought about what had happened and tried to answer the best she could. "My mother's spirit Raven Night said, that what I did, could have cause damage to my spirit?" Dahlia said confused. Lockhart looked supposed at the revelation. "Yes. that would make perfect sense. I can medically treat you. but I am not a doctor who has the power or knowledge to heal spiritual damage" Lockhart said.

"How is my father?" Dahlia asked. Lockhart seemed embarrassed before he answered. "To tell you the truth, we were so fixated on what was going on with you, I forgot to give him the medication to try and wake him up. He's still put into a coma medically" Lockhart said rubbing the back of his neck. "Can you give it to him now?" Dahlia asked. Lockhart thought long and hard before answering. "His vitals are stable and growing stronger, Nurse Rose, go grab the medication" Lockhart stated. "I will try to wake him Dahlia" Lockhart said. Jackson finally broke his silence. "How did you get out of your dad head?" he asked. "To tell you the truth, I was in pain and I collapsed from the pain of splitting my spirit, but I did hear someone calling to me?" Dahlia said puzzled.

Lockhart looked surprised at her account. "Amelia, the new pack witch showed up when everything got out of hand" Lockhart stated. Dahlia looked surprised and happy at his statement. "She came early, I'm happy about that" Dahlia replied. Lockhart smirked at her comment. "Where is she now?" Dahlia asked with concern. "Amelia collapsed after a huge magical explosion that destroyed this room, she's resting just outside the room" Lockhart said. Dahlia looked around and noticed everything was in shambles and there was debris and broken glass every where. "Did you guys get hurt?" Dahlia asked. Lockhart smirked that she is always thinking of others first. "The witch told us to get out before everything erupted" Lockhart said with a smile. "I knew it, she is good" Dahlia whispered to herself. Dahlia looked over to Jackson who was silent most of the exchange. Something more, must be upsetting him. "Jackson, are you alright?" Dahlia asked. Jackson snapped out of his thoughts. "Yeah, I've just been stressed and I have a lot on my mind" he answered coldly. Dahlia wasn't supposed with his tone, he cares so much and it eats at him.

"Doctor, here's the medication" Rose said rushing back into the room. "Thank you nurse" Lockhart replied as he pushed the medication into Ethan's IV port. "Okay, now we just wait and see ehat happens. I'm going to go check the witch's condition" Lockhart expressed. Jackson had concern and worry cross his face, but he suppressed it. It was too late, Dahlia saw his emotions. Jackson hates witches. Can you blame him? A Witches influence killed his parents and twin. To express emotion of concern for his enemy, something else must be going on. What bond, can make the worst of enemies grow close? Dahlia thought to herself. "I see, they must be mates. Now I know why Jackson is all over the place. I wonder if Amelia knows". Dahlia laughed out loud, grabbing the attention of Lockhart and Jackson. "What's so funny" Jackson asked with anger. "I was just thinking to myself, sorry" Dahlia said with a grin. Lockhart and Jackson shook their heads at her and continued what they were doing. Lockhart; a Doctor. Jackson; a reclusive grump.

Dahlia was staring at them closely. She didn't even realize her father had started to move. Ethan squeezed Dahlia's hand. The action actually startled her. "Dad!" Dahlia said. Ethan opened his eyes and smiled at his daughter. "Ethan!" Lockhart yelled and came to his best friends aid. "How are you feeling?" Lockhart asked. Ethan tried to sit up. "Slow down, you've been in a coma for a while" Lockhart said. "In a coma?!" Ethan expressed. "What happened to me?" Ethan asked. "It's a really long story and we will let you know, once we know you're recovering" Lockhart said. Ethan shook his head in agreement. Dahlia had uncontrollable tears run down her cheeks. "I'm so happy to see you're awake" Dahlia said. "Thank you for everything Dahlia" Ethan said to his daughter.

Unbeknownst to them, Amelia was standing in the beaten up door way, smiling. "I'm glad you see everyone is okay" Amelia said. "Amelia! Thank you so much for pulling me out of there. I was so weakened" Dahlia cried out. Even though Dahlia was still weak, she managed to get out of bed and rush to Amelia to embrace her in a hug. A hug that was unexpected by Amelia and she couldn't help become emotional. Her normal job, everyone is so rude to her and Lord Ulrich always threatens her mother's life to bend Amelia to his desires. "You're welcome" Amelia said back hugging Dahlia.

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