The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 36: Rise and Shine

***Dahlia's POV***

The smell of bacon woke me from a dead sleep. I slow blinked my eyes opened and realized I fell asleep on the couch. I looked to my side and Amelia was fast asleep. I stretched like a cat and peeked over the back of the couch. "Hey sweety" I hear my dad call. 'Sshhh' I gesture with my finger to my lips, Pointing to a sleeping Amelia. "Oh sorry" my dad whispers. I get up slowly making sure not to wake her. I walk over to my dad. "Hey dad" Dahlia says. My dad had a bright smile. "Did you two have fun?" my dad asked. "I taught her how to make a dish and we binge watched American Horror Story, until I have no idea what time" Dahlia smiled with a chuckle, rubbing the back of her head.

"What ya making" Dahlia asked her father innocently batting her eyes, with her usual playful smile towards her father. "Just a basic breakfast, some bacon eggs and toast" My father replied. "Ooooo yummy" Dahlia said. "What are your plans for the day" Dahlia asked her dad. "I have therapy, and I'm going to Mary and Ethel, we have a lot of ground to make up, you know with me becoming ill" my dad stated. "You know, I'm sorry by the way" Dahlia said. "Why are you sorry?" Ethan asked confused. "I was too hard on you, I lost my patience and you deserved more than that" Dahlia said. Ethan smiled sadly and ran his hand down the back of Dahlia's hair.

"As your father, I should apologize. I should have told you, I was unwell" Ethan stated emotionally, hugging his daughter. "What do you have to catch up on?" Dahlia asked. Ethan gave her another sad smile. "Well, your engagement, then marriage" Ethan replied coldly. Dahlia hung her head. "That's coming up pretty quickly" Dahlia said without enthusiasm. Ethan gave her another hug. "I'm not ready to see you off, but it's apart of life and your mother would be so happy" Ethan said. Dahlia gave her father a smile. "I'll still love you more" Dahlia said with a mischievously smile. "Haha, very funny. It doesn't work that way" Dahlia's father stated.

"Dahlia?" Amelia said still groggy. Dahlia made an 'oops' face at her father and called back to her. "Over here in the kitchen, sorry we woke you" Dahlia said hiding her smile. "Oh, you didn't wake me, the food did" Amelia said chuckling. "Are you sure you're not wolf?" Dahlia asked poking fun. "As fun as that would be, I'm a witch" Amelia said with a smile and shrugged as she stretched to her feet. Dahlia and Ethan chuckled at her comment. "I like her" Ethan stated. "I do too" Dahlia whispered back.

Amelia made her way to the kitchen where Dahlia and Ethan were. Amelia sat at a bar stool staring at them with sleepy eyes. "Hey Amelia, would you lole to come with me on my errands today?" Ethan asked. "Oh would I!" Amelia nearly yelled with excitement. "But what are we doing?" Amelia asked. Ethan chuckled. "I have a sense you will fit right in with us" Ethan blurted out making Dahlia laugh. "I have some therapy and I may need your magical expertise on my spiritual healing, then I have some wedding plans and protection plans to go over with two very amazing women" Ethan stated with a smile. "Oh, I would be honored!" Amelia said with outpouring excitement "Is that okay, Dahlia?" Amelia asked with red cheeks, embarrassed by her outburst. "Of course it is. Better you than me" Dahlia said sticking out her tongue, giving Amelia wink. Amelia and Ethan laughed at Dahlia rebellion.

"Dahlia, can you please set the table the food is ready" her father stated. "Yes, sir" Dahlia said giving her dad a salute. Ethan rolled his eyes at her. Ethan walked the breakfast he had made, to the table. "It's odd to have so few here for a meal" Ethan stated in disbelief. "Hey, don't jinx it, more for me" Dahlia said with mischief. Ethan laughed at his daughters shenanigans. "You know your mother always blamed me for goofing off, I bet I learned it from you" Ethan stated to Dahlia as she sat down at the table. Dahlia gave her father a huge smile of accomplishment. "Sorry to tell you, you taught me" Dahlia fired back. Amelia giggled as she also joined them at the table.

Ethan dished out the bacon, eggs and toast to the girls and poured them orange juice. "Thank you" the said at the same time. "Jinx" they yelled at each other. Ethan raised his eyebrow. "I'd say that was a draw, better luck next time" Ethan stated laughing at them. Dahlia rolled her eyes, joking like she was going to have a tantrum. Amelia gave Ethan a high five. Dahlia laughed. "Don't tell me you both have to be supervised now" Dahlia said jokingly. Ethan and Amelia chuckled.

Dahlia studied them both, she really missed simple moments like this. Dahlia knew, these moments are just a mere blink of an eye for what's to come. Dahlia grew serious and Ethan and Amelia could sense the change in the atmosphere. "Is everything okay?" Her father asked cautiously. Dahlia unknowingly had a tear drip from her cheek. Dahlia wiped it and sniffled before answering. "I'm just thinking about how much I love these moments and I know the future will be chaotic. I just got you back dad, and I just made you as a friend Amelia. I guess I had some feeling bottles up for the last few weeks" Dahlia said with a sad smile. Ethan couldn't help but feel responsible for a lot of her pain. "I'm okay, thanks to you and Amelia" Her father stated. "It's not that, my instincts tell me, there will be more lost and blood shed, with this war we will bring to the council. I just want peace. Our small moments, I wish they would never end" Dahlia said. Amelia already had a few tears leave her cheeks as Dahlia spoke and as Ethan watched his daughter.

"It will be okay" Ethan said reassuringly. Dahlia shook her head as to rid her mind of all the negativity that floods her world. "I know dad, it just gets too overwhelming sometimes" Dahlia said. "Enough if that, let's just eat our breakfast. Thanks again" Dahlia said as she shoveled food in her mouth. "Everything will be okay" Ethan stated as he didn't want to press his daughter to open up more. Dahlia, never really opens up about her feeling anymore, since her mother's passing, so this was a very important milestone.

They finished their breakfast and Amelia and Dahlia cleaned up. They put away the dishes from the night before and reloaded the washer with the most recent victims to be soiled. "All clean" Amelia said with a smile. "Amelia, are you ready to go?" Ethan asked. "I'm ready, will you be okay by yourself, Dahlia?" Amelia asked concerned. Dahlia gave her a huge smile. "Of course I will. I'm going to go take a shower and then find something to do, you guys go ahead" Dahlia urged. "Okay, we will see you later!" Amelia said. Ethan and Amelia made their way to the front door and exited with a wave goodbye and shut the door.

Dahlia let out a sigh. "I need a shower" she said aloud. Dahlia shut the lights off in the kitchen and made her way down the hallway to her room. Dahlia still had the ominous thought of suffering, death and pain on her mind. Perhaps, she could wash away all her worries for a few minutes. Dahlia opened her bedroom door and walked in. Her safe place, the place she always feels the safest. Dahlia looks around her room and the familiar scene, starts chipping away at her anxiety and worry. Dahlia goes to her linen closet and grabs a towel and then to wardrobe closet for clean clothes. Dahlia makes her way to her bathroom and blasts steaming hot water from the shower heat and gets in.

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