The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 3: Hidden Secrets: Part 2

Harper's findings were more then we could have asked for. Who is BD? How could a mere werewolf Lord have so much power? Dark influencing power, what is that? I have so many questions. We still sit at the kitchen table as I try to absorb all the evidence uncovered. "Harper, could you be tracked back to Ravenwood?" Dahlia says cutting off their conversations. "I'm really hoping not. I teleported to many placed before coming here, that why my landing was so unfavorable. However, my magic can still be traced, but you'd need a very powerful with or Fae" Harper said. "It makes me worry for the packs well being" Dahlia said. "How do we plan for them potentially finding you here?" Dahlia said. "Ravenwood, is still protected by the water mirror and protection spells. That should be enough" Harper said. "Should be? We have thousands of lives at stake" Dahlia said. "Why don't you just have the Fae, reinforce the magic?" Tobias said. "Can you do that Harper?" my father asked. "Well, sure I could, I just need to gather a few items" Harper said. "But, if a powerful witch is behind this all, they will break through all barriers and the water mirror with little effort" Harper said. "I can lend you some of my underlings" Tobias said. "No, no, no offense but I can go forever without seeing another one" Dahlia said. "No offense taken" Tobias said laughing. "Those things despite who I am, kind of freak me out too" Tobias said. "Really?!" Dahlia asked. "Yes, be grateful your soilders are tamed and majestic" Tobias said. I'm starting to feel like Tobias wasn't a bad guy after all. I have the urge to know more about him. "Tobias...How did you come to be? If Vampires are dead, how were you born, a Vampire?" Dahlia asks cautiously. "I see, you're a curious one. It's simple, my mother was already pregnant with me. A Rouge Vampire attacked our village. His venom changed my biology, turning me into a vampire" Tobias said. "Your mother, what happened?" Dahila asked. Tobias expression changed, you can tell it was hard for him and it still resonated in a dark place within him. "My mother died during childbirth. My father ended up selling me to the highest bidder. When the couple found out what I was, they tried to kill me. I ran away and pretty much did everything for myself" Tobias said. "Oh my god, that's terrible! I am so sorry" Dahlia said. "Tobias how old are you?" my father asked. "I am over 2,000 years old. I have lost many years as, I don't know my exact day of birth." Tobias replied. "Was your mate, that was killed your only mate?" My father asked. Tobias seemed to soften up, at the mention of his past mate. "No, she was my 3rd mate in my lifetime, just the first that wanted to join me in, immortality. Being immortal, my mates come and go. I do have to wait a long time before we will be reunited" Tobias said. "I think that's tragic and beautiful" Dahlia said with a tear leaving her cheek. "I used to think for a long time being a vampire was a curse. Gradually, I figured out we could have hives, much similar to packs and decrease the amount of death and blood shed" Tobias said. Dahlia found what Tobias said to be very admirable. "I knew you weren't such a bad guy" Dahlia said. "Yeah, makes me think of you in a whole new light" Dahlia's father said. "I've done terrible things" Tobias said. "We all have" Dahlia replied. Leaving a shocked expression on Tobias face. How could this girl, charm the king of Vampires? "Enough of that, what are we going to do, with Lord Ulrich and potentially the council?" Tobias asked directing his question at my father. "I will fill in the Blackwater pack. Dahlia's mate is one of the Lord's sons. If Lord Ulrich, finds out, who knows if they're safe. We will have to expose the evidence to the council. I'm not sure about that part yet. Harper was compromised and we don't know which council member we can trust" Dahlia's father said. "Amelia...We can trust Amelia" Dahlia said. "What makes you think that?" my father asked. "It's just a gut feeling and from reading her letters, you can tell she's a moral being" Dahlia said. "Very well, I will go and try to talk to Amelia" Tobias said. "Oh and congratulations on finding your mate" Tobias said. "My mate is still a mystery. I only have the scent to go off of. When we met Lord Blackwater, he carried it with him" Dahlia said. "How could you detect the scent?" Tobias asked. "Dahlia is a very powerful wolf. In fact, she could very well be the most powerful supernatural creature to exist. She hasn't even unlocked her royal powers yet" Dahlia's father stated. "In that case, I'm glad we are friends" Tobias said, a flash of fear came over him. He held his composure really well. "It sounds like we have figured out a starting place. Let's get to it right away, lives depend on it" Harper said. "Yes, I will go to Rome and try to make contact. Ethan warn Blackwater, and Harper I will help with the items you need. I still have my mates grimoire, you're welcomed to it. She also had a lot of rare items and herbs hidden in her locker" Tobias said. "Oh wow, thank you!" Harper says. "Sounds like a plan to me" Ethan said. "I agree as well, but what's my job?" Dahlia asked. "You have thousands to keep safe, yourself included. You will change the Supernatural world" Tobias says with admiration. His comments left Dahlia elated and she really believed in herself in that moment. "It's time for me to go, Harper, I will escort you to my land" Tobias says. "Okay great!" Harper said. Harper gives my father and I and hug and she says her goodbyes. "I don't know how long I'll be this time. I'll be able to teleport once we make it there. Stay safe" Harper said. "Take care of yourself" My father says. "We're counting on you" Dahila said. We walk Tobias and Harper to the front door of Ravenwood mansion. Tobias pushes the door open and says "You know, you guys are pretty cool. I'll see you again soon" Tobias says as he and Harper disappeared. "It really seems like everything is coming together" Dahlia said. "For now it does, there will be hurdles we will have to over come. Go let your guards know of our plans" my father said. "I'm going back to my study to finish my letter to Blackwater" my father said. I watch as my dad, lost in thought walks out of the kitchen and in the direction of his study. "I really hope we can pull this off" Dahlia whispers.

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