Chapter 38: A Day Out; Pt 2
***A continuation of Ethan's and Amelia's Day out together. When we left off, Amelia was about to check on Ethan's spiritual health before they took on, their other endless tasks.***
Lockhart took his seat and stared at Amelia and Ethan, sitting there on the floor. Lockhart had no idea what to expect. Spiritual health isn't his specialty but after meeting Amelia, he's taken to the library to learn more on the subject. Lockhart watched as Amelia started to speak a gibberish type language again and a purple protection shield started to slowly surround her and Ethan.
Amelia spoke words foreign to Lockhart. Lockhart was definitely going to ask about the language she spoke. He listened to her words. "Danu, Màthair na Talmhainn, leig leam am madadh-allaidh seo a chuideachadh" Amelia repeated. Lockhart didn't feel a threat with ehat she spoke, instead it was more curiosity mixed with being memorized. "Feumaidh mi sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air a shlàinte spioradail, leig dhomh faighinn a-steach, mas e do thoile." Amelia continued on. Lockhart sat in silence.
Amelia gained access to Ethan's being, granted my the earth mother. Somethings are forbidden, especially gaining access to another's soul. Even with Ethan's permission, she still needed the earth-mothers permission. Amelia saw inside Ethan's body, into the deepest layers where his soul; Adlawulf lay. "Why are you here witch" Ethan's spirit wolf growls. "The good doctor, Lockhart wanted me to check on Ethan's spiritual health. I come to you in good faith and a friend of the wolf" Amelia says as her magical apparition bows to him. "Very well witch" Adlawulf says with little patience. "Where is Raven Night?" Amelia asks. "Here I am!" the spirit of Dahlia's mother comes running into focus.
"Oh hi, good to see you again, witch" Raven night says. "Why are you here?" the spirit of Dahlia's mother asks. "To check Ethan's spiritual health. Lockhart asked me" Amelia said. "How are you two doing?" Amelia asks. Raven Night and Adlawulf looks at each other and embrace each other with a nuzzle of the neck. "I've never been so happy!" Raven Night said. Amelia smiled at her comment. "Adlawulf?" Amelia asked. "I still feel there's darkness here" Aldawulf said with a snort of disgust. Amelia's smiled turned to concern. "I've been giving Ethan tonics to rebuild his spiritual health. Perhaps, I need to up the dose. It's normal to take time to fully recover. You both were in really bad shape" Amelia said with a small smile. "I won't keep you anymore, I'm going to report back to Lockhart" Amelia said with a smile. "You're welcome to see us anytime" the grumpy Adlawulf said with a smile. Amelia's spirit gave the two wolves a wave and turned around to exit. Amelia couldn't help but feel the ominous nature of the darkness still seeping through out Ethan's body. "If Ethan's not fully recovered here pretty soon, I'll have to come back and expell the darkness myself" Amelia said to herself and she vanished from Ethan's spiritual realm.
Lockhart was growing impatient. Growing tired of staring at his best friend and the pack witch. "What is taking so long" Lockhart mumbled to himself. Lockhart had his head in his hands staring at his feet. He hated not having all the answers. The anticipation could weigh heavily on anyone's anxieties. Lockhart could feel himself going stir crazy. "How much more time does she need?" Lockhart said aloud, as he lifted his head to look once more on his best friend and the pack witch. Lockhart noticed the protection bubble started to slowly vanish. Lockhart got up and started to make his way towards them, making sure to keep his distance until told otherwise.
Amelia and Ethan in unison opened their eyes. "Ethan are you okay?" Lockhart asked. Ethan looked a little confused at his question. "Yeah buddy, feel exactly the same as I did before" Ethan said with a chuckle and smile. "Amelia, what do you have to report" Lockhart had a serious tone. Amelia gave him a smile. "When I went on my investigation, I came to find out that, Ethan spiritually is about at 95%. His two spirit wolves are in harmony, but his wolf, Adlawulf can still feel the darkness within. I could feel it too" Amelia said. Lockhart had a serious expression on his face taking in all of her words.
"So, what do we do now?" Lockhart asked. "I will have to up the dosage on the tonics, sorry Ethan, they will taste really bad. If the darkness still doesn't go away after another week of treatment, I will have to go in and physically remove the Darkness" Amelia said with a frown. "Physically remove the darkness?" Ethan muttered. "What does that mean?" Lockhart said. "I will have to use magic in his spirit realm to capture the darkness. If I am successful, I have to bring it out of his mind and properly destroy it" Amelia said with a sigh. "How dangerous is that?" Lockhart asked with great concern in his voice. Amelia couldn't hide the worry and sadness from her eyes. "It's extremely dangerous, we could both die" Amelia said. "What will happen if no action is taken?" Lockhart asked. "If Ethan takes tonics daily, eventually he will become immune to them and they will stop working. At some point, the darkness will spread again and at a rate unknown; destroy his spiritual wolves for good" Amelia said with her eyes misty from the emotional response of such a brutal fate.
"Do I get a say in any of this?" Ethan demanded with anger in his voice. Amelia and Lockhart immediately locked eyes with him. "What do you want to do Ethan" Lockhart said with little patience. "Emma's woof is inside me, how can I let her die a second time?" Ethan said holding back tears. "Amelia, do you think you can perform such a task?" Lockhart said more gentle this time. Amelia was stuck in her own thoughts. "I know I can do it!" Amelia answered with a smile. "What's our next move" Ethan asked her. "We will need to up the dosage of tonic and see if we can get Ethan as close to 100% spirituality healed as possible. I'm not sure what kind of darkness is lingering inside of him, so I need time to research and prepare spells. One may not be enough. I will also need a tonic so I will be spirituality guarded. Who will tell Dahlia?" Amelia stated. The three of them stood staring at each other. "Why not do it together?" Amelia said with a smile. Ethan and Lockhart nodded in agreement. "Ethan, today's session is over, please continue on with your day and I will be by the mansion at dinner time. Make sure to get the herbs needed for the new tonics. Amelia, make sure to let me know about your progress" Lockhart stated. "I will do everything I can from a medical standpoint to support you, but as you know, I'm useless when it comes to healing spiritually" Lockhart said.
Ethan let out a sigh. He felt things could have been much worst. Ethan is putting his faith in two people he has grown to admire and care about. "You heard him Amelia, let's finish up our errands" Ethan said with a grin. Ethan always had away to help those around him relax. Call it his super power. "Okay, sounds good to me" Amelia stated. "Bye. Lockhart see you later" Ethan said as he was already making his way out of the pack hospital. "You better behave Ethan!" Lockhart yelled back. Amelia waved at Lockhart and ran to catch up next to Ethan's side. Lockhart let out a smile as he watched them leave.
"Where are we headed now?" Amelia asked with excitement. Ethan chuckled. "We are going g to visit two very special ladies, Mary and Ethel. They may just have everything you need and we also will need to go over the details of the mating ceremony" Ethan stated. "Mating ceremony?" Amelia said while she blushed. Ethan gave her a smile of reassurance. "Don't worry, it's not for you and Jackson, it's for Dahlia to house the surrounding packs, and to find who her mate is. Once she finds her mate, another ceremony will take place at another date to make them one" Ethan stated. "What, me and Jackson?! You know about that, did Dahlia tell you?" Amelia asked red as a tomato. "Let's just call it a father's intuition. Besides, I'm a wolf Elder, I can sense the connection between you two" Ethan said with a grin. "Do I have a ceremony too?" Amelia asked nervously messing with her hands. "One day yes. The ceremony is important because it makes you apart of the wolf family. You're non wolf, so the ceremony allows you to gain some wolf like powers. It's really not that bad, and you don't have to do anything vulgar" Ethan said reassuringly. "How's this, I'll plan yours, so that way you can be as comfortable as possible" Ethan said with a smile. "Thank you Ethan" Amelia said with a tear falling from her eye. "Don't mention it" Ethan said while giving her a thumbs up.
Amelia filled Ethan through the center of town. Ethan came to a stop in front of a tea shop? "We're here Ethan stated. Amelia nodded her head. Ethan grabbed the door and pushed it open. The door bell chimed as it opened and the walked in. "How are you feeling Ethan?" A voice from the back called. "I'm getting better each day" Ethan said back. "Ethel, is out picking the best herbs she will join us shortly" the voice said through dishes banging against each other.
"Have a seat, I'll be right out" the voice calls to them. Ethan and Amelia make their way to a table that has four seats. "Is this our new pack witch i sense?" the voice asks. "You got that right, she's been taking good care of me. Mary, why don't you come meet Amelia" Ethan stated. "It's almost ready, I'll be right there" Mary yells back at Ethan. Ethan gave Amelia a warm smile. The rustling in the back had grown quiet.
Amelia notices a elder come into view. "Oh isn't she just the prettiest thing" Mary says warmly. "Here let me help you with that" Ethan says as he gets up and take a tea tray from Mary. "Thank you my dear boy" Mary says. Amelia watches as Ethan carries the tray and let's Mary use his arm for balance and helps escort her to the table. Ethan pulls out a chair for Mary. Mary takes her place and Ethan places the tray on the table. "Are you feeling okay Mary?" Ethan asks. Mary gives him a warm smile. "Of course I am. I just woke up feeling my age a bit today. We have more important things to go over" Mary stated with a smile.
"Let me see your hands my dear" Mary motioned to Amelia. Amelia complied with her request and placed her hands in Mary's. Mary studied them carefully. "There's so much good in you, but you've had your fair share of being trapped within the darkness. A wolf mate? How fortunate you are" Mary stated. Amelia blushed but was confused. It's like Mary could read her mind. "Don't fret child, Ethel and I are wolf Shaman. We also, pass on our knowledge of our history to the new generations and arange every detail on wolf ceremonies" Mary said with a smile. "That's a lot to do" Amelia said with admiration in her eyes. Mary smiled at her. "Contrary to what you may be thinking, it's been a long time since we've had to do all of our duties. Ever since the war, we've had no ceremonies, or classes until Dahlia" Mary stated. "Oh I didn't know" Amelia said sadly. "Your mother caused us great pain and we almost lost our pack" Mary said. Amelia was surprised that Mary knew her mother, let alone who caused the almost complete crumble of Ravenwood. "Your mother was such an amazing woman. After she had you, no one could have predicted that you'd be used as a weapon for Lord Ulrich" Mary stated. "I'm so sorry that happened to you my dear girl" Mary added. "Greed and Lust, can be complete destroyers of life" Mary finally added. Amelia sat and listened to her words letting small streams of tears run down her face. "I had no idea you knew" Amelia said through tears. "There's very little that slips through our watchful eyes" Mary said with a smile. "Let us drink our tea, before it gets cold" Mary said as she poured cups of tea.
They took small sips of the tea, it was so warm and soothing. "Here try these finger sandwiches I made" Mary gestured to the tray. Ethan and Amelia dove right in and they both took s bite. "Amazing" Ethan stated. "So good" Amelia said through a bite. "I pureed the cucumbers, making it into a spread this time" Mary said with a smile.
As they were enjoying their tea and finger sandwiches, the door bell chimed. The three looked at the door and saw Ethel. An elder, who almost looked identical to Mary, carrying a whisker basket full of herbs. "Ethan, you're looking well. Amelia, I haven't seen you in such a long time. The beautiful baby girl, has turned into such a beautiful woman. I picked some herbs you may be interested in. Welcome to our tea shop" Ethel said with care. Amelia was shocked that Ethel made it sound like she has met her before. Questions started to fill her mind. "what do I not know yet?" Amelia said to herself. "Don't worry child, we will answer all your questions" Ethel stated with a smile.