The Dance Of Love (RWBY/FATE)

Chapter 44: chap 39













Breakfast was normal as usual... well as normal as breakfast could be after what happened last night...

But Mordred couldn't care less about it because she is happy to see that Jaune had recovered from what the fuck plagued him yesterday.

"You good?" She whispered to him as she bite into the breakfast sandwich while ignoring whatever the others are saying because right now, Jaune is more important than them.

She look at a plate with a lot of Bacon stacked on it. 'Extra bacon? Damn... he's spoiling me.' Mordred thought as she take another big bite into the breakfast sandwich.

"Yeah.. I'm good, Mordred.." Jaune whispered back to her.

"You made extra bacon for me didn't you?" She whispered to him again with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah.... as a thanks for what happened yesterday." He whispered again to her and Mordred is now holding herself back giving Jaune a really big and tight hug... not that Jaune would refuse it, on the contrary he would probably welcome it.

"You know you don't need to do this for me.. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do... don't want you to experience that kind of shit alone..." she tell Jaune truthfully because of fucking course she would be by his side....

Mordred smirked again and take a a pice of bacon and eat it. "But your welcome anyway...."

While Mordred and Jaune whispered to each other, they didn't hear the sound of Saphron calling out to them.


"Jaune... Mordred.... Mordred...." Saphron then let out a sigh. "Those two are at it again...."

Jeanne let out a small chuckled because it's not an unusual sight... Jaune and Morded sometimes get lost in their own worlds and doesn't hear if anyone is talking to them...

Jeanne is sometime envious of the bond her two older siblings have... they are.. so close... its like seeing Noir and Blancheur but the bond they have is much closer than the actual twins...

She sometimes sees Jaune and Mordred helping each other so seamlessly without the need of communicating.

For example? A week ago Jeanne and Mordred was in the living room watching the TV just relaxing when Mordred tell that she is going to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

Jeanne decided to tag along to see what kind of snack is in the cabinets because Mordred taste in snacks is much more.... intense you could say...

Jeanne prefer snacks that is sweets like candies or n&n while Mordred like snacks that is spicy...

And while they both was walking to the kitchen, they come across Jaune who is going downstairs to go to the kitchen too.

When they arrived in the kitchen without exchanging a single word the entire time, Jaune opened the cabinet and grab some of Mordred's snacks while Mordred go to the fridge to pull out Jaune's preferred snacks which is the blueberry overnight oat that he made the night before.

They then give each other their snacks before Mordred goes back to the living room and Jaune goes back upstairs... all of that without talking to each other and they just know what the other wants...

And that is only one small interaction out of thousands by now where they work seamlessly without communicating, Jeanne wouldn't be suprised with Jaune or Mordred have telepathy with each other because how?? How could they do that without communicating?

Another example was last year when the summer heat was really hot and Jeanne and Mordred once again decided to watch the TV but sadly.. the remote was on the cabinet and they both are too lazy because of the heat to get it...

Mordred asked her to get the remote and just as she was about to get up and grab the remote, the front door opened and there comes Jaune after a day out helping around the town.

And once again, Jaune just know what Mordred want because he just walk to the remote and Tossed it to Mordred... how did he know that Mordred wanted the remote?!? Mordred was playing with her scroll because she was waiting for Jeanne! How did he know!

Noir and Blancheur isn't like that.. so how was those two can do that without being twins? That.. is one of the wonder of the world.... Jeanne is sure..

"Well Saphron... you should expect this by now if it's the two of them..." Mom let out a small chuckled at Saphron's exasperation..

"Mom..." Jeanne called out to her mother.

"Yeah, what is it Jeanne?" Her mother answered her as she turn her head to face her.

"How are they so.. close with each other? I can't be the only one that notice that right? Like... they are much closer than Noir and Blancheur? Like.. how?" Jeanne questioned her mother because if anyone knows the reason why? Then it would be her..

"Well.. how do I explain this..." Luna then hummed and lean back on her seat as the rest of her children -except for Mordred and Jaune because they're inside their own world with their whispers- lean closer to their Mother to listen in on her.. even Miles who is sitting at the head of the table I turning his head to Luna so he can hear her better.

"Mordred and Jaune... they both remind me of a pair of Hunters that had worked with each other for a decade or more... I'm not the only one who sees them works so seamlessly right?" She asked her children with them nodding in confirmation.

"Well, they're synergy is off the charts I would say... even your father and I didn't have that kind of synergy when I was a hunter, even know we cannot work so seamlessly in our day to day life like Jaune and Mordred." Lune then take a sip of her coffee. "Jaune and Mordred are so compatible with each other even with their opposite personality... what was the word again? Something something attracts."

"Opposites attract?" Saphron chime in and Luna nodded.

"Yeah, Opposites attracts.. that's the words..."

Jeanne then look at Miles and ask for his opinion. "What about you dad? What's your thought about this?"

"Well.... my thoughts on Jaune and-" But unfortunately for her fathed.. Him saying Jaune's Name managed to break the two pseudo twins out of their world... in specific.. it made Mordred turn his attention at her father... and that's not good... how is Jeanne so sure that its not good? Well... she can see the tick mark on her forehead.

And her father is thankfully smart enough to change the subject because If he didn't... well there is going to be another one sided Shouting match between Mordred and Miles which would only end when Jaune their had to pull her away or whispered to Mordred like last night.

"-and his cooking is really good... Jaune would make a really good Chef.." She can see her father hoping that Mordred didn't catch on about what's happening... and Jeanne silently pray too..

"My cooking? Well thank you, dad." Jaune thanks his father for the compliment but Jeanne can see Mordred eyeing their father distrustingly as if she knows that her father had changed the subject... which is a little scary to be honest...

Jeanne feels that Mordred is a little... well not a little... but mildly? No... that's putting it lightly... Mordred is really overprotective of Jaune... double so if it involved their father...

"So..." Jeanne can hear Saphron is struggling to change the subject... "... how was your mission yesterday dad?"

Oh yeah... she forgot about her father's mission because of how fast it took him to finished it...

"Yeah, your mission dad! How was it? Did you find the girl?" Jeanne asked her father because if the mission was finished this fast then that meant that he had found the girl and bring her back to her parents right?

But the reaction that she got from her mom and dad is weird to say the least... they looked shocked at her question.

"What do you mean by that, Jeanne?" Her mother looked at her with a lot of questions in her eyes...

"Well... I heard dad whispered to you about that he is looking for a missing Maiden.... so it's a missing girl right?" She look at her parent weirdly before her dad nodded to her.

"Yes.. it was a missing... girl.. and the mission was successfully..." her dad answered her question and before she can ask more about the specifics of the mission, her mother changed the subject.

"Children, I was thinking on having a movie night tonight! You know what that mean.." she looks around and sees Noir raising her hands up high. "Yes, you Noir."

"PIZZA!!!!!!! WE'RE HAVING PIZZA!!!!" Noir Shouted excitedly

"I guess it's been a while since we last had pizza..." Saphron commented before she continues to feed Olivia.

"Pizza... I like pizza..." Blancheur comments softly...

Pizza... pizza is good.. she likes pizza.. who doesn't like pizza?

"So what kind of pizza are you making later mom?" Jeanne asked her mother because of course her mother would make the Pizza herself... and The family loves her for it..

"Well, what do you guys want? I would write it down and buy the ingredients later.."

As the others starts to tell mom about what they want on the pizza, Jeanne turn her attention to Moddred and Jaune and starts to listen to them.

"You know what I like... so you better not botched this up, I want to eat your pizza tonight.." Mordred told Jaune which reminded Jeanne then of course Jaune would also helped Mom make the pizza... Jaune is as good as mom and sometime is even better than her depending on the day at cooking.

"...valean deep dish pizza right?" Jaune asked Mordred which Mordred answered by nodding her head.

"Of fucking course Deep Dish pizza..." Mordred then take a piece of bacon and start to snack on it. "And I want some bacon bits on the pizza too.... and I ain't talking about store bought bacon bits.."

Jaune let out an amused chuckle and nod his head. "I'll make sure to fried the chopped bacon myself, Mordred.. I'll make it perfect for you..."

"You better.. or God knows what I'm about to do to your stupid face..." Mordred threatened to Jaune which Jeanne know that it's just empty air considering that Mordred would rather hit herself first before she ever do that to Jaune.

Jeanne let out a sigh..... she sometimes wish that she can have someone that understand her as much as Jaune and Mordred understand each other...

Is it wrong for her to be jealous of her own siblings bonds with each other? She thinks so... but she just can't help it whenever she sees her two older siblings so in sync with each other...


It's currently Mordred's Turn to wash the dishes... before anyone ask, do Mordred even have a turn in washing the dishes and shits like this? No.

Mordred actually offered herself to wash all of the dishes because she knows that Jaune will do it.. and Mordred doesn't want Jaune to suddenly have a heart attack while washing the dishes, he just recovered from yesterday and Mordred would take Jaune's stress off him... even if the stress is something as little as washing the dishes.

Thankfully mom is also here washing the dishes... the others? Well she knows that Jaune will most likely be in his room.. and the others? Well probably would be the same as Jaune.. in their fucking rooms..

As she washed the dishes, she hear her mother call out to her.

"Mordred... I want to ask you a question." Her mother asked her... which is a little weird.. her mother never asked her any question before.. unless it's for school.. like report cards.. thankfully Jaune helped her with her school cause oum's know that she would get at best a B+... and cause of Jaune she got an A at minimum.

"Yeah? What is it."

"Its about your brother..." her mother told her..

'Shit... what the fuck do she want to know about Jaune, did she notice Jaune's heart hurting or someshit?! Shit!? I know I should be more careful! Cause fuck!'

Even with the storm inside her head, Mordred remain calm (on the outside) and talk to her mother.

"What about him?" She looks at her mother's face hoping that she could read it.

"Well.. tell me about him? His favorites stuff.."

Favorite stuff? Well she knows all about Jaune's favorite.

"Well Jaune loves eating berries." Which Mordred Knows because the amount of time she accompany Jaune foraging for berries to the point that they have some stocked in the cave. "He loves dancing too, duh..."

"Dancing? Really? I never sees him dance anymore..." her mother told to her that... which frankly doesn't make sense to Mordred, Jaune always danced with her... almost everyday...

What does she meant that she never see Jaune dance anymor-..... ooooh... oh yeah... she forgot that nowadays Fighting is equal to dancing in Jaune's book.. he basically fucking glides on the ground, that's how smooth his footwork is...

She can't fault her mother for that, Jaune "danced" only with her nowadays including before Miles stopped his training in which Jaune dances with Saphron almost every fucking day... well normal dancing..

"Well.. he only danced with me... so it's okay if you don't know about it.." she tell her mother hoping that it would alleviate her curiosity.

"Okay.... okay... what about... what is his favorite activity? Or places to be exact?" Okay... now this is getting weird.. because why does her mother is asking her about this? Well fuck it.. maybe her mother wanted to be a better mother to Jaune in which Mordred approved.

"Well other than dancing, Jaune's favorite activity is helping people.. doing charity works.. well as much as charity as going around the town helping the people..." Mordred then hummed as she starts to think about what is Jaune favorite place, and after a few second of thinking... she remember how much Fun Jaune have at the beach and it's been a really long while since he goes to the beach..

"As for his favorite place? It's gotta be the beach.. he likes playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean..." weirdly her words about the beach made her mother's eyes twinkle a little... does she plans for us to have a beach trip? Well shit.. that is good, Jaune is going to love it.

"Okay.... well thank you Mordred, Why don't you go and play with your brother and I'll do the dishes... and don't worry, there aren't many dishes left.." her mother offered her jn which she answers with a nod and wash her hands.

"Okay!" After she washed her hands, Mordred quickly get on the stairs to get to Jaune's room.

She can't wait to tell Jaune about what she thinks her mother is going to do.

It's going to be so fun for him.











[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars! And btw there would be an extra chapter uploaded on my patreon which would be chapter 50! I will post the extra chapter for today tomorrow cause i wanna test something! Sorry!... btw chapter 49 and 50 is an interlude about Mordred's immediate reaction to Jaune leaving and the arc family reaction to finding him gone.. so you guys better check out my patreon and join it if you want to read it 20 day in advance i guess... cause i upload once ever 2 days..]

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