Chapter 34: Kissed By The Sun; Part 3
Jackson felt like he had run forever. He was actually getting tired. To out run your thoughts is a tedious task. "Hey can you slow down" Amelia shouted. Jackson complied and came to a slow walk. "I'd like to get down" Amelia stated. Jackson laid down on his belly and Amelia slide down his side and finally was on solid ground. Amelia was giggling. "I'm so sorry, I felt like I was going to throw up and I didn't want to throw up on you" Amelia said embarrassed. "Could be motion sickness" Jackson replied back. "It's okay, I won't hold it against you" Jackson said calmly.
Jackson kept a close on Amelia to make sure she was feeling better. They walked side by side back towards the location of Dahlia. Amelia decides she want to open up to Jackson. "I get the feeling you're not fond of witches" Amelia says bluntly. Jackson isn't surprised by the question. With how he's treated her its an easy guess. "I've become conditioned to hate witches" Jackson replies through mindlink. Amelia makes a slight frown by his comment. Jackson notices and he feels her pain in his heart. "I don't know what you went through but I'm sorry you've never met a decent witch. To tell you the truth, I haven't either" Amelia said boldly.
Jackson is surprised by her comment. "You've never met a decent witch?" Jackson asked confused. "That's right, my mother used to be good but she was held captive because of me and did a lot of terrible things to protect me. The same goes for me, the council has held me against my will, by using my mom against me but I haven't done anything bad yet. They always go to my mom" Amelia said with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm sorry I don't mean to get emotional" Amelia said wiping her face. Jackson out of instinct licked her cheek and it made her blush. "It's okay, I don't mind" Jackson replied back.
"Let's head back to Dahlia, ai need to talk with you more" Jackson says leading the way. Amelia quietly follows Jackson to where Dahlia is waiting. When they reach the tree, she is asleep sitting leaned up against the tree. Amelia let's out a chuckle and Jackson shakes his head. "I'll be right back" Jackson tells Amelia, as he heads behind a tree to change. Jackson doesn't hesitate to make it quick.
Rushing back to his mate and Luna, he attempts to wake Dahlia. "Luna, are you feeling okay?" Jackson asks kneeling down. Dahlia's eyes flutter open and she seems not to realize she fell asleep. "Oh, did I fall asleep?" Dahlia asks with tired eyes. Amelia chuckles a little. Jackson just nods his head 'yes'. "I must have been tired after my run. Did you two have fun?" Dahlia asks. Amelia nods her head 'Yes and Jackson copies her gesture'. "Oh good, I'm glad" Dahlia says with a yawn, moving to her feet and stretching like a cat. Dahlia giving them a big smile.
"Luna, I need your help with this" Jackson says seriously. Catching Dahlia and Amelia off guard. Dahlia immediately understands his request and she gives her royal guard a head nod. "Do I take the lead or would you?" Dahlia asks bluntly. "Can...Can you start" Jackson said shyly. "Understood" Dahlia says. "Is everything okay?" Amelia asks worried. "We will explain everything" Dahlia said. "Why don't we go talk on the dock, we can soak our feet" Dahlia suggests. Amelia nods her head in compliance and the trio make their way to the docks. Jackson stays back a little. He hasn't felt this nervous in a long time.
When they reach the dock, Dahlia takes off her athletics and tosses them aside. She put her feet in the water and kicks her legs a little to make the calm water ripple. Amelia takes a seat next to Dahlia and put her feet in the water. "Oh wow! The water is so cool" Amelia expressed. Dahlia smiles. Dahlia looks behind her shoulder and see Jackson leaning against one of the dock pillars, surprised its holding up Jackson's weight. Letting out a sigh, Dahlia starts the conversation that's plaguing Jackson's mind.
"Amelia, I don't want to scare or pressure you but we found out some interesting news the day you came to Ravenwood" Dahlia started. Amelia had concern in her eyes. "Please try to relax, everything is okay" Dahlia said reassuringly. Amelia let out a big sigh of relief. "What's the news" Amelia said with more confidence. "Have you ever heard of fated mate bonds of werewolves?" Dahlia asked. Amelia shook her head no. "Wolf legend, states, that every wolf has a fated mate, blessed by the moon goddess. Once the connection is made and sealed, it's a bond for life" Dahlia stated. "That's so cool to receive such a blessing" Amelia commented. Dahlia gave her a smile. "It has it's ups and downs. If your fated mate gets injured or killed, you can be injured or killed. You saw first hand with my father Ethan, what kind of toll a death of your mate can cause" Dahlia said. "Yeah, he was in pretty bad shape" Amelia said with concern. Dahlia nodded her head in agreement. "Your mate can also heal you as well" Dahlia added. "I never knew that, that's so cool" Amelia stated. Amelia's demeanor changed into confusion.
"But why are you telling me all of a sudden?!" Amelia asked. Dahlia let out another sigh. "Because you're my mate" Jackson blurted out, making Amelia snap her attention in his direction. Amelia's eyes grew big and her jaw dropped in disbelief. "But...But how?! What does that mean?!" Amelia yelped. "We're not sure about why, but we know the union was blessed by the moon goddess, otherwise it wouldn't be possible" Dahlia said reassuringly. "I've never even kissed a boy!" Amelia yelled out. Dahlia tried to hold back her amusement. "I do know, there hasn't been a witch and wolf union in over a century and the council has forbidden the union and they have killed every similar mated couples" Dahlia said with anger. "What...What am I going to do!" Amelia asked with tears running down her face. Jackson looked away as he saw Amelia crying.
"Hey it's going to be okay" Dahlia said embracing Amelia in a hug. Amelia placed her head on on Dahlia's shoulder and continued to suffer. "I know a little how you feel, I was scared and worried when I found out about being a werewolf. I was even more petrified when I learned I have a mate" Dahlia said. "You...You have a mate?" Amelia asked. "Technically, I do but I've never met him, I've just caught his scent" Dahlia said with a frown. "I'm so sorry" Amelia said sympathetically. "It's okay, it's planned that we will meet, in the next month and a half. I have so many emotions about it, but I know to be a strong ruler, I need my mate by my side" Dahlia said sadly. Amelia thought hard about the scenario laid out before her.
"Do I have to be someone's mate?" Amelia asked in a serious tone. Jackson felt his heart almost explode out of his chest hearing those words. Dahlia let out a sigh of defeat. "The answer is no. You don't have to be mated or anyone's mate for that matter" Dahlia stated. "What happens if I don't accept the mate bond?" Amelia asked with curiosity. Dahlia was starting to become uneasy. as she knew all too well what would happen to the wolf that was rejected. "No one can force you to accept it. The moon goddess, gave us wolves a second chance mate, if our fated mate bond I'd rejected" Dahlia reluctantly answered the question. At this point Jackson couldn't bare another word, he stormed off. "Jackson..." Amelia called. Amelia's water works began to flow. "Just let him go" Dahlia said. Amelia sniffles while trying to make a sentence. "I...I never said I'd reject him" Amelia said sadly. "I'm just trying to learn" Amelia said while balling her eyes out. "Don't take him storming off to heart, a wolf is sensitive to the word 'Reject' Dahlia said air quoting the word reject. It made Amelia chuckle. Amelia and Dahlia sat quietly for a few moments before the conversation was started up again.
"Does it hurt?" Amelia asked. Dahlia was confused by her words. "Does what hurt?" Dahlia asked back. " know rejected..." Amelia said sadly. Dahlia took a more serious demeanor, preparing mentally for her best friend to be crushed. "To be honest with you, and this isn't to convince you one way or another. It's very painful and can be deadly. Second change mates are no guarantee. Some wolves go crazy after their rejection, even if the rejection is mutual" Dahlia said with defeat in her voice. Dahlia shrugged her shoulders and added to her answer. "I guess that's our consequence to go against the moon goddesses wishes" Dahlia stated. Amelia raised her hands to her face and shook her head in disbelief. "Will I be in pain, if I reject him" Amelia asked. Dahlia gave her a small smile. "Luckily, for you since you're not wolf, it will be virtually painless" Dahlia answered. Amelia just sat in disbelief.
"I know it's a lot to take in and we haven't talked about your stay much. Know that whatever decision you make we will stand behind you and still love and support you" Dahlia said with a smile. "I don't want you to feel like you will be forced to stay, or feel like you're trapped here against your will. There's been enough of that already" Dahlia said reassuringly. Amelia gave her a smile. "I wish he didn't take off like that" Amelia said with a hint of anger. Dahlia laughed. "Like I said, he's a complex guy and he has to go through thr motions" Dahlia said. Amelia had a look of defeat on her face now.
"Hey don't be upset" Dahlia said, giving her another squeeze hug. "I knew I felt some kind of connection, I just couldn't place my finger on it" Amelia said. "I thought he just hated witches" Amelia added. "Jackson does hate witches, is why this is so hard on him" Dahlia said confirming Amelia's suspicions. Dahlia grew even more serious about what she was going to talk about next. "Amelia, you have to take into account that his parents, our pack members, my birth parents, and his twin brother, were all killed" Dahlia paused for a moment... "By your mother's magic" Dahlia stated. "Oh my gods! No she would never do that!" Amelia yelled frantically. Dahlia shook her head 'yes'. "I'm sorry to tell you in this way but we found the proof, the blackmail, we found out everything" Dahlia said. Amelia looked like a deer and head lights.
"Remember, whatever decision you make, it's yours and only yours to make. Just don't be too rough on the guy" Dahlia said with a smile. Amelia shook her head and smiled. "I'm gonna head back inside, you want to come?" Dahlia asked. Amelia nodded her head. Amelia locked arms and they both walked back to the mansion.