The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 30: A Workout, Anyone?

Dahlia offered their new pack witch Amelia to come join her workout after breakfast. Amelia didn't hesitate to accept the invitation. As punishment for his ill advised behavior, Jackson was forced to join them. Dahlia had a bone to pick with him and she had no plans to let him off easily. Dahlia, Jackson and Amelia, helped Ethan clean up the mess after breakfast. Dahlia said goodbye to her father and Tobias. "See you guys later" Dahlia said as she rushed out to head to the gym.

"I know she's your mate" Dahlia bluntly said to Jackson through mindlink. Her comment made Jackson stop in his tracks for a second. "How...How did you know?!" Jackson anxiously said back. "Your demeanor gives it away and I can feel your connection" Dahlia said. "Does she even know?" Dahlia asked him. Jackson walked with his head down. "No, I don't think so, she was passed out cold when we touched. How do witches recognize a mate connection anyways?" Jackson said with an angry tone. "I'm not sure but she is a good person, you can keep your distance or let her know, but you have to stop condemning her because of your past with witches" Dahlia said with care. "I know, I'm trying, it's a really a battle of love and hate. My head said one thing..." "but your heart and wolf are saying something else" Dahlia finished his sentence. "Yes, exactly" Jackson said. "We will talk more, and I can help if you let me" Dahlia said. "I just want to keep my distance for now" Jackson said. "I will respect your decision, either way, I'm here for you" Dahlia said.

"These are really cool paintings!" Amelia said, breaking Dahlia and Jackson out of their mindlink conversation. Dahlia smiled and Jackson managed a smile as well. "The gym is just around this corner" Dahlia said motioning to Amelia to go right. "This place is so big and a maze" Amelia said with enthusiasm. "I know what you mean, it took me awhile to get the hang of it. Jackson had to baby sit me for quite awhie" Dahlia said through a chuckle. "Do you transform in the gym?" Amelia asked. Dahlia couldn't help smile at Amelia's excitement and enthusiasm. "Most of us, transform outside on the beach and take a run through the woods" Dahlia said. "Oh, that makes perfect sense!" Amelia nearly yelled out at the revelation.

Dahlia opened the pack gym and the three of them walked in. "Today, I'm going to stretch a bit and lift some weights. A pre work out for my transformation" Dahlia said. Amelia nodded her head. "The locker rooms are this way, along with the showers" Dahlia said. "I have extra work out clothes if you want to be part of the action" Dahlia said. Amelia blushed. " I'm not very athletic, so I'd rather just watch" Amelia said. "Have a seat over on the bleachers, it usually only takes us less than an hour" Dahlia said. Jackson headed straight for the locker room and didn't bother saying a word. Dahlia waved to her new friends and headed towards the locker rooms as well.

"I'm serious, don't be so rude" Dahlia said as she punched her royal guard in the rib, catching hik off guard. "Ouch, that hurt!" Jackson said. "Jsut think about it, I was holding back" Dahlia said giving him a glare. They went their separate ways and changed into their work out attire. After they changed they met back over by the weight set. Dahlia started off with 100lbs and Jackson went to the punching bag. Dahlia rolled her eyes at how childish he really looked. "Why don't you fight something that will hit back" Dahlia said in a challenging tone.

Jackson stopped in his tracks and looked up at Dahlia. He couldn't refuse the challenge, even if it was unofficial. A wolf's nature doesn't back down from anything. "Fine, let's do it" Jackson said taking on a more serious form. "Amelia, we are going to spar, please don't intervene uts for practice purposes" Dahlia hollered over to the bleachers. "Okay!" Amelia yelled back through her hands. Dahlia and Jackson walked over to the mats in silence. "If you're that upset, you can take it out on me" Dahlia said quietly enough Amelia couldn't hear. "You're my Luna, why would I take it out on you" Jackson said defeated. "You're already taking it out on everyone around you" Dahlia said. "If you're that angry, take it out on someone who can handle it" Dahlia said through a slight growl.

Jackson lunged for Dahlia but she didn't budge. His cheap tricks wouldn't work this time. Jackson threw a punch and Dahlia dodged it with ease. "Your anger is making you slow" Dahlia said further instigating her guard. Jackson growled and threw a kick toward ls Dahlia's head. Dahlia blocked his kick and threw his leg back down. "Fate, has its own destiny" Dahlia said. Jackson managed to catch Dahlia off guard with a sweep kick and Dahlia crashed to the mat hard,tl the fall knocking the wind from her lungs. Dahlia coughed a couple of times and was back on her feet. "You say I'm slow" Jackson said smugly. Dahlia smiled at Jackson and threw a lighting fast round house kick to the side of his head. The impact fromm the kick sent him flying into the wall. Dahlia smiled and went to go retrieve her guard and friend. Jackson was sprawled out on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He was actually laughing. Dahlia couldn't help but laugh as well. "I'm nit even at 100% yet" Dahlia said reaching her hand out to help Jackson up. "Yeah I know, you definitely got me good" Jackson said as he got to his feet with his Lunas help. "You ready for a run" Dahlia asked. "Yes Luna" Jackson said with a bow. "Head to the showers I'll let Amelia know" Dahlia said.

Dahlia walked over to the bleachers where Amelia still had her jaw dropped from being amazed by their movements. "You guys are so fast!" Amelia said. "I'm much faster when I'm fully healed" Dahlia said with a smile. "Wow that's amazing!" Amelia said with enthusiasm. "We're going to go take a run after we change" Dahlia said. Dahlia went to head towards and Amelia grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry for stopping you, but I wanted to ask, Does Jackson hate me? Is he upset with you?" Amelia asked with concern. "Why do you ask?" Dahlia replied. "I just noticed a lot of tension in Jackson and you got mad at him at breakfast" Amelia said shly. Dahlia gave her a big smile. "I just didn't like him being rude to you. Jackson is a complex guy, don't take it to heart too much" Dahlia said. "Oh thank the gods I was so worried I made the wrong impression" Amelia said relieved. "Nothing like that, he can be complex" Dahlia said. "Is he your boyfriend?" Amelia asked looking down being shy. Dahlia couldn't help but laugh hysterically, catching Amelia off guard. "No, he's just a really good friend and my royal guard. it's normal for us to be close, but he's like brother" Dahlia said. "Oh" is all Amelia managed to say. "Why do you like him?" Dahlia asked. Amelia nervous chuckled before answering. "Don't get me wrong, he's so gorgeous it should be criminal, I just feel We're linked in some way" Amelia said. "I'm sure everything will become clear as time passes. Don't stress. he's just being a jerk" Dahlia said. "I'm gonna go change, wait for us by the door" Dahlia said as she rushed back to the locker room to change. "She said she feel linked to you" Dahlia mindlinked Jackson before going into the girls locker area. Jackson never replied.

Dahlia changed her clothes and Jacksin was waiting for her at the entrance of the locker room. "What are you afraid to be around her alone" Dahlia said mockingly and wiggling her eye browns at him. Jackson stayed quiet and blushed. "Let's go run, that always clears the air and brings peace of mind" Dahlia said. Dahlia walked out if the locker room giving Amelia a wave. Jackson followed behind Dahlia.

The trio made their way back to the kitchen and then to the giant brass doors of Ravenwoods front entrance. "I'll never get used to this" Amelia said in amazement. Dahlia flung the brass doors opened and the sun kissed their skin. "It's so beautiful" Amelia said. "You got that right" Dahlia said. Dahlia looked at Jackson and he was stuck in a trance by Amelia. I couldn't blame him. The sun made Amelia's ebony hair sparkle like it had streaks of silver in it, and her green eyes became more bright while looking into the sun. Her bright smile and pink lips became more pronounce in the sunlight. Being locked away, only allowed to roam at night, it's no wonder she was so pale. Amelia was a very beautiful young woman, Jackson is a lucky guy. He just doesn't seem to know what he wants yet. "Let's go" Dahlia said in a slight job leaving Amelia and Jackson side by side. Dahlia waved them to follow.

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