Chapter 5: Showdown at the Hollowtree Cafe - Part One
"The Arcadium Particle Accelerator is the chief project of the Arcadium, a massive research facility focused around the sciences, particularly advanced physics," Luke replied. "Its purpose was said to be discovery; energy discovery to be exact. Scientists sought to uncover or harness a new form of energy. They said there were traces of this new energy discovered somehow, and they wanted to try to figure out how to capture and utilize it."
"You're going to have to give me some more info," Lila replied. "I was given limited knowledge of Earth's science," Lila admitted. "I studied mana, your civilizations, and historical conflicts, but advanced physics? Not so much."
Luke furrowed his brow and said, "Well, it's all in the name. Particle accelerators do just that: accelerate particles. I'm talking about particles at the molecular level. They'll use electric and magnetic fields to propel and accelerate particles, eventually directing them to collide with one another. The collisions produce a lot of energy and break the molecules into even smaller particles like quarks. It's how physicists study the fundamental forces of nature."
"Wait, wait, wait—your people are accelerating particles and colliding them to generate energy? And you don't see the problem with that?" Lila's expression darkened. "This sounds dangerously close to the kinds of experiments that have shattered entire dimensions before."
Luke stared at her for a few seconds, then replied, "Sounds like you already have a grip on the possible levels of devastation that could result from this."
"Yeah, and it's very, very bad," Lila mused.
Luke wondered again when this threat would come calling. "Do you have any idea on the timeline here?"
Lila shook her head. "I'm not clairvoyant, and I don't want to give you false information. I can definitely sense a noticeable mana disturbance in that area. Given that it feels like the disturbance is consistent in a slightly curved line roughly north and south, it makes sense that it would be the APA. Of course, I cannot sense the entire circumference of the APA."
"What do we do?" Luke wore a worried expression.
"Don't worry," Lila replied softly. "If there's to be a cataclysm, that's not something we have the power to stop. I have a feeling you'll be progressing to Bet very soon, and if that's the case so will I. Let's focus on that for now and when the time comes we will do what we can to help those in need."
For years,Luke had felt powerless—just another face in the crowd. But now, the promise of strength was real. He had no intention of standing on the sidelines, waiting for others to protect the people he cared about. If he had to push himself beyond his limits, then so be it.
Lila watched him from the other side of the dorm room. A look of determination spread across his face, and a spark lit his eyes that hadn't been there before. She smiled. Though he was a bit quirky, she liked her new partner.
"How about we take a break?" Lila suggested.
Luke raised his head to look at her, nodding his agreement. "That sounds like a good idea. I'm starving."
The pair left the dorm room and made their way toward an on-campus coffee shop. Luke looked at his new friend and began to worry that others would see her.
"Shouldn't you walk?" he asked. "I mean, you already have a… unique… appearance. The floating thing might freak people out."
"Don't worry, you're the only one who can perceive me right now."
"Oh, great. Then how do I know I'm not just a crazy person hallucinating all of this?"
Lila laughed, "Relax, will you? I'm not a delusion."
"Okay, prove it," Luke challenged.
She turned to him, a sparkle in her eyes.
"What the—" Luke gasped as his legs collapsed beneath him, a crushing weight pinning him to the sidewalk. His breath hitched. For a brief moment, panic flickered through his mind. Then, just as suddenly as it came, the weight disappeared, leaving his body light and trembling.
"Believe me now?"
Luke inhaled deeply, climbing back to his feet. "Holy cow that was crazy."
"Holy cow? Where?" Lila asked, bewildered.
"No, it's just an expression."
"An expression of what? Stupidity?"
The corners of Luke's mouth drew back in disbelief. "Seriously?"
Lila laughed her joyous, melodic laugh again. "Lighten up, will you?"
"Yeah, yeah," Luke grumbled. "Well, I'm glad no one saw that."
"Why? All they would see is you falling randomly. It's weird, sure, but not earth shattering." She wore a playful grin as she spoke.
Luke shook his head and started walking again. It only took a few more minutes for Luke and Lila to reach the coffee shop. It was one of only a few places open on weekends on his campus, so it ended up being a rather popular spot for students to hang out on their days off from classes.
As they drew near, Luke's head jerked up at the sounds of screaming. About a dozen people pushed their way out of the coffee shop's front entrance, shoving past Luke with terror on their faces.
"Hey, what's happening?" Luke tried to get a response, but no one even looked at him twice. A scream sounded from inside, prompting Luke to move forward. He opened the door and saw several people cowering beneath tables and behind chairs inside. At the counter a man about Luke's age was pointing a knife at someone.
"Lila, what do we do?" Luke whispered.
She looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean? You're one of Heaven's Knights. You stop the bad guy."
Luke had no idea what he was going to do, but he couldn't just run away like those other people had. He didn't have that in him.
But, he wasn't a fighter. He wasn't a hero. His heart hammered against his ribs as the reality of the situation sank in.
What was he doing? Walking into a potential death trap? But then he saw her—the barista, trembling behind the counter, wide-eyed with terror. Luke didn't know her name, but he saw her often there, and she'd always been really nice to him. He felt his heart rate quicken and anxiety gripped his chest. He clenched his fists. No. He couldn't walk away.
"Hey!" he shouted at the knife-wielding man, "How about you back up before you get yourself hurt?"
"Really, that's what you came up with?" Lila muttered sarcastically.
Luke was immediately self-conscious. The robber turned toward Luke with malice in his eyes and the tip of his blade pointing forward menacingly. "And just who the hell do you think you are?"
"Should I tell him?" Luke muttered.
"I wouldn't," Lila replied.
"Who are you talking to, man?" the robber asked incredulously.
"Don't worry about it," Luke said confidently. "Drop the knife and you won't get hurt."
The robber's eyes went wide and a bout of laughter escaped his lips. He was young, like Luke thought, but somehow he still looked vicious. "Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. How about, instead of that, I slice you into a thousand pieces and litter your body all over campus?"
Luke's expression changed to one of confusion. "Okay, I get that you're trying to be scary, but, really? Your knife can't cut through bone. Also, if you tried to litter a thousand pieces of a body all over campus, don't you think someone would notice and have a problem with it?"
The robber's face was bewildered, then it was overtaken by rage. The man's grip on the knife tightened. His nostrils flared, his shoulders tensed. Luke barely had time to register the shift before he burst toward Luke, clearing the distance between them faster than Luke would have thought possible. A searing pain blossomed to life in his left arm. He looked and saw that the robber's knife had pierced his forearm as he'd brought it up to defend himself.
Pain. Blinding, searing pain exploded in his arm. The knife was still inside, cold metal sinking deep into muscle and nerves. Luke sucked in a sharp breath, his entire body locking up. His vision blurred at the edges.
It seemed that time itself froze for a moment. Then, bright, warm blood began pouring from the wound. Luke let out a scream of anger and pain. He'd never been hurt like that before, and he did not like it very much.
He didn't think. His body moved on its own. Before he even processed it, his palm slammed upward into the man's nose, a sickening crunch following. The man let out a whimper of pain. Luke immediately followed this up with a kick to the robber's groin. With blood gushing from his nose and immense pain between his legs, the man fell to the floor, losing his grip on the knife.
In a moment of what must have been sheer insanity, Luke grabbed the knife handle with his right hand and yanked the blade free. The pain was excruciating and Luke felt like he was going to pass out. He went down to one knee. It took everything in him to keep his body where it was.
"I'm gonna kill you," the robber said through gritted, blood covered teeth.
Luke had never been in so much pain in his entire life. Now, he was on a knee, facing a murderous psycho, with a knife wound gushing blood.
"I definitely didn't see this in my future," Luke muttered.
Lila's voice chimed in, "It's okay, you're doing great!"
"Yeah, easy for you to say," Luke replied. "You can't be stabbed."
"Well, that's not exactly true, but I see your point." She hovered closer, her expression uncharacteristically serious. "You're hurt, but you're still standing. That's more than most would manage. Just hold on a little longer, Luke."
The edges of his vision wavered. His pulse thundered in his ears, drowning out the robber's threats. Blood seeped between his fingers as he clutched his arm, hot and slick. He needed to stay on his feet. He had to finish this.
"Here we go."