The Boy That Can Foresee the Future

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 – Training Day

Third person POV

 The next day was a training day, so regular academic classes were postponed until after lunchtime. The purpose of this is to give students basic training on how to be assassins with their abilities. The first lessons in training for new students will cover the basics of improving their stealth, endurance, and flexibility as assassins. So, that morning at 8:25 a.m., Kichi and his friends, alongside some of the students from his class, were led by Kiba and a high-ranking professor only known by the name Monster to the huge training facility in a separate building in the school campus. The training facility contained all of the training rooms of all kinds that cater to each of the students' unique and varying abilities and skills. Kichi and his friends marveled at how huge and diverse the facility was.


 "This place looked so advanced…"

 "This place will give you the taste of being an assassin," Kiba said to them while leading the way.

 All of them then arrived at the facility's main training room, which was called the Chambers of FEA (Flexibility, Endurance, and Alertness). As the name suggests, the room contained the walls and other obstacles for would-be assassins to develop and improve their flexibility, endurance, and alertness. Kiba and Monster then explained to them about the room's purpose and specialty for their training before reviewing their fitness records. These records are from the middle schools of students in different countries. According to them, some of the students, like Kichi and Haru, are very fit in terms of physical fitness, while others, like Catalina and Cristy, are not very fit in terms of physical fitness. So, Kiba and Monster decided to modify the intensiveness of the first lessons in the training room. So, the first lessons began with simple exercises in dodging, sneaking, and infiltrating across the training room. Kichi and the other students then watched his movements in close observation, learning about the basics of being assassins. Monster was watching the movements while explaining to them about them in detail. After Kiba's series of movement demonstrations, Monster said to the students, "Now, try to do his movements."

 And so, Kichi and the others did so, trying out their first taste of being assassins, doing their first try-outs in different ways and levels of endurance and speed. Some of their obstacles are small, light, and vulnerable robots that act as enemy targets towards them. Kichi, being trained by his Filipino stepfather back in the Philippines, was fast and alert in his movements like a sneaking soldier with his Danger Sensation ability, while Haru, being trained by his foster father Kiba, was fast, silent, and stealthy like a ninja with his Berserker ability. Catalina and some of her classmates from her class were struggling to catch up with Kichi and the others. Catalina was envious at Kichi's speed and flexibility and started to push herself harder to try to outdo him. But no matter how hard she tried, Catalina couldn't catch up with him at all and started to fall behind him and some of the fast students. Because of this, she was frustrated by this, but Cristy helped her out. Both of them then did their best to do their first try-out until the end.

 At the end of it, Kiba and Monster examined their speed and other tiny stats and determined the difficulty of the first lessons for them, before giving them their Difficulty Marks Results, which were business card-sized report cards with tally marks from 1 to 10. Over two-thirds of the students had 6 or fewer tally marks, while the rest had 9 or all 10 tally marks. Kichi and the students were stunned at their efforts, and Cataline knew that her weak speed and endurance had given her that many tally marks, which were 4. Cristy had 5, while David had 7. Kichi had 10, while Haru had 9.

 "Alright then," Monster, a tall, macho man with brown hair and purple eyes, said to them, "Kiba-kouhai and I will split up into two classes: one for those who had less than 5 tally marks while the other for those who had more than 5. Split up into two groups based on your results."



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