Chapter 53: Hello Reader's!
Life gets messy, life gets troublesome and it can certainly throw certain trials in the way.
So sorry, I stepped away for so long. I have had so many things to do, that put writing in the back burner.
Welcoming in 2025, that's a strange thought...2025. What has everyone been up to?
I personally went back to school to complete my MBA. I have 4 more classes left, then it's off to put on my big girl pants and face this world we live in. I am more determined then ever to get this book finished, while we are at a pivotal point in this characters life, how do you all feel about it?
Buckle up, because this book is about to take us on a roller coaster. Uploading chapters may start off slowly. All drafts that I had for this book, have been lost, so I am going into it with the original plan, but tweaking some things. A new inspiration you could say.
Hope to see your wonderful comments and hope everyone is happy and healthy. Let's get ready for an adventure.